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Interesting Happenings Regarding Space

Okay, so now we have scientists admitting there are traces of methane coming from the Syrtis Major region of Mars. Methane was said to be an import find years ago, because if they found it scientists said it might indicate life exists. Of course this could be any type of life, even planet life. Scientists are now saying they have yet to discover the source of this methane. This region is part of the bigger Nili Fossae region, an area which has intrigued scientists for several reasons. One reason is they believe water has flowed there. Another reason is there are graben systems there. Grabens are blocks of land that have fallen between parallel faults. There are also quite an assortment of minerals in the region.

The rovers on Mars just seem to keep finding things on the surface of Mars. The latest object is what looks exactly like an Egyptian Ankh, which was an ancient Egyptian cross like object. To see the photo copy and paste this address into your browser, http://www.inquisitr.com/1774690/curiosity-rover-photo-reveals-ancient-egyptian-ankh-cross-evidence-of-ancient-mars-culture/. Sorry About Facts does not use live links. How can all the finds which have been made on the surface be ignored and why aren’t people more interested in them? If there was more interest in this subject, more pressure could be exerted on the government to release more un-doctored photos. I was wondering how these types of photos got past the airbrush crew at NASA, who delete anything alien from photos and was told there are some people at NASA who sneak these photos out whenever they can, because they want us to know what is going on. I salute them, if it wasn’t for this, we would know nothing about Mars except for the stories we are being fed. I also find it remarkable what we seem to be finding on Mars bears a resemblance to the ancient Egyptian civilization. It is not just the Ankh I am referring to, but the pyramids, faces and other objects. Even the so called statue which was photographed bears an Egyptian theme.

According to the Inquisitr (website) there is a U.S. plasma physicist and propulsion technologies expert who is saying Mars is the site of a horrific nuclear holocaust which took place millions of years ago. He authored a paper about this which was presented to the American Physical Society. He said, “Analysis of recent Mars isotopic, gamma ray, and imaging data supports the hypothesis that perhaps two immense thermonuclear explosions occurred on Mars in the distant past…” “Analysis rules out large unstable natural nuclear reactors,’ instead, data is consistent with mixed fusion-fission explosions…”Β  He believes there are sites which show eroded archaeological remains. The physicist believes only two nukes were exploded but each one was at least one million megatons. He also stated there is even more evidence for this theory and it is the color of Mars itself and the fact there are high concentrations of Xenon-129 in the atmosphere. These concentrations were noticed during nuclear disasters on earth.

I don’t know how many people have noticed this, but many of the operations NASA is conducting have ancient Egyptian names. There are two reasons why I wonder about this. The first has to do with the Masons who use all sort of ancient Egyptian symbols and the ancient Egyptians themselves. Let’s look at the Rosetta missions for example. This is the mission run by the European Space Agency which recently went to the asteroid 67P. One of the rocks on the asteroid was named Cheops by the scientists. Cheops is another name for the Great Pyramid at Giza. It has incorrectly been said to be the tomb of Cheops, but in truth no Egyptian royalty was ever found in a pyramid. I can understand naming what looks like a pyramid with a pyramid name, but did you know the team name is OSIRIS. In the ancient Egyptian religion Osiris was the father of the god Horus, a very important figure. When NASA discovered an exoplanet 200 times bigger than earth they named it Osiris. What is going on? The NASA Origins-Spectral Interpretation Resource Identification-Security-Rgolith Explorer is known as OSIRIS-Rex. Asteroid (101955) 1999 RQ36 was named Bennu after an Egyptian Bird God. It was said a third grader picked this name. Does your third grader know who Bennu was? NASA named a near earth object 99942 Apophis. Apophis was the ancient Egyptian god of evil. There are many cases of using ancient Egyptian god’s names by our space agency and others and the author Richard said he believes there is a cult of Osiris worshipers in NASA. One of the lead scientists in the Apollo program was Egyptian.

Some very strange radio waves have been hitting us lately. Here is the strange part, scientists are now saying they come from outside our galaxy. It certainly makes one wonder how a wave of this nature can sustain enough energy to travel that distance, but we see waves reaching us every day in the form of light from other stars and galaxies. The waves are known as fast radio bursts and usually only last for about one millisecond. The mystery of these waves is caused by the fact scientists don’t know anything about them except for what I said and don’t know where they come from.

There is an interesting project going on at NASA and that is the construction of a very special submarine. A grant was given to researchers to design a submarine which would be capable of diving into the oceans on Saturn’s moon, Titan. While the grant was only for $100,000 it is believed NASA will be willing to give another $500,000 to any projects it deems ready to go to the second stage of development. It is said these seas are not made of water, but are composed of hydrocarbons. Many scientists are anxious to know what is in those seas. The designer of one of the submarine said the sea on Titan will be like liquid natural gas and believes this is an incredible challenge.

Many think Moon Express is poised to win the Google Lunar XPrize. The prize is $20,000,000 and to win it you must get a spacecraft to the moon, land it, cross a distance of 500 meters and send back high-definition footage to Earth along the way. Moon Express has outlined their thoughts on how they would do this. They would land on the moon, take high definition photos, take off and land a second time at least 500 meters away. The problem is the trickiest thing to do is land on the moon and they are proposing to do it twice. It will be interesting to see if they succeed.

