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Secret Space Missions and Other Space Secrets

We are sending a probe nearer to the sun than we ever have before. We have sent probes to many different planets and two are even escaping our solar system but because of their speed they won’t reach the next solar system for about 40,000 years. There is a very good likelihood before this ever happens a human spacecraft will fly past it traveling much faster and might even capture one of the two Voyager probes to bring it back to a museum on earth. We know a lot about space probes but do we know all of them which have been launched or are there some secret space probes we would be surprised to find out about?

There seems to be some secrets concerning space programs. Take for example one that Astronomy Magazine had written about. During the Cold War everyone wanted to steal data from everyone else. We were no exception and knew the Soviets had a secret channel they used to communicate with their satellites and probes but it was well hidden. The U.S. threw a lot of people at the problem. The channel could not be found even though the search went on for over twenty years, then one day after the twenty first year we found the channel. The story had come out after one NASA report and two CIA reports became declassified. One has to wonder why we threw so many assets into this probe and probably spent millions of dollars just to find out some planetary data. Did we believe we would get something more out of this than just this type of data or was this some sort of practice run on finding hidden signals as a prelude to a war which never came?

One space mystery revolves around the X-37B a space plane developed by the United States which was put into orbit for almost two years. What was it doing and why was the mission secret? The space plane was unmanned and acted like a sort of drone. Here is the irony, an Atlas rocket carried it into space but the Atlas rockets use Russian rocket engines in one of their stages. When the Air Force was asked about the mission they gave this cryptic answer. The orbiters “perform risk reduction, experimentation and concept-of-operations development for reusable space vehicle technologies.” Not too much information there. In case anyone wonders what this cost us, the cost has been classified. I guess they don’t want us to know because it is so outrageous. Some people think they know what the X-37B is and they say it was designed to take out other country’s space vehicles. The Air Force says definitely not to that idea and claims it is just a test bed for different technologies to be tried. Boeing is the prime contractor and it is believed they built two space planes.

There have been quite a few triangular spacecraft seen in the skies and reported as UFOs. Interestingly some experts believe they are not alien UFOs but part of the secret U.S. space program. There has been some indication over the years which some say reinforces this theory. They cite the fact triangular spacecraft have been seen escorted by helicopters and some have said they detected radiation coming from them which might have meant they had a nuclear propulsion system. There are even those who also tie in pyramidal spacecraft and claim they also are part of a secret space program. The triangular shaped aircraft seem to have started appearing only relatively recently. Many suspect they are the TR-3B craft which is suspected to exist in the U.S. Military.

When we talk about the space station, that is the International Space Station we talk about it like it is the only one in space at the moment. Some people would dispute this. It is said there are several more space stations in orbit which is not general knowledge. According to the National Reconnaissance Office or NRO controls other space stations which are cloaked and in near earth orbit. They claim the equipment on them is at least fifty years more advanced than the equipment on the International Space Station or ISS. If the United States has orbited cloaked space stations you can bet other countries have either tried or succeeded in doing this.

The space shuttle program had 135 missions and no we did not know what all those missions were about. Some space shuttle missions were classified. ­­We still don’t know much about these missions all these years later. STS-4 was a classified shuttle mission. It was said it was sent up to test infrared sensors. That was all that was said about the mission except for the fact it failed since there was some sort of problem with a lens cover. The shuttle mission STS-51C was kept a secret. All the U.S. Air Force would tell us is it met its objectives. It is believed it had something to do with intelligence and signals. There were plenty of other secret shuttle missions. At least nine more were known plus the fact secret operations could have been carried out on the missions we think we knew about.

When the secret space program is talked about people like to mention things like very fast spaceships and traveling to other star systems, but none of this may be true. The secret space program may just apply to many secret missions and perhaps better equipment. There has to be a reason trillions of dollars are missing from the military budget and a secret space fleet could be the reason for it. I have to wonder what it would feel like to become president and be told officially there is something like fifteen trillion dollars missing over the years from the military budget but it was used for a secret space program so you can never mention it even when the government is being criticized for it.

One thing I know for sure was a statement made by a top Russian general several years ago who said they lost the space race to us. He was not talking about the landing on the moon. He was talking about getting into space now. Apparently, he knew something we don’t know and it is too bad for us that it is unknown. Is there something we have accomplished in space and kept secret? Did we land humans on other planets and perhaps have a human base on both the moon and Mars? If one believes the photos which have come to light it might be a possibility and there seems to be whistleblower testimony from former NASA works to back this up.

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