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Traveling into Space

The United States has strictly monitored all things space. There are signs this is about to change since there is now talk about our next moon mission which would change this. Ideas are being put forward which would include private companies cooperating with NASA in a new moon landing. There is other talk about a whistleblower who works for the Lockheed Skunk Works which is the top-secret arm of Lockheed that develops some of the secret aircraft for the military. It is being claimed he or she has stated we are about to release technology which will enable us to travel to the stars. This technology if released would no doubt make trips to planets in our own solar system much less time consuming. There has been rumors for year this technology existed, perhaps all those rumors were true.

When it comes to space travel our robotic endeavors have been sufficient if we are talking about exploring the solar system, but painfully slow. If we are talking about exploring outside the solar system we are still waiting for Voyager to reach another star system and it is predicted we have another 40,000 years to go. Clearly this is obviously insufficient. The way former directors of Lockheed Skunk Works have talked I have to think we have not only discovered a way to travel faster than light and kept it secret, but we have found a way to travel a LOT faster. I say this for different reasons, but the deathbed statement by Ben Rich the former head of the Skunk Works says it all. He said, “We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do.”

If this comes about we are going to enter a new age of man. One of the first things we will probably discover will be many other different races. With the number of planets and star systems out there one has to believe if we could travel around our galaxy we would have to meet others. The estimate of the number of stars in the Milky Way is anywhere around 100 billion to 400 billion stars. This is a NASA estimate. Let’s say there are 250 billion stars for the sake of argument and each star has an average of 3 planets. My simple math skills would seem to indicate that is 750 billion planets. If one planet in 100 had life of some kind that would mean there was life on billions of planets. If that is thought to be an over estimation than we can say there might be life on millions of planets. That is still a lot of life. It would be interesting to see how much of that life is intelligent.

If private companies are getting involved with this will any more information trickle out to us? Since Lockheed and several other aerospace companies have been involved with the government for many years, I would think we still won’t know everything which is going on. I say this because they have kept secrets for decades. The only time anything comes out is when someone seems to be dying and feels they have nothing to lose. We know there has to be more to the space program than they are telling us because evidence crops up from time to time. Take for instance the appearance of black triangular craft from which are silent and can travel extremely slow without losing altitude. There have also been reports of these craft. Many believe this is a secret Air Force Plane named the TR3B. The TR3B is said to be able to out maneuver all current fighter jets and yet has been around since the last century. It is said the reason it can hover and travel so slowly is the fact it uses helium inside its frame but also has powerful engines available when needed.

The United States has always been a leader in inventions. I say this because I wouldn’t be surprised if we were able to invent things which were kept secret which would amaze us. Let me give you an example of what I am talking about. Years ago, one aerospace company began work on anti-gravity and even acquired the world’s leading expert a scientist from Russia who was famous there. He worked in conjunction with American scientists and that had to be 15 to 20 years ago. We haven’t heard anything official about anti-gravity advances since then but by now there were probably some made. The last thing I heard which was not official was from a couple of years ago when it was said there were at least two different types of anti-gravity engines which were developed.

Other things which were being worked on were said to be nuclear engines, space warp, unlimited power, time travel and interdimensional travel. The nuclear engine seems to just be a form of rocket although it is fast, but far from fast enough for interstellar travel. Space warp drive has been rumored to exist but for the life of me I can’t understand it. It is said to bend space around a ship. While interdimensional travel would be exciting, it doesn’t seem to be useful for normal space travel, but I certainly could be in error about that. The most interesting rumor for me is that of unlimited power. Scientists have been claiming even empty space has the potential for providing power. If a ship could harness this power known as zero-point power, there might be so much of it a ship could reach undreamed of speeds and be able to travel anywhere in the galaxy and maybe even to other galaxies.

Things are about to happen in space in the next few years which people who were born in my time never would have dreamed of. I hope I get a chance to see at least a little of it before I die. Those who are being born today are going to see some incredible things and perhaps meet incredible beings.

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