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Eternity, Abilities And The Atomic World

We have been told many times energy doesn’t die, it just goes on forever. This seems to loosely indicate the validity of the religious idea that we will live forever after we die. I say loosely, because scientifically speaking there is no connection but it is a little something for religious leaders to hang their hats on. Now we can add some more data to the principle. Scientific experiments have now shown electrons do not lose their energy as previously thought, but retain it forever. Remember the human body uses electrons to operate. Scientists used detectors to study 300 tons of organic liquid which was studied for 408 days and in that time not one electron lost any energy. This gave them the current estimate for an electron which while not eternal yet is pretty impressive. It was estimated that an electron lasts for 66 thousand quadrillion years and it is thought with more accurate readings it will be shown they are eternal.

Isn’t it strange that electricity plays such an important part in our lives? We not only need it to control our body’s functions, but it plays a very important part in the life of our planet. When we die what happens to all the electrical energy in our bodies? Science says energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but lasts forever. Many believe this energy is the basis for our souls and powers them. Various experiments have been conducted on people at the time of their death and most have been inconsequential. There have been a couple which show a very slight decrease in a person’s weight when they die, such as ½ pound or so, but there is no way to know exactly what this indicates. The doctor who conducted this particular experiment many years ago came to the conclusion that the soul has some weight and when it leaves the body it can be detected with a scale. What I find amazing is the fact we are finding out more about how immortal certain things are and many of these things have connections to us. When Albert Einstein talked about the death of his friend he said, “Now Besso has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us … know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”

Physicists claim that electrical energy is lost in heat, at least they did until the experiment I just told you about took place. I have to wonder how the new experiment will affect physics. It will certainly make a big difference. Aside from its reinforcing the religious view of our souls and the afterlife, it will surely have applications in many scientific areas. One of the problems we humans have is many of the things we think we see and describe could be entirely wrong, but with our limited facility to detect what is around us, this is the way things appear. These things may not appear as they truly are, but only as we humans see them. It was about 80 years ago when scientists discovered that an atom or subatomic particle such as an electron could be in two places at the same time. Oh you never heard about that? It is true. This has made some scientists wonder why humans can’t do this trick, after all aren’t we composed of atoms and such?

An eminent scientist, Sir Roger Penrose who is an Emeritus Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University and author, thinks he knows why only objects in the atomic world can perform this trick and not us. He says it is because we are controlled by gravity, the same force which holds us firmly to the ground. He credits gravity with locking us into this reality while not having the same effect on objects in the atomic scale world. We have known for years the rules in the atomic sized world are different from Newtonian physics, which rules the macro world. Scientists have been hard pressed to figure out why. Sir Arthur Penrose has been trying for years to reconcile Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity with quantum mechanics. It could be he has hit on the solution that explains the differences. If he is correct the answer has been right in front of us for years, but we failed to notice it. I am not a physicist, but if Penrose was here I would have to ask him a question and that would be if we place a human in space without gravity why couldn’t he then be in two places at once if gravity is the only reason we can’t be?

It may be that gravity is only part of the problem or not involved at all. I am sure Penrose would be angry that I even had the gall to ask this question since I am not a scientist, but it does seem to be relevant. Could it be we have to train our minds to be able to do this? Let me tell you about bilocation. There is a saint in the Catholic religion named Padre Pio. One of the things attributed to him was the power of bilocation, which is being able to be in more than one place at the same time. There were numerous witnesses to these events. It is said not only did he appear in more than one place at once, but on more than one continent. During World War II he appeared in the air over San Giovanni Rotondo and prevented American bombers from releasing their bombs over the city. When pilots visited the friary where Padre Pio was stationed they were startled to see him there. He was asked how he did this and said it was, “By extension of his personality.”

There are others who are said to have had this ability and some were people you would never suspect. Vladimir Lenin was seen in his Kremlin office digging through papers and yet this happened while he was critically ill and in a hospital in Gorki in 1923. There are a few stories about saints performing bilocation but enough of that. If any of this is true it happened while gravity was exerting its force on us and therefore would make the theory that gravity prevents us from performing bilocation wrong.

There are many mysteries in this world and I have to wonder if we could control our brains better, would we be able to solve more of these mysteries. Are we the ones that have the solutions locked up in our brains and sheer brain power could change that? There may be a time in the future where our brains will develop into more powerful machines. It might happen naturally or with the assistance of technology and this may allow us to find out answers to many things we have no answer for today.


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