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Scientific Theories Can Be Very Wrong

There is definitely something wrong with some of the methods being used to determine the answers to scientific problems. Not being a scientist it is hard for me to imagine how anyone could figure out how much mass is in the universe and then say 90% of it is missing so it must be dark matter. If I were talking to a scientist I would have to ask him how we could possibly ever know the mass of the universe since we really don’t know how big it is. All we know is somewhere around thirteen billion light years away we are finding some very old galaxies. Many scientists believe these are from the Big Bang. By the way even the Big Bang Theory could be wrong, but I don’t want to digress. We have no idea what is past these old galaxies and by the way scientists were mystified by the fact that not every single one of them is old. Once we get to see what is past these galaxies we might find the universe extends forever and there are more galaxies, stars and planets. It seems to me the information which is being pursued in this matter could turn out to be the most worthless of all. If scientists came up with the answer to their problem tomorrow and then we find out the universe is infinite or at least a heck of a lot bigger than we thought, all of the time wasted calculating the mass in the universe would be just that, wasted time.

Sometimes we are given complex solutions to what I believe could be very simple problems. I saw an article the other day which claimed to have solved the reason dogs are so happy to see us when we come home. The scientists stated the reason dogs are so happy to see you when you come home is they recognize your smell. While I believe this area of their brain may be set off, I thought I knew what reason which made more sense and that is you leave the house and a dog has no way of knowing you will ever come home and when they see you they are so relieved you are back they greet you. Of course this is probably too simple a reason for scientists and maybe that is the problem. Could it be some of the simple reasons for things are being lost in favor of far more complex reasons?

One of the most complex answers is to the problem of human evolution. Scientists have treated human evolution like a jigsaw puzzle. The difference between a jigsaw puzzle we use and the one they are using is we fit the pieces together that go together, what they are doing is forcing pieces together that don’t necessarily fit. Just because we are told a certain skeleton which is similar to one which came before it but only slightly different has evolutionary advancements really doesn’t mean we can be sure the first skeleton was the ancestor of the second. Trying to figure out the evolution of humans is extremely hard and may not even be possible. Some scientists believe we just appeared almost out of nowhere. Is it any more nonsensical to think humans may have come from somewhere else rather than having evolved from apes? If one doesn’t believe in evolution many scientists are more than happy to call them ignorant and yet there are some scientists who don’t believe in it, but are not willing to say that, because they know it will affect their livelihood.

One of the things scientists have been trying to figure out for many years is why humans sleep. All kinds of theories have been put forth such as it lets the brain get rid of unnecessary clutter or it helps us remember the things we have learned. There is a problem with this. The first problem is it can’t be proved, the second problem is plants go through dormant stages also and they have no brains. We know we are supposed to get about eight hours sleep every night, but scientists have found a gene that had a mutation which allowed people to exist on only 2 to 4 hours sleep a night and they had no adverse effects at all. It could turn out we might be able to live without sleep.

We are told there are eight planets in our solar system, we used to be told there were nine until somebody decided Pluto should be reclassified as a dwarf planet. The truth of the matter is there are probably far more than the eight we are told about. The solar system extends far beyond the orbit of the furthest planet. There are some indications there is another huge planet affecting some of the smaller bodies near it. The thing is there could be far more than one, since the Oort Cloud has all sorts of bodies in it and seems to be at the farthest edge of our system. What we should really be told is there are eight planets in the solar system which have been found, not that there are eight planets.

While nothing can be proved either way about what I’m going to say, what we are being told about it certainly doesn’t seem to make any sense. I am talking about time. Scientists have started to tell us that the past, present and the future all exist at the same time. If there was ever anything that hurt your brain more than trying to figure this out I don’t know what it was. It just seems to be ridiculous on the face of it, doesn’t it? I know by saying this scientists will say I’m ignorant, but that’s okay since many a person has been called ignorant by scientists who later turned out to be right. I admit there are plenty of things which are right and make no sense, but I just can’t believe this is one of them. Scientists are telling us if we could figure out a way we could step into the past or into the future. I would need a lot more proof before I ever could believe this.

I have to wonder as I said before, if science is at times more complicated in its theories than it has to be. Around the fourteenth century William of Ockham devised his theory. He was a Franciscan friar and a philosopher along with being a theologian. He said the theory with the fewest assumptions is probably correct. In other words, there is more of a chance of a simple theory being correct than a complex one if there are facts which support it. This has become known as Occam’s razor. Some scientists become so full of themselves they take the theories of others as an attack on them. This has happened many times throughout history instead of all theories being considered.