Truth Facts



Things in Space May Not Work the Way We Think

There are a lot of what could be called weird things in space, along with other things which just seem strange. I saw a photo the other day of a galactic group which seemed to form a smiley face. I guess with a universe so vast it is possible to find images of almost anything. Several years ago, astronomers found what looked like the DNA helix in space. Our brains are trained to look at things and fill in missing parts so these objects look like things we are used to. This is why we see so many familiar shapes when we look at clouds, fields of rocks and just patterns in general.

Because our brains do this it makes it harder to know if we are actually seeing what we think we are. Take Mars for example, many different faces are said to have been discovered on the planet. One face on the planet has been mentioned many times and it is not the face which was discovered by the Viking 1 probe or the Viking 2 probe, that was a different face. Here is the address of the face I am talking about. You can copy and paste it into your browser’s address area. Sorry Truth Facts doesn’t use live outside links.
The face which was discovered by the Vikings can be viewed at this address:
It has been maligned by scientists and yet, much of the face’s data has been kept from us. The face has been made to look like it doesn’t exist, but this was a planned event. Out of 256 shades of color only 16 were used so the features would not stand out, which angered some scientists who were not in league with the others who were conducting a planned disinformation campaign.

Mars was like earth at one time, but you don’t hear much about that. This is a very important fact, because if Mars and Earth were very similar, then there is a good chance intelligent life evolved there. There seems to be enough proof on Mars for this if we were allowed to see it. I digress however, because I should be discussing other strange things which appear throughout our universe. One of those things which seems impossible is the cloud formation at the north pole on the planet Saturn. Saturn is the second biggest planet in our solar system and is surrounded by dense rings. What makes the clouds so strange is the fact they form a hexagon. How can nature form something like this, it seems impossible, yet there it is? Even scientists are not sure how this happened. One explanation they gave was there were the clouds were traveling at different speeds at the center from the edges. Does this seem reasonable to you for hexagon formation?

One would think we would know what galaxies are near our own. With the advent of powerful telescopes, it seems there were no more galaxies to be discovered in our area, and yet we just discovered a new massive one near the Milky Way. There are smaller galaxies which rotate around the Milky Way. For many years it seemed we knew about all of them then we discovered another one recently. It has been named Ant 2. It is large for a satellite galaxy being about 1/3 the size of our galaxy. The question is why didn’t we see it before? The scientists are telling us it is extremely dim and very low density and was hidden behind the Milky Way’s bright central disc. It is believed the galaxy is very old and rivals the size of the Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy which galaxy orbits our own. It is ten thousand times fainter than the Magellanic Cloud Galaxy. Scientists do not understand why this galaxy has so few stars. Some scientists believe this newly discovered galaxy might point towards new fundamental forces at work and could alter the way we think about dark matter.

Back to Mars. Something has been discovered on Mars which seems to be a rock which is hovering above the ground. The rock was spotted in photos from the Mars Rovers. Some are saying this is not a rock, but some sort of a spaceship. Others think there was once an advanced race that lived on Mars and this floating rock has something to do with technology which was left behind when they left the planet. It has been estimated the rock is floating between ten to twelve inches above the ground. NASA says the rock is not floating, but should we have expected a different answer from them?

A rogue planet has been discovered. A rogue planet is an exoplanet traveling through space on its own. There are a few planets like this we know about and also some rogue stars. We have assumed some powerful force has expelled them from their parent solar system and maybe even galaxies. This rogue planet is only twenty light years away from us. What makes this planet even stranger is the fact its magnetic field is four million times greater than the Earths. It is surrounded by auras. This is the first time a radio telescope has observed a planet beyond our solar system. All the observations of exoplanets up to this time have been done with optical telescopes. The planet is SIMP J01365663+0933473.

Why is this magnetic field so powerful if nothing is near the planet to cause this? The planet is hot having a temperature on the surface of about 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit and it is estimated the reason for this is leftover heat from its formation, which scientists believe was only 200 million years ago. The planet Jupiter was thought to have an incredible magnetic field which was measured to be about 20,000 times that of Earth, but SIMP puts that to shame. Scientists are trying to figure out if SIMP has a moon orbiting it.

Scientists have finished studying nineteen galaxies. They were examining the galaxies to get a more precise figure for the expansion of the universe, and what they found cemented the fact instead of slowing down as was expected, the universe is expanding faster than it ever has and is picking up speed. There used to be a theory which stated the universe’s expansion would slow down and eventually everything would come back together and there would be another big bang and it would expand again, but now this no longer seems possible. One theory states the universe will expand forever and everything will eventually be incredibly far apart from each other.

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