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More on the Search for Alien Life

There is so much talk lately about finding life on other planets. It has almost become something we expect to find. Since we live on a water planet, water excites scientists in this search because they believe there is a better chance of finding life in water since we know there are myriad types of life in our oceans and lakes. Fish and other life abound in the ocean and we still don’t know what else might be down there because there is still a lot of ocean left to be explored. We are just finding out about things under the Antarctic which we didn’t know about which proves we don’t know everything about the poles. It could be there might be some other type of environment which would be even more conducive to life than water, but because we are familiar with water and much of the life in it we think of water as being the best place to find life.

I remember seeing a Star Trek episode where life was rock like and living on a volcanic planet which was very hot. We laughed at this at the time but so much has come true from Star Trek it now seems it might be possible and why not since we have found life living over hot volcanic vents in the ocean without the tremendous heat even bothering them. I have talked a lot about the fact alien life might be so strange we might not recognize it. Can you imagine an astronaut flying to a strange planet and getting off the ship and stepping into goo which turned out to be a sentient life form which get angered and wipes them all out? There is life on earth which we don’t recognize easily either because it hides inside other things or has the power to disguise itself. Camouflage exists on many different forms of life right here.

I wrote an article sometime back which explained among other things there was a scientist who believed water was alive and did several experiments to prove it. Maybe water will lead to the discovery of alien life but it might happen in a way we least expect. Water beings might be found who are completely composed of this stuff. This also was a plot in a movie where mining was going on under the ocean and water beings appeared. We could even take this a step further and talk about the fact there could be beings who are vaporous. They might be composed of a material which is something like aerogel which is the lightest material and mostly made of air yet is very sturdy.

We have been finding out more every day about how plants are able to do things even though they don’t have a brain. They can defend themselves in some instances, trace where the sun is to get more of its rays and even trap and eat insects. Maybe in our trips into space we might run into intelligent plant beings. Nothing is off the table. I like to refer to science fiction movies when I talk about this stuff because so many times they hit the nail on the head. The original movie “The Thing” was about a being who was on a UFO buried under the ice and thawed out and he came alive and attacked everyone. This being was said to be a vegetable and resembled the carrot family. Could this come to pass?

Lately the hot topic has been beings from another dimension. String theory is responsible for many scientists thinking there is a multiverse out there. What would a being from another dimension be like and could we even be able to see it? Remember we have limited vision when we consider the vast range of waves in the universe. Sure, we can see what we think is everything but maybe, just maybe we are wrong and a being from another dimension could be outside our spectrum of vision. Some say this could even mean they are here and we don’t know it.

Who is to say there couldn’t be beings made of what we would call soil. Maybe our astronaut gets out of his spaceship and walks along not realizing he is not stepping on the dirt but on creatures which live in such a way they seem like a layer of dirt or soil. Maybe they are not even made of soil but just cover themselves with it for some reason and are more like plasma. When I talk about alien life being possible I can’t help but think of all the things in the universe we can’t see. It could turn out that most life in the universe is out of the range of our vision.

We might not even be able to eliminate life from being on places which we have completely ruled out, such as those planets baking in the heat and radiation of their stars and even the stars themselves. Yes, it seems impossible life could exist on the sun but the universe is so mysterious and we know so little about it we might get a surprise about this someday. There have been many UFOs seen near the sun and some people have a theory they are fueling up, but what if that isn’t the case at all and they are visiting beings on the sun? I know by now you are probably rolling on the floor and laughing but sometimes the most absurd things come true.

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