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Planet Formation Theories

One thing science has not shown us yet is exactly what is at the center of our planet. You will hear things like a solid metal core etc., but how do we know this is really true. Some say there is a small star in the center of the earth and that is the reason for the molten mass which feeds volcanoes and such. I guess there is even less reason to believe this theory, but it could be possible and this is why I do not like to dismiss things out of hand, even if they sound wrong. One has to wonder, if there is a small star inside the earth could it be known about and the fact hidden. You may wonder why I would say this, but my reasons are simple. A small star might be able to supply all the power we need to power every country on earth for free and there are some people and companies that wouldn’t want that to happen.

Light has been reported coming out of Venus and the Moon so perhaps there could be tiny stars inside them also. Maybe we have everything all wrong when it comes to how planets and some or all moons are created. Perhaps everything over a certain size starts out with a small star center and we can tell which ones have the bigger star centers depending on how dynamic the object is. An example of what I am talking about would be a comparison between the earth and the moon. The earth would have a rather larger star inside for its size than the moon because it is far more volcanic and thus more heat is coming from the center. This statement would probably be scoffed at by most scientists, but I don’t think it should be dismissed until we know for sure what is at the heart of the planets and moons in our solar system, what do you think? One thing we have to remember is the mass of a solar object like the earth is estimated, because we can’t actually weigh it. If there was a heavy star inside we couldn’t tell by estimating the mass.

Stars inside planets and moons are just one theory out of many, there are plenty to go around. What if there is nothing inside the earth at some point. Some might say this can’t be because there would be no volcanic activity, but maybe this is friction inside the earth, because of some mass spinning but it has a hollow center, or maybe the sun is exerting enough pull on the earth to create friction somehow. The hollow earth theory has been around a long time and doesn’t just refer to the earth, but also to the moon and planets. There are those who claim not only are the earth and planets hollow but there could be beings living inside of these places. How many times have I heard people say there is a race of beings living inside the earth? It has happened too many times to count. Some have also said Venus is inhabited, but we know its surface is hellish and have discounted it, but these people have said it is hollow and the inhabitants live inside the planet. It has also been said the moon is hollow and NASA has repeated tests and found when something hits the moon it rings like a bell for quite some time. This has led some NASA scientists to think the moon may indeed be hollow. Could it be we have the process of planet and moon creation wrong in this instance and for some reason the centers of large planetary objects are always hollow?

Maybe when large bodies are created their centers are filled with gas which is trapped during planet formation? The current theory is the planets and probably the moons around them were formed out of a disk of gas and material which surrounded their star.Β  Why couldn’t some of this gas have been trapped in the center of the objects? We think the gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn have a rocky core at their center, but truthfully we cannot be sure. Perhaps we could actually fly a spacecraft through them and come out the other side. When I talk of hollow centers I am only talking about rocky planets such as Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, moons and possibly dwarf planets. I believe we have to actually drill into the center of a planet to find out exactly what is in there unless we develop a new type of instrument which will be able to see into the earth. This would certainly answer a lot of questions.

The most widely held theory about how our solar system formed is called the nebula theory, it was put forth in the late 18th century and stated the solar system condensed from a large cloud of gas and dust. The theory has been around for hundreds of years as you can see. Is it because it is correct or because we can’t figure out anything else? Perhaps someday we will find out if it is totally incorrect. A new discovery may prove the nebula theory wrong. Astronomers from the University of Arizona have found an exoplanet so strange it could not have been formed from a nebula and indeed they claim it should not exist at all. A graduate student of astronomy stated, “this system is especially fascinating because no model of either planet or star formation fully explains what we see.” The planet is HD 106906 b. The planet is so far from its star it is felt it could not have been formed from gasses in the primordial disk of its forming star. The second problem is the disk of the star would not have had enough material to create such a huge planet. The planet is 20 time farther away from its star than Neptune is from our sun and the planet is at least 11 times the mass of Jupiter.

It might turn our there are several different ways planetary bodies could be created. They might be able to be created from hot gases which are not connected to stars, they might be captured into orbit having been created somewhere else in space, they might be created with stars at their centers or hollow and there might be other ways such as gravitational condensation of material. We are just babes in the woods right now. We have some theories which are probably correct, but we surely have others which will need to be revised because they are either incomplete or entirely wrong. This is the way science works, we go with the best guess until something better can be proven.

Oh if we only had a looking glass and could look a thousand years into the future, what we might find out about this subject might prove we have been living in a fool’s paradise, as far as some of our theories go.


