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The Mars Mystery

Sometimes what we hear may not be what the message actually is. A scientist believes the announcement by NASA stating they have found the building blocks of life on Mars is really NASA saying there IS life on Mars but saying that in public would be going too far. For some reason the government thinks they have to spoon feed us with the information they find because they believe we are not capable of bearing the burden of the entire truth either because we are too dumb or too scared. I don’t know if the scientist is correct in assuming some people at NASA were really trying to alert us to the fact there was life on Mars, but I do know two things for sure. The first is there are people at NASA who occasionally sneak out photos of ruins and such and I also know there was a previous report compiled by a think tank and commissioned by the government which reached the conclusion we couldn’t handle the truth and it would destroy society.

Mars has an interesting history as far as humans dealing with it. Humans have often thought in the past there was life on Mars. When the radio broadcast of War of the Worlds took place in 1938 many people accepted the story as the truth and there was a panic among some of them. The show had many commercial breaks but somehow these people either thought there were commercial breaks in an emergency news broadcast or they missed them because they tuned in late and panicked as soon as they heard the story and ran out of their homes. I think we are a lot more sophisticated and this wouldn’t happen today, but the truth is there will always be a few people who might react this way, but it certainly would be far less than in 1938. I believe the bulk of society would be interested in seeing aliens.

One of the secrets about Mars which has been breached is Mars cannot support life because it has a thin or almost no atmosphere. We have started to hear just the opposite lately. We are now being told in the past Mars was covered by vast sheets of ice. Where did all this ice go? There is some thought which states the ice melted and turned to water which sunk into the earth which means there might be vast underground lakes and maybe oceans on Mars. What do you have a very good chance of getting on a planet which has the building blocks of life and lakes or oceans? If we agree with the theory that life is being seeded on earth from space and this is how life started, then we also have to think all the other planets, dwarf planets, asteroids and comets were also being seeded. This does not mean they all had the right conditions for life to take hold, but it does mean there was a chance. When we talk about Mars there are a couple of things we should think about when wondering if life developed. The first thing is what was the planet like in the past because it was probably a lot different. The second thing is if there was fish in those waters, there could also be animals and such.

Scientists were excited a couple of years back when they found traces of methane on Mars. What caused this excitement? That is an easy question to answer because animal life on earth produces this gas and as most of us know cows are the biggest producers and are responsible for much damage to the atmosphere. The average cow produces so much methane a year it does as much damage as four tons of carbon dioxide. I only mention this to show why finding methane on Mars was so exciting. I am not saying there are cows on Mars, but there is a chance animals might exist.

Mars has been exciting humans for many eons. Its red color in the sky was one of the reasons the ancients called Mars the god of war. The fascination probably reached its peak when Giovanni Schiaparelli was making an observation of Mars in 1877 through a telescope and thought he saw canals. He created illustrations which showed these lines and called them canali. Astronomers of the time were so fascinated they began to observe Mars and create their own drawings of the canals.
In the early 1900s a controversy developed between those astronomers who saw canals when they looked at Mars and those who didn’t. Percival Lowell believed in the canals so much he made even more detailed drawings of them and ironically Schiaparelli thought some of this was in the imagination of Lowell. Getting back to the word canali, it doesn’t necessarily mean canal. It has several meanings which are "canal", "channel", "duct" or "gully".

Does the planet Mars have the best chance of harboring life in our solar system? The truth is when you look at it; it seems to have suffered from some cataclysm which has turned most of it into a desert. There are several theories which state Mars was hit with nuclear weapons and a couple of scientists have said they found isotopes which are only created during a nuclear explosion. This fits into a theory which states in very ancient times there was a nuclear war and the earth, Mars, the moon and possibly other planets or moons were bombed. The theory even goes on to say we humans were a lot more advanced and had bases through the solar system and got into a war with an even more advanced race or races and they bombed us back to the stone age and that is why there are ruins on the moon and Mars.

We have to get humans to Mars and it certainly would be nice if we were told the truth for once about what they find. The surface seems to have quite a lot of fossils and I am betting some of them could indicate there was intelligent life on Mars at one time.

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