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Ancient Humans and Water on the Moon

We just keep finding suspicious things on earth. By suspicious I mean things which don’t fit the norm we have become used to. To give you an idea of what I am talking about I am going to mention what an investigator believes he has discovered from satellite views of Antarctica. He believes he has discovered buildings. I think at this point I have to comment on the fact human society has been found to be getting older every year as scientists discover proof humans existed in places long before they first suspected. This is not to say the investigator is correct in his assumption there are buildings in Antarctica, but he says he found four of them and they form an area which is triangular with one in the middle of the triangle which in itself is unusual. Some of the buildings seem to be horseshoe shaped which in itself is odd. The buildings all cast shadows proving whatever they are they are tall. One of the objects has a triangular top. This has caused some to say what is usually said when structures are found in strange places and that is Atlantis has been found.

Another discovery which was announced puts water on the moon. This opens the door to all sorts of things such as the possibility life could exist on the moon. If you say there is no air there you would be correct but it has been proven on earth microbes can live without air and even without the traditional nourishment which seems necessary for life by digesting minerals which supply what they need. The discovery of water on the moon has other implications and one of these are a human colony or base could exist on the moon much more easily with a supply of water. A team of physicists from the countries of Germany and Japan made the discovery lakes, large lakes, once existed on the moon. I guess that begs the question of where did they go? Could they have sank into the interior of the moon?

Scientists seem to have a renewed interest in the fact the human race may be older than first thought. There has been what some call evidence found which show humans with dinosaurs. Ancient stones were found which pictured humans and dinosaurs which are known as the Ica stones. Most scientists disregard these stones and don’t believe they are authentic. There are 15,000 of these stones so it seems if they were a hoax they would be the work of a lifetime. Some show complex heart transplants, acupuncture and even a caesarean operation. The stones were discovered by a Peruvian physician named Javier Cabrera Darquea in 1966. He had found a huge cash of these stones when the Ica River overflowed its banks which destroyed a nearby mountain and exposed a cave which was loaded with the stones. One farmer under pressure of the Peruvian government said he created the stones but this is highly unlikely and Darquea said the stones have been analyzed and the carvings on them are at least 25,000 years old and if that was when they were carved the people around then would not have known what a dinosaur looked like or anything about the operations depicted so it seems there may have been an advanced race on earth long before that time.

I can’t help but feel we are not getting the right information about how long humans have been on this planet and it is all clouded by the fact if anyone goes against the theory of evolution they are usually punished in some way. It is true we have loosened up a bit about this but there is still a stigma attached to bucking the trend. Science keeps discovering older Homo sapien bones as illustrated by a find in a Moroccan mine which yielded the 300,000 year old remains of Homo sapiens. This goes completely against the idea humans evolved in East Africa 200,000 years ago. It does make one wonder what other discoveries are out there just waiting for us which will show even older fossils of human bones. One scientist from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology said “I was expecting them to be old, but not that old.” This would mean humans were probably already present all over Africa 300,000 years ago so they couldn’t have started out in East Africa when first thought.

There is a theory held by a few which state something which most people find absurd. I think it is worth mentioning just because it is interesting, not because I necessarily believe it. These people believe we came from the moon. They claim the moon is hollow and is a spaceship which was towed here and if the moon is carefully examined you can see where the anchors were placed to tow it. They go on to cite the fact when NASA crashed a rocket into the moon it rang like a bell for over an hour and this proved the moon was hollow. Now that we know water existed on the moon could it have been used to sustain humans?

One has to wonder what discoveries were made which affect us which have been kept secret. Over the years there has been leaks about things which if true would certainly change human history. These discoveries include pyramids which are incredibly old and make the Great Pyramid in Egypt just a baby in the scheme of things. Other discoveries are not only of structures which are too old and too precise to have been made by humans if they were in the caveman stage. Then there are the discoveries of objects inside ancient stones and coal which shouldn’t exist. Could humans not be hundreds of thousands of years old but many millions?

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