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Planetary and Space News

There are a lot of interesting things going on at the planetary scale so I would like to talk about some of them first. The first thing I would like to mention is the fact what looks like a sphinx has been discovered on Mars and it even seems to be the same size as the one on earth and it appears in photos taken by NASA. The head looks more lion like but this reminds me of the fact many people believe the head was changed on the sphinx on earth. It is said the original sphinx head was that of a lion. Some archaeologists have suggested the present head is far too small for its body and it is thought the original head was removed and the pharaoh’s head installed. This would mean the sphinx on Mars has the same type of original head as the one in Egypt previously had. Sure, this is all supposition but it is fun to contemplate and there is more. A recent book by two archaeologists suggests there is an underground maze of tunnels under our sphinx and maybe an underground city and this fact is being hidden from us. Could there be an underground city under the sphinx on Mars? You can see the sphinx on Mars by copying the address below and pasting it into your web browser’s address bar. Sorry Truth Facts doesn’t use live outside links.

Another strange thing has been found on Mars. Before I talk about it I just want to say photos have been turning up for years which show unusual things on the planet Mars and again these photos are NASA’s own photography. This time a stone head has turned up which looks like a carving someone made of a male with a beard who has large animal like ears. Some have described it as a carving of the head of the ancient Greek god Pan. It appears in an article by the newspaper Express. Sometimes we are told we are imagining things because humans have a habit of seeing things which their brain finishes to form familiar objects, but if you look at this it is hard to imagine in is anything else than what is seems, a head of some sort. NASA denies this is what it is of course. This has to be seen so I am listing the address of it below and you can copy it then paste it into your web browser.

Here is something which happened which we are just supposed to think was a coincidence happening after all the photos have been coming out about Mars showing what look to me and many others as runs on the Red Planet. Scientists are calling for protection of geological and HISTORICAL sites on other planets. Well they might as well just come out and say it, they think there are ruins in other places besides the earth. They may deny this and say no they are just anticipating what could be found which should be protected but there have been whispers going around for years which indicate to me there are at least some scientists who believe there was habitation by intelligent life on Mars and maybe the moon and this fact has been covered up. There are plenty of sites on the internet where you can view NASA photos which show all sorts of incredible things and even tell about NASA whistleblowers who have seen things of interest on Mars.

I just have to talk about this because it sounds so crazy. I know I have mentioned some whacky theories over the years and sometimes that is precisely why I talked about them, for their entertainment value. A Russian scientist has come out and actually stated the reason we haven’t found any extraterrestrials yet (this is his opinion) is the fact they were all killed by evil killer robots. I think this guy has watched too many cheap sci-fi movies. He thinks this is the reason we haven’t been able to track any aliens down. Maybe this could be because the universe is so vast and our signals are just not fast enough to reach any other civilizations in a reasonable amount of time or maybe it is because the extraterrestrials don’t want to bother with us, who knows? To come out and make the incredible statement he did makes me think he is not wrapped too tight.

It is beginning to look like NASA has decided to take on commercial partners for at least some of its missions. That has been the talk around town lately. Companies like SpaceX would offer a cheaper alternative to expensive NASA rocket launches and there is no shortage of other companies who also would want to partner up with NASA. Maybe this would get us around the solar system quicker because some of these companies are able to get from project development to the actual stage of doing something much faster than NASA. It is believed the key to a sustained moon presence are commercial partners and NASA wants companies to provide robotic missions to the moon in 2019 ahead of sending humans there. It seems because countries are moving to get to the moon it has lit a fire under NASA.

Remember all those science fiction shows which talked about sleeper ships? Perhaps you remember the Star Trek episode called Space Seed where the crew of the Enterprise came across a space ship from earth which was launched hundreds of years before and contained humans who were in hibernation? At any rate hibernation chambers are now being developed by scientists. NASA and SpaceWorks Enterprises are working on a stasis chamber. The chamber is not individual pods as in the movies. It will allow astronauts to have their metabolic activity and temperature brought to a point of mild hypothermia. It is said this would allow astronauts to sleep for up to two weeks at a time. The crew could then alternate taking turns in the chamber.

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