Truth Facts




Extraordinary Humans

The other day I wrote about the chances of extraterrestrials being among us, today I would like to discuss the chances of people among us that are human, but different than most of us. For years there has been stories about humans being among us who have lived for an extraordinary period of time. It is said they have lived so long they had to change their identities, because they didn’t want to stand out as some sort of freaks. These stories have been regarded as myths, but were they?

A man in India named Devraha Baba was said to have lived for over 700 years. He was a Siddha Yogi and acquired the nickname of “Ageless Yogi.” He had died in 1990 and if he was indeed 700 years old or older, he was born around 1290 A.D. or before. One of the reasons this idea is so interesting is the fact some yogis are said to be able to control their heartbeat and other bodily functions. Could a yogi have gained the control over aging? Some people think this might not be as impossible as it sounds.

Another interesting fact is many things in the bible have been proven true. Cities have been found which were not believed to have existed. People spoken about in the bible have been found to have existed through ancient records and artifacts. Even the Hittites were thought to have been a myth until tablets and inscriptions proved otherwise. This brings me to the idea the bible could be correct when it states many people who lived before the flood lived very long lives. Some of these people were Enosh who was said to have lived 905 years, Cainan who was said to have lived 910 years, Mahalaleel who was said to have lived 895 years and Jared who was said to have racked up a life of 912 years. The bible states life spans went down dramatically after the flood, but states Abraham lived 175 years, Isaac lived 180 years, Jacob lived 147 years and Moses 120 years. Let’s not forget Methuselah who was said to have lived 969 years. Today there is a Japanese woman who is said to be 116 years old and listed as the oldest person alive as of the writing of this article. Could there be even older people we don’t know about?

There are a lot of videos around which profess to show people with powers different than the rest of us. One shows a young man walking and while he walks, he begins to glow from his hands and chest. He begins to run across the street and a bus passes between the camera and the street, the man runs through it and when the street can be seen, there is no one there. We all know videos can be tampered with or staged, but could there be genuine ones out there showing some very strange events?

Something which has been talked about for many years is people walking into invisible portholes and such. Some have said they went back in time and other people just disappeared, but the question for this article is do some people have a power to open a portal or even create it without realizing it? There is a video showing a man running down a road. As he runs, he seems to disappear or maybe enter a portal. Many years ago, a farmer was walking toward his family in plain sight. He was crossing a field and his family members were on the porch watching him and to their horror he just vanished into thin air and was never seen again.

A CCD camera was said to have taken a video showing a homeless man sleeping outside of a closed store. As he sleeps, he is woken up by I presume a noise and sees a man walk out of the store. This is not unusual you say? What if I tell you he walked out right through the glass front of the store without breaking it? Did this guy have a power to walk through solid material much the same as the guy who glowed, or could this have been the same person? There is an obvious problem with this video however, the date stamp keeps changing from 2019 to 2016, therefore I am writing off this video as being altered.

A video was taken in Russia which shows a truck trying to not hit a pedestrian crossing a busy road. The truck sways violently from side to side but the camera shows a man walking through the truck. The driver of the truck is so shook up he pulls the truck over but the man keeps walking. Is this a man with super powers? An electric cloud seems to touch down on an area outside a store and in the cloud is what looks like a man. The cloud only lasts a couple of seconds and when it dissipates, the man disappears. Are we seeing a person traveling through time?

Another interesting video shows a truck going down a road and a boy on a bicycle heading in front of the truck which is about to hit him. Just before that happens a man runs up, stretches out his hands and the boy along with the bike disappear in a flash and so does the man. The driver pulls the truck over and is obviously confused.

NewScientist states there are people who are born without fear of any kind. One neuroscientist spent over six years trying to frighten a woman subject but he was never once able to do it. Scientists believe these rare people might offer an insight into why the rest of us get scared. A German woman has eyes which are so incredible, science is at a loss to explain them. She is able to see small details on an object up to one mile away and recognize faces at this distance. Scientists couldn’t believe this and tested her, but she proved she was telling the truth. She is also able to look at a television and separate the colors on the screen. One man who lost his eyes to cancer at 5 years old developed the ability to click his tongue and use echolocation similar to dolphins. When he reached 15 years old, he could get around just as fast as a person with sight. He was even capable of performing martial arts. His ability was quite amazing. Unfortunately, he died at 16 years of age, but it is said he was the only person able to use echo location to get around.

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