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Paul Amadeus Dienach And Time Travel

Supposedly the Masons kept the story of a man named Paul Amadeus Dienach secret. Why would they and who is this guy, you are probably asking yourself? The only reason I am writing about this story is the fact it is so incredible I thought it would make interesting reading. It is not very often I come across something as strange as this. Dienach was a Mason and wrote a book about some very strange experiences he had. Only a few copies of the book were said to have been published and they were published in Greece. Supposedly this allowed the Masons to control the book and keep it out of the hands of the public, better described as non-Masons. What could have possibly been written about that would move the Masons to do this? I think to understand this we must first know something about Mr. Dienach.

Paul Amadeus Dienach was a professor of German language studies and was a very sick man. He suffered from what we commonly call today “sleeping sickness” also known as Encephalitis. I must say I personally knew someone who had this disease and recovered and he was never quite right afterwards. I don’t know if this is true or not, but I had heard when someone has this disease and recovers it always leaves them with some problems. The disease caused Mr. Dienach to fall into a coma in 1921 and he remained in the coma for about one year. So far there is nothing extraordinary in what I am telling you, it just sounds like the case of a poor sick man, but there is far more to this story. Mr. Dienach claimed his consciousness had been transferred somewhere else and he was aware and awake for the entire year, but what makes this even more bizarre is he said he was living in the year 3906 AD.

He said this was possible, because his consciousness had been sent into the body of another man and he was seeing everything through that person’s eyes. The man was named Andrew Northam and he was shown the entire history of what had occurred in the world from 1921 until that year. As if this was not strange enough he claimed a new species of humans evolved from Homo sapiens and it was known as Homo Occidantalis Novus. It seems incredible to me a new species of humans would appear so fast, but it is true we really don’t know exactly where Homo sapiens came from, we are still guessing. Perhaps they just burst onto the scene one day. Dienach kept this secret, but wrote in down in a diary which eventually was published.

When Dienach recovered from the coma he was not in the best of health so he decided to go to Greece and try and get himself back to normal. He thought the climate would do him good and he could support himself by teaching German to students. One of his students became a very high ranking member of the Free Masons. Things did not work out for Mr. Dienach health wise. He realized he was dying and decided to go to Italy, but before he left he gave all his notes to George Papahatzis the student who rose in the ranks of the Free Masons. Not long after he arrived in Italy he died of tuberculosis in 1924. Life had not been good to him.

Mr. Papahatzis began to translate the notes, but seemingly was not in any hurry since it took him over 14 years to finish the job. Originally he was only translating them because Dienach said it would help him learn German, but the more he read, the more he realized he has something very unusual and they were really the memories of what Dienach believed he has witnessed. There are those who believe under certain circumstances which are extremely rare, a person’s consciousness can not only be transferred out of their bodies, but it can travel through time. When all the notes were translated apparently Papahatzis thought they were so important they should only be shared with a few in the highest Masonic hierarchy. After reading the notes the Masons were said to believe Dienach was an important prophet.

The notes were unknown to most because supposedly the Masons felt the common people could not handle the information very well. Papahatzis did not agree with this and finally in 1972 the pages of the diary were published and Papahatzis was accused by the church of being a heretic and almost all the copies of the book disappeared. Publication was attempted again in 1979 but copies of the book were said to have disappeared again.
It is interesting to note Dienach said humanity begins to tackle many of its problems and solve them by 2300 AD. Some of the problems I am talking about are overpopulation, climate change, conflict and famine. He states many new discoveries are made during that time and we solve antigravity and discover interactions of electromagnetic energies. It turns out solar radiation is what is really responsible for most of gravity and humans become aware of their spiritual beings and science has created a way to see them as they enter and leave this world. He goes on to say our economic systems become more humane. Fossil fuels are no longer used.

Dienach states Mars is colonized by 2204 and 20 million people live there, but a natural disaster kills them in 2265 and the colonization of Mars is abandoned. War breaks out in 2309 and the earth experiences terrible destruction, but humans survive. Direct voting now elects leaders and none are politicians, they are mostly scientists, engineers and humanitarians. The stock exchange no longer exists and neither do banks. They are replaced with a different system. Everyone now gets a healthy standard of living.

Threats to world peace come and go, but are eventually silenced by 2600. Up to 3400 not every region has the same degree of technology. Telepathic abilities start to develop in people and science is making incredible strides. We find out we have an internal sun inside our planet.
After 3400 people become very spiritual. Language no longer uses sound. No longer does anyone eat meat. Portals are now used for travel. No more material inequalities exist.

In some ways Dienach is similar to Edgar Cayce who was known as the sleeping prophet. He claimed to see the past and future as he slept and would give predictions, many of which were said to have come true. Cayce never asked for money.

