Truth Facts



People Saved by A Paranormal Event

Strange things which seem to have no explanation happen and we hear about them once in a while. Some people say paranormal events are impossible, but they are the ones who never had one happen to them. One TV show named Unexplained, had interviewed a survivor from the 9/11 catastrophe terrorist attack. He was one of only six people who had escaped from where he was. When the second plane hit the tower, it was then he decided to leave and went into the hall where he had to decide which stairway to take to exit the building. As he began to walk toward one, he said he was pushed away and pointed to a different. He claimed he heard a voice that had told them he would be okay and that the voices coming from inside his head. He decided to take the stairway he was directed to and didn’t know at the time the other two stairways were blocked along the exit route.

There is no way to explain this man’s experience except by saying it was paranormal. Many years ago, I myself had one of these experiences. I was driving along on a parkway when I got this irresistible urge to pull over on the shoulder. It was totally irresistible so I complied. When I did a car behind me sped by. After a minute or two I got back on the road and as I was driving, I saw an accident. The car behind had  been hit by another car. I don’t know how serious the injuries were or anything else about the accident, but I do know if I didn’t pull over that might have been me that was hit. I have never been able to explain this happening to me except to say I was grateful for having been forced to stop.

The question is always being asked, why do people believe in the paranormal? The answer may be a lot easier to understand than most people think. At least some people believe in it because of things that happen to themselves and others believe because they are really good friends or related to the person who had the experience and know the person so well they know what he has been saying or what she has been saying is probably true.

A woman was driving her car with her baby in a car seat in the rear. The baby was firmly strapped in. The car was heading towards a bridge. The man who lived near the bridge was at home doing what people normally do at night, he was watching television. He heard a tremendous crash and running out of the house, as he looked around, he saw nothing so he went back in. The car had careened off the bridge into the water and was upside down. It couldn’t be seen from the bridge so drivers who crossed the bridge had no idea what had happened. The car remained upside down in the water for about 14 hours, that was when a fisherman saw the car and called the police. Two police officers waded into the water and as they did, they heard a woman’s voice telling them to get the baby in the backseat. When they got to the car it was obvious the mother had died hours ago, but the baby was above the water because the car seat held the baby tightly buckled in. The police were never able to explain where the voice came from that saved the baby.

There have been many stories about people hearing the voices of the deceased but there is one story which I have told before which is one of my favorites. A man was sitting at home when his phone rang. When he answered it, his father said hello and they had a long conversation. When the conversation was over the man hung the phone up feeling it was a very pleasant conversation he had. He loved his father very much and the feeling was mutual. As he went on with his business, he received a call from the police telling him his father had died the night before from a heart attack. He told them it wasn’t possible, he had just talked to him. They said the body was already in the morgue the night before. He now believes his father had contacted him from the grave to have the last conversation with him.

During World War I, some soldiers kept diaries. In some of the diaries were some very strange accounts. One soldier said he was sleeping in a dugout and was awakened by his brother. His brother had died two years before. The soldier started to shout out in happiness but his brother quickly put his hand over the soldier’s mouth. He told him to get his gear and follow him. He motioned in a direction to go and his brother disappeared. As the soldier got a good distance away from the dugout a bomb exploded in it, and surely would’ve killed him if he had stayed there. The soldier must’ve been very grateful that day and from that moment on believed in the afterlife.

A video appeared on the Internet in 2017 showing a young girl crossing a highway and cars heading towards her at high speed. As one car races by, the second is just about to run her over when a person running at speeds which must be well over 200 miles an hour, snatches her up at the last second and drops her off on the other side of the road. It is claimed the camera that took the video was a camera aimed at the road and not a private camera. At the time the video created quite a stir. No human man could have run at the speed shown on the video.

There is a very strange story about a famous musician named Miles Davis. A professional glass blower was asleep near his furnace. The furnace was still on. The man’s cat had knocked a can of paint over on top of the furnace. As the glass blower slept, he heard a loud trumpet blast and awoke. Standing in front of him was Miles Davis telling him to get up. The man was able to get away from the furnace with his cat before the furnace blew up. What he couldn’t understand was the fact Miles Davis, who everyone knew had died, had saved him. It is said two other people reported being saved by the same ghost. One of the people said the ghost blew his trumpet, then lifted a car off of his chest which had fallen while he was under it doing repairs.

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