Detecting Alien Signals
We think where there is matter or energy there are frequencies, but what about dark matter? If there are frequencies caused by dark matter they haven’t been detected or if they have it is a big secret. Maybe there are advanced races in space who use frequencies generated by dark matter to send out signals figuring if a race or culture can detect these messages they themselves must be advanced enough to be worthy of communication with. There are also scientists who think there could be negative frequencies. Some have said a negative frequency travels forward but a positive frequency travels back. I don’t confess to understand negative frequencies but I am mentioning them to show there could be other types of signals we cannot detect. SETI has been accused of detecting alien signals and covering this up. SETI receives donations from private individuals. Who is to say one or more of these donors could be a beard? What I am saying they could be covering the fact the funds are really from a government source and funneled through private individuals so as not to show government funding and yet let the government have some control over SETI in case they discover something important. One of the problems is the universe if full of signals. They come from many different bodies and even in places which seem empty. In 2016 a star system which was less than one hundred light years from earth was putting out a radio signal which suggested there was a chance of intelligent life there. The discovery was made by a group of Russian astronomers. The system had a star which was older than ours meaning there could be even older civilizations there. A discussion of the signal took place between the Russian scientists, an Italian scientist and SETI. It would have taken a society more advanced than ours to create this signal because of the amount of power needed. The signal is unresolved and even worse, it was not able to be detected again. What does all this mean? So far, we seem to be putting all our efforts into frequencies which create audible sounds in equipment, but the spectrum of frequencies also includes light. Could we have been signaled with some sort of powerful laser or an even more powerful device? One source reported in 2008 a possible alien laser signal coming from Gliese 581 E. The signal became known as the Ragbir Bhathal Gliese Alien Signal after Ragbir Bhathal an award-winning author and astrophysicist who carried out research in Australia on it. The signal was inside what is considered noise. There are rules in place which state you can’t consider any signal an alien signal if you can’t find it after the first try. Some say the WOW signal couldn’t be found in the same spot because the Big Ear had picked up a signal from a UFO which was moving. Others claim it must have come from one of the many satellites circling the earth. The signal has been searched for, for many years by a data analyst named Bob Gray but he hasn’t been able to find it again. One would think if it came from a satellite we should be able to reacquire it. Gray built a radio telescope from castaway parts and donated parts which had the power to detect the WOW signal and he searched for it for over 15 years but never found it again. Could there be some signal which is right in front of our noses but which we don’t have the ability to detect? Nothing is beyond reason when talking about space and aliens. It is like saying how come no one invented the paper clip for hundreds of years because we had paper and it is so simple a principle. There could be a simple way for detecting alien signals but we just haven’t thought of it or have equipment capable of finding it or have these pieces of equipment being used in other ways and don’t realize their full potential.