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Is NASA Irrelevant?

I can’t help but wonder if NASA is even relevant anymore. Some may wonder why I am saying this, so let me explain. One of the things NASA is touting is there supposedly revolutionary SLS. The SLS stands for Space Launch System. There is quite a bit of buzz about it. To tell the truth I was never that impressed from the start. It reminded me of the space shuttle where we strapped on outside tanks to give more lift to a rocket powered vehicle. This is basically how the SLS also works. Strapping more external rockets to a core rocket might create a more powerful rocket, but it certainly is nothing new and I can’t help but remember all the problems we had with the Space Shuttle, because of this technique. Then there is the core rocket the RS-25. This engine is over 30 years old and flew in the Space Shuttle on April 12, 1981. How can anyone call this progress?

When I look at NASA what I see is an agency which seems to be treading water and doing anything they can to avoid taking on the real issues. It is as if they are just playing for time and that is why we haven’t seen any manned missions since Apollo. Sure there will be all sorts of excuses and many of them will have scientists backing them up, but I remember the time before we went to the moon and there were some scientists who thought it was impossible. Why would NASA be trying to take our minds off the fact the Moon and possibly Mars may have ruins, or even bases on them? Could there be a parallel space program we do not know about? It would seem if there was and the government wanted to keep it a secret they might be using NASA as a cover. I am not the only one who feels this way, there are many others and some are in NASA, or have worked for NASA.

Why would the government want to keep a secret space program secret in the first place? One of the reasons could be it is a military secret. Remember when we first saw the F-117? This is the plane known as the Nighthawk. It is the odd looking stealth fighter which suddenly appeared in the skies over Iraq. We didn’t know we had such a plane, even though it had been around for a few years. It does make one wonder what other weapons are out there which we know nothing about. It is almost a sure thing we have a plane called the Aurora which can go into orbit and by now there is probably a third generation of this plane and there is almost certainly breakthroughs in areas which seem like science fiction. We have been working on antigravity engines since sometime around 1945 when we first captured the experimental German ones. Boeing even hired the world’s leading expert on the subject from Russia years ago. Nothing was heard about this for years then word started leaking out we had perfected not one antigravity engine but three different models.

It is also suspected we may have discovered a way to travel faster than light and have also discovered that Einstein had an error in his formulation which stated it was impossible to travel faster than light. I also remember the days when scientists told us it was impossible to travel faster than sound and we all know what happened with that. Again I have to ask the question if we discovered these technologies and have some sort of space fleet why is it secret? Some say it is secret because it was created as a defense not against any other nation, but against an alien force which we know has been watching us and we feel is not friendly. Various studies have been done by the government which advised them not to tell us about the existence of aliens, because they suggested we couldn’t handle it and it would destroy civilization. There will always be some people who are too weak to handle adversity, but I am sure most of us would deal with it.

Others say the government does not know for sure what is going on and has found ruins on the Moon and Mars, but they suggest a different scenario. They say the structures which are now ruins were not built by aliens at all, they were built by us in a distant past when we were more advanced than we are now. They suggest we built structures all over the solar system and we are being kept from knowing this. I say we seem to be too quick to give aliens credit for things and this possibility could be true, after all look at all the amazing very ancient structures we are finding right here which are so old they shouldn’t exist from the time period they were in. Pyramids are being discovered all over this planet and they are from a time far more distant that the Great Pyramid in Egypt. So how do these believers account for the fact we are not more advanced and the structures seem to be in ruins? They claim there was a nuclear war and we were bombed back to the Stone Age.

As with any theory, it is only a guess based on a possibility, but there is a good chance it could be correct. We have found ancient ruined cities on this planet which seem to still be radioactive where you can see people were struck down where they stood. They certainly look like they were the victims of nuclear war. There is another thing to consider and that is why would aliens travel all the way here to be on our moon, what is so special about it? There has to be other moons which have the same composition throughout the galaxy which would be closer to the aliens than our moon. The most likely creatures to go to our moon would be us since it is so close to us. Turmoil might have been caused when we stepped out of our own solar system and collided with a more advanced race or we may have destroyed ourselves in a war.

Since NASA doesn’t seem that relevant to me anymore it makes me wonder if we are exploring space or just sort of traveling to the Moon and Mars? According to some whistleblowers we can now travel just about anywhere we want, which includes other star systems. It just might turn out we have relations with many other races already and the purpose of NASA is to make us think we are much further behind in technology than we are. If this is their purpose they have succeeded brilliantly. Yes we have been thrown a few crumbs like visits to dwarf planets and an asteroid or two. We have even sent probes to other worlds and have gotten pictures, but we could have had so much more if we had manned voyages. We get little peaks of this when the Mars rovers send back strange photos which did not go through airbrushing for some reason.


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