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Afghanistan and US Troops throughout the World

Afghanistan is a very ancient country. When Americans think of Afghanistan, they probably never do, they think of it in terms of us fighting one of the longest wars we have ever fought in modern history. I say this because we have been fighting there since 2001 when we invaded that country after the Russians left. Interestingly when the Russians were fighting there we were supplying weapons to help some of the Afghans to defeat the Russians and made it very costly for the Russians to continue the war. Another reason the Russians left was probably they felt they gained nothing even if they won. Some of the people in Afghanistan we were supplying weapons to are now our bitter enemies and are known as terrorists. We have troops in that country which number in the 80,000 plus range and it seems we are no better off today in what we have accomplished then we were on the first day we invaded. President Trump has chewed out the commanding general, but how can you expect a man with so few soldiers to conquer a nation of over thirty million people?

Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world. Its people were estimated in 2016 to have an annual income of only $600. That is only about $1.65 per day. The country of Afghanistan is surrounded by countries like Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan and Iran. One of the reasons we probably want to stay in this country is that it borders Iran. It is said there are some very rich mineral deposits there, but one has to wonder how hard it might be to extract them while fighting off the tribes that lived there. The Taliban who once controlled Afghanistan had been our allies which many wonder about since they believed women had very few rights of any and didn’t even let them go to school. There is one thing which could be said for Afghanistan and that is it seems to be strategically located in a very troublesome region and perhaps this could be the real reason we don’t want to leave. Many Americans are tired of the loss of American lives due to this war and also the tremendous expense because this money that we are wasting could actually be used for useful things.

There have been so many invasions into Afghanistan throughout history it is hard to know every single one, but here are some of the ones we know about. Ancient India invaded Afghanistan as did Alexander the great, Umar, Genghis Khan, Timur, India again, Persia several times, the British, the Sikhs, the Soviet Union and United States. The Greeks maintained control for about three centuries. Alexander the great invaded because he was invading the Persian Empire and that Empire had gotten some control of the country. When the caliphate invaded they converted most of the people in the country to Islam. After Genghis Khan invaded and left the Afghans eventually revolted, but that was put down and bloodied retribution by the son of Genghis Khan, Ogedei Kahn. I could go on about all the different conquests of this country by many other countries, but what is the point?

The United States is just another country in a long list of countries who were far more powerful than Afghanistan and invaded it. We said we wanted to do it to drive out the terrorists, because they were using it as a base. We also said we were having a hard time getting rid of them because of the mountainous terrain and all the caves the terrorists were able to hide in and protect themselves even from bombs and shells. This should not have been a surprise, you can’t tell me we didn’t know what the terrain was like before we went into that country. Obviously if you invade a very mountainous country there were going to be a lot of caves for people to hide in. Did we believe these people were so backward that we would just run into their country kill all the ones we didn’t like and get right out? Obviously that was never going to happen and you can’t tell me the planners of the invasion didn’t know this beforehand. It is now being said we have created a democratically run country where one didn’t exist before. While this may be true while we are in that country one has to wonder if a country made up of many different tribes will allow our government like this to stand if we weren’t there.

If we were to try and figure out the cost of the wars we are fighting in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Syria and adding to that the cost of Homeland Security as of 2016 we have spent $4.79 trillion dollars according to the Watson Institute at Brown University. This does also include the future course for veterans. There are other estimates of what the Afghan war has cost us. Some cite the figure I have cited as only being for Afghanistan and not the rest of the countries we are fighting and I have seen more than a few people demand the Pentagon to release the true figures on what each of these individual wars are costing us. It could turn out to be true the war is much more expensive than we have been led to believe since the figures we are working with have come from the government.

I have a great idea, let’s pull our troops out of Afghanistan and use the money we save to solve the problems with medical insurance. Next we should pull all of our troops out of Iran and dump that money back into the treasury to help reduce the deficit. After that we should remove our troops from the secret war in Africa. It also probably wouldn’t hurt to remove at least some troops from places like Japan and Europe. We have by the latest figures I could find 34,805 American troops in Germany. This was all well and good when Germany was divided, let’s get them out of there and save the taxpayers some money. We also have 8,500 troops in the United Kingdom. I don’t think they need any help in protecting their country and their certainly not going to invade us, get them out of there. We have 3,256 troops stationed in Spain, get them out of there. East Asia and Southeast Asia might be a different story for now since we are having so much trouble North Korea. We have 63,444 troops in that area. In West Asia and North Africa which contains a lot of the Arab countries we have 26,552 troops. Maybe we should keep them there for now. We even have 28,352 troops listed as being an unspecified countries, get them out of there.

It is time to end many of these useless troop deployments. The cost is just too astronomical and the return doesn’t seem to exist. This is my opinion many may not agree with it, but that is okay because luckily we live in a free country.