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Kim Jong-un’s Playbook

Sometimes this country gets outplayed. I am not talking about sports, I am talking about being out maneuvered on the world stage. When I watched Kim Jong-un the leader of North Korea and despot easily join with South Korea in the Olympics I thought to myself, did we ever see this coming? I think it may have been a surprise and will probably lead to no good. Sending his sister to the games and having everyone in the South fawning over her only shows me how anxious the South Koreans are to join back together with the North. I am sure the North would love this if Kim Jong-un remained the head of the both Koreas. South Korea has the ability and the industrialization to make him a far more dangerous person. It is very naïve of the South to think they can possibly tame this guy. Just look at his record of murdering people and sending people away for “reeducation” when they don’t agree with him. Tying your uncle to a rock and making his family watch as you blast him away with an anti-aircraft gun certainly is not the actions of a person you would want in charge of your country.

He did something to try and influence the media the other day. He invited them to check out a so-called ski resort in North Korea. Reporters went there and couldn’t wait to talk about the crowds and how happy they seemed. They had neglected one very obvious factor and that was the women in the crowds all were wearing the same clothes as did the men. Apparently, this had been staged and whoever did it made a mistake. He issued clothes which were all the same. Any reasonable person will tell you there is no crowd in the world all dressed the same unless this was a setup. Maybe this teaches us something about Kim. Maybe he is not as smart as he thinks he is. One person said a while ago something about him that made me laugh. They said no one wants to be heavy and no one wants to be heavy in a country of skinny people.

Kim knows how much the embargo and such are hurting his country. He may not admit it as he spends millions on his nuclear weapons and rockets at the expense of food for his people, but he has to know. This make me think he might be working on a master plan. It might have something to do with using South Korea to send his country supplies by pleading the case they are all Koreans and this might help him decide if he wants to join with South Korea to form one country. Of course, this would be a ploy, unless he could be the leader. It would give him all the resources he would ever need. It would not only be materials, but also the scientists and engineers working in the South. Could this be what he is really trying to do, open a dialog with the South to convince them they need to send materials and maybe people to the North to help them?

His actions are all very strange aren’t they given the recent and long-lasting hate he has demonstrated for South Korea which goes back through his family to the end of the Korean War? In case anyone doubts this just look at all the troops he has stationed on the border between the North and the South. Many people believe if it wasn’t for the fact we have American troops there, he or his family would have ordered an attack years ago, but they didn’t not because they couldn’t overrun us with their fast numbers, but because they feared a war with the United States and well they should. Recently Vice President Pence announced we would meet with the North Koreans without any prior conditions. Prior to this announcement we had refused to meet many times.

Our government is in a bind right now. We don’t want to be drawn into another Korean War. Most likely it would mean we would be fighting North Korea, China and Russia and it could mean the end of civilization. China has moved 300,000 troops to its border with North Korea. Some believe this is to prevent North Korea from crossing, but not everyone believes this. Some believe it is to reinforce the North Korean army if there is a war. There isn’t much trust in the area between the countries located there. There is also far more going on than many of us suspect and we were and maybe still are in the middle of it along with many others.

If North and South Korea united in the same fashion as East and West Germany it would be a good thing and be a boon to those in North Korea to partner with a very successful country. Probably, because of the stability it would bring, most countries in the region would welcome this, but if the two Koreas united and it just made Kim incredibly stronger, even his defenders in other countries would probably not like that very much. No one wants someone on their border who is capable of not only starting World War III, but has said many times he wants to blow up the United States.

If one had to pick out one of the hottest areas in the world right now, it would have to be the Korean Peninsula. The addition of nuclear weapons has to have made even the Chinese nervous. It wouldn’t be much of stretch to think Kim could turn on them. As far as his sister goes no one knows what part she takes in running North Korea. She has been calling for reunification and wrote in the South Korean presidential guest book she wished for closer ties. Kim has said reunification will be the final victory to the Korean War. It seems he believes he can overcome the South Korean government if that happens.