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Searching for Intelligent Life

When we look for life on alien worlds or even in space we have to think out of the box. We are currently not doing that. The first thing we have to figure out is could there be intelligent life so small or so large we wouldn’t notice? We are used to seeing insects on our planet, but have we ever thought tiny insects could have developed which have intelligence equal to ours or even surpassing ours on some of the worlds out there. I don’t want to exaggerate but we could land on a planet someday, step out of our ship and crush the life out of some intelligent being which was under foot without even knowing it. Do we always notice when we step on a tiny ant as we walk along? The answer is no, we usually are not always looking down, but we might have to if we get on an alien planet. Can you imagine us starting a war because we did this? Yeah, I know it sounds way out there, but anything is possible.

There has been a theory going around for many years which states there could be something on the opposite end of the spectrum and that is an intelligent being so vast, the universe is really just part of his or her body and we are so insignificant we don’t have any way of knowing this as we fly around the creature’s atoms (planets). Some say the same could be true for the creature who might also be inside an even larger creature and not know it. I have heard it said if we could eventually trace these creatures to their ultimate end we would find we are a miniscule part of God. I know what I am saying sounds strange, but we really don’t know much about the universe, but we try and fool ourselves by saying how it was created, but none of these theories explain nothing turning into something or answer the question when did the universe first come about. They only apply to the universe we think we know which might only be a small part of the universe that exists. We don’t know how big the true universe might be because we can only see a limited distance.

We have not put much study into looking for life in the atmospheres of planets including our own. There have been some theories which state there could be life existing in the clouds we don’t know about. It would not necessarily be intelligent life, which it probably won’t be, but it could be some form of life. One scientist did claim alien life was found living in earth’s atmosphere. He claims an alien organism was found attached to a balloon which was sent high into the atmosphere. The scientist was from the University of Sheffield and Buckingham University. The balloon was designed to gather samples of organisms which might live in the stratosphere. What they found was a single cell organism known as a diatom which is a type of algae. They think it is alien because they gathered it during the recent Perseid meteor shower and believe this meteor shower brought the life to us. So, what does this mean? Rather than life living in the earth’s atmosphere is it living on meteors and being brought here and does it stay in the atmosphere and if this is the case will we find the same type of life living in the atmospheres of some other planets? This type of life would certainly not be intelligent.

Something has happened in the scientific community, scientists have started to consider the fact alien life even if it turns out to be intelligent could really look weird. One scientist said the universe was a really big place and anything we could imagine might exist. We know on earth biology adapts itself in many cases to its surroundings. Many organisms live in conditions which would kill us even though we are on the same planet. When we look at some science fiction movies we see intelligent creatures living on planets which are so hot flames are shooting up from the ground. We used to think this was silly, but now many feel intelligent creatures could have adapted to this as some life on earth has adapted to high temperatures. Finding out we had organisms which came from this planet and could live in space for months was a surprise to science at the time and led us to believe maybe intelligent creatures could live in space without special equipment. Even a blob of material might be intelligent.

One of the more intelligent animals on this planet is the octopus. There may be even more intelligent animals which are octopus like living in oceans on alien planets and moons. It doesn’t matter if the oceans are freezing cold or boiling hot, there could still be intelligent life in them. We have all sorts of creatures living in our oceans near vents on the seafloor which are putting out boiling water and yet they thrive. Some places we think can’t support human life have been challenged by whistleblowers. Mars is a prime example of this. A few whistleblowers have come forward and said Mars is a lot more like earth than we have been told and can support life.

Life doesn’t only have to exist on a planet or moon, it could also have been carried to a dwarf planet, an asteroid and maybe even to places we least suspect like black holes. There was a theory which stated there could be a universe inside a black hole, but as we know theories are like wishes sometimes, they seldom come true. One scenario was there could be people like creatures on planets inside a black hole who could never get enough energy to escape the black hole and perhaps we are inside even a more massive black hole and don’t know it. Some have thought there could be other dimensions inside these holes. I don’t know if we will ever gain the technology which might make us able to detect life inside a black hole. 

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