Truth Facts



Adolph Hitler

Hitler was one of the greatest fiends in history. When people talk about Vlad the Impaler, who was the basis for Dracula, he killed about 10,000 people by as the name implies, impaling them on stakes. Hitler on the other hand ordered millions of people to be killed by many different vicious means and millions more because of the world war he started. Hitler was born on April 20th 1889. He was born in Austria. A popular term when talking about Hitler during and after the war was calling him Schickelgruber. This came about because his father who was a customs official, was born out of wedlock to Maria Anna Schickelgruber. His father had be changed his name to Hitler years later. This was the name of the man who married his mother years after he was born. This is why Schickelgruber had become a derogatory term among his enemies.

Hitler sorely wanted to become an artist when he was young and after nagging his mother she finally gave in after his father had died. He failed his entrance exam to the Vienna Academy of the arts. He spent years in homeless shelters. After his mother died, he had been left money but blew it all and the rest of his family tried again to convince him to enter civil service, but he stubbornly refused. Contrary to what most believe he was able to acquire a business partner and was painting scenes of Vienna for money. He did have business relationships with Jews at the time. His downfall started when he joined political movements which were racist in nature. These movements push antisemitism and many believe this is why he began to hate the Jews.

The famous Sieg Heil can be blamed on Harvard. Hitler had a friend who had attended Harvard and he was inspired by the cheer leading techniques for the football team. His friend was Ernst Hanfstaengl who was very impressed by the camaraderie in American sporting events. He told Hitler about this and Hitler used this technique later at his rallies.

Some people wonder why the Swastika? It is a symbol which is thousands of years old and before Hitler meant many different good things. At one time Adolph and his family lived in a town which had a large Benedictine monastery with a coat of arms on the building which included the swastika. Some believe he just like that symbol and that was why in later years he incorporated into the German flag and many other items.

Notice how we call Hitler by his last name. I think it is because unlike other last names, this one has become so infamous it is a badge which belongs to only one man. If his name was Smith, would we just say Smith, I don’t think so. Hitler had a nephew who hated Hitler so much he figured out how to escape him and came to Long Island, New York and changed his last name. On top of that he joined the American Army. I think that says it all about how he felt.

The story about Hitler’s strange mustache is interesting. During World War I, Hitler had a full mustache. He had been accused and arrested for trying to evade the draft. There was a poison gas attack and Hitler had grabbed his gas mask but couldn’t get it to seal properly because of his mustache and could have died, which by the way would have been better for everyone. After that incident he cut the mustache down considerably.

There is a story which I can not verify, but supposedly Hitler liked to play jokes on people. He certainly didn’t seem like the type. It is said he thought it would be funny to make a high ranking official think he was being set up for a suicide mission. This was said to have backfired really badly when the official escaped to Switzerland thinking Hitler wanted to kill him, because that official gave up many secrets to the allies.

Hitler had a big problem with flatulence. Some have said when he had big dinners with friends and officials, there would often be a very bad odor coming from his area. Do you think anyone would have had the nerve to tell him? I don’t think so if they wanted to continue living.

It is hard to believe, but young Hitler had an ambition as a young child before he wanted to become an artist and that was to become a priest. Here is even a weirder fact. Another murderous dictator, Stalin also wanted to be a priest. Talk about reversals, from priests to crazed murdering dictators.

It is said Hitler had big plans for Moscow. Was it to rebuild the city in his image? No. Being Hitler his plans included murder. When he conquered it, he wanted to kill everyone in Moscow, knock down the city and create a huge artificial lake. Talk about a crazy man. To anyone who thinks the Nobel Peace Prize shows how people feel about what people have accomplished to create peace, all I have to say was Hitler was nominated for it in 1939. I think this says it all about the prize. Hitler was an under achiever and dropped out of high school at 16.

Hitler must have been one of the most popular targets for assassination during the war. It is said there had been 42 attempts to kill him and many by his own people.

Hitler had a thing for his niece Geli Raubal. There were rumors he had a sexual relationship with her, but they are not verified. He wouldn’t let her go out by herself and she became very depressed and eventually committed suicide. Raubal had been born to Hitler’s half-sister. Her mother had become Hitler’s housekeeper. She waited for Hitler to leave the house and shot herself in the lung and died. The police had ruled out foul play but it had been reported she had a broken nose. No one could expect the police to investigate Hitler if they wanted to live.

Hitler was a fanatic and demonstrated this many times such as when he wouldn’t allow his army in Russia to retreat and ordered the million man army to fight to the death. He also demonstrated this when he gassed millions of Jews and others and it never seemed to bother him a bit. Stories have come out he didn’t die in the bunker and made it to Argentina and maybe Paraguay. There are even photos showing him attending an opera there. Did one of the evilest people who ever lived avoid justice, maybe?

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