Truth Facts



Way Out Paranormal

What locations would you think most people believe ghosts exist in? Traditionally it is castles. Not only castles, but for some reason castles in England or the British Isles. Perhaps it is because of the type of literature that has come out of Great Britain in the last couple of hundred years, or maybe since castles are drafty and creepy and usually not well lit, this could have something to do with it. It could also be because the castles were built at a time when way more people believed in spirits and this has been carried down through the centuries by legends and stories. After castles homes are probably next on the list. There are many stories of hauntings being so violent in a few homes people have had to move out because they were attacked. Stories of demons abound in literature and one has to wonder after reading a book about them or even seeing a movie, how many people believe they were after them.

Castles and homes are not the only places said to be haunted from time to time. Mines are notorious for being haunted and there is supposedly even a group of mythical beings called Tommyknockers who have been said to warn miners before a cave in,  by making digging sounds. They are said to exist in folklore. It is said they are closely related to the Irish leprechaun, clurichaun, Kentish kloker and Scottish brownie. They are also known as The Knockers, Knacker, Bwca, and Bucca depending if you are in Wales, the United States, or are referring to Cornish or Devon folklore.

One of the more interesting places which are said to be haunted are some airplanes and not only that, there are also said to be ghost planes which are seen from time to time. Supposedly there is a World War II plane which is still seen over Derbyshire from time to time. It is a Lancaster bomber. It has been said one of the ghosts on the plane has communicated with people. When planes are parked on a field, they usually have a watchman or guard check them out. One watchman was walking through a parked plane at night and as he checked out the seats while walking toward the bathrooms and kitchen, he thought he saw a figure in the kitchen area. Believing it was only his imagination, he continued to walk toward the kitchen and then a much larger head peaked out and that was when the watchman decided it was time to get the heck out of there.

I remember a commercial plane where crews were complaining the plane was haunted. The plane became infamous in the fleet and no one wanted to fly on it. I guess it got to the point where either fly on the plane or don’t fly at all. Anyway, there is a place where a pilot or copilot can lay down and rest during a flight. Different flight crew members became very upset when they would see a deceased pilot laying in the bed asleep. This happened over several years. There were no reports of any other activity by the spirit. There is a plane in the skies over Pennsylvania which is seen and heard asking for help and then crashes into a ravine. If first happened in the mid-1950s and is said to still radio for help occasionally and flares can be seen but when there is a closer investigation, nothing is there. Originally over 300 people had searched for the plane, which was never found. Interestingly, it was only two days later when the event repeated itself. In 1944 a Coast Guard ship was contacted by the U.S. Navy. The message was a patrol plane had crashed. The plane was empty when found and when the ship left, a very bright light headed toward it and the crew could see it was an orb in the sky. A ghostly Spitfire fighter can be seen flying over a British air field frequently. It is not a military plane or one restored by private means and many people have seen it.

In this day and age of technology sometimes our technology is said to be a way for spirits to be able to reach us. We have all seen Alexa and heard it and there are many other devices which monitor us. One woman had one of these  devices which was on while she slept. I think she had the problem of talking in her sleep so the device was on record. When she played back what it recorded, she was not very happy. Apparently, there was a male voice on it besides her own. The device had recorded an EVP known as Electronic Voice Phenomenon. This is where a spirit might be able to communicate and why most ghost hunters use recorders. People have reported spirits talking over radios. When someone hears a deceased loved one talk to them over the radio it can be quite a shock. There are multiple cases of this happening. It seems all electronic devices are capable of carrying a ghostly message. There have been cases which seem to have been connected to those who have lost loved ones, who have heard radio broadcasts which were seemingly broadcasting an entire string of songs which the deceased loved. This was also thought to be a sort of contact.

Telephone calls by deceased family members are not as rare as one would suppose. I have mentioned this case before. A man answered his phone and it was his father. They had a pleasant conversation for about an hour and at the end his father told the man how much he loved him and the son responded likewise. A little while later the man received another phone call, it was from the police. They were telling him his father was found dead many hours before. This was before the phone call. That is a text book case where an electronic device, the phone, carried the voice of a deceased person.

There was a time about a year ago, when some people believed their Alexa device was being used by a spirit. It seems without reason a ghoulish laugh would come over the device. It turned out to only be a glitch in the programming of the device and was fixed. Under Alexa Skills and Novelty and Humor we find something called a Ghost Detector. It turns out to really be a game which I am sure was a disappointment to those who thought they were getting a tool to detect the paranormal.

Are communications between the deceased and the living increasing due to the emergence of many different electronic gadgets, it seems so according to comments on the internet and social networks.

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