Truth Facts



Haunted Dolls

Did you ever enter a dark room and feel very uneasy and notice there were some dolls looking right at you? Plenty of people have felt this way and some have gotten quite scared at the sight of dolls. This brings me to the subject of haunted toys. Some people believe the souls of the dead can sometimes haunt a favorite toy. Others believe a toy can be inhabited by a demon. Sometimes it doesn’t help when a toy doll or stuffed toy is made to look gross on purpose, because it upsets some people. It is sort of like the fear of clowns only it is the fear of toys. Did you know there is actually a phobia called Pediophobia which is the unwarranted, persistent and irrational fear of dolls? Some people who have this fear are even scared of mannequins which to them are only bigger dolls. This falls under the same phobia.

Then there are those who claim sometimes there is a reason to be scared of these things. There are a lot of accounts by people who claim to have come across some haunted toys. A couple staying at a hotel were asleep in their bed. They were sleeping in a room of a historic hotel where some of the decorations were more than a hundred years old. In the room was a rocking chair with a doll propped up in it. The woman woke up after hearing a noise. She looked around, but the room was very dark. It was light enough however for her to see the rocking chair moving back and forth and the doll change position. She got very scared and woke her husband who got out of bed and turned the lights on in the room. When he reached the light switch he had his eyes on the rocking chair and could make out its movements. As he switched on the light the chair stopped rocking. The rest of the night was spent uncomfortably and when it got light the couple dressed and went down to the desk. They were feeling foolish but asked the clerk about the room and told him what they saw. He told them they were far from the first to have seen this and the room used to be where the daughter of the family who owned the home lived. She had died from a disease.

One story claims a Toys ‘R’ Us store in Sunnyvale, California was haunted. Luckily, they all went out of business, but where did the toys go? One person who had worked in the store for many years claimed some very strange things. He said Rag dolls would leap off the shelves. As you walked down the isles balls would bounce behind you and go down the isles also. Swings would start to swing for no reason. He claims a whole brigade of people have seen these things over the years and felt changes in temperature and breezes. He was quick to note however that no one was ever hurt. The store was featured on That’s Incredible and researchers have spent nights in the store studying these things. A psychic had been to the store many times and even held a séance there. She claims there is a ghost there.

What could be worse to some people than a doll? The answer is a doll which looks like a clown. This manages to cover two different phobias. One guy bought a doll like this and he claims it turned out to be haunted. What made him think this? He says the reason he feels it is haunted is the noises which he found the doll making. First of all, it is not supposed to be a doll which makes sounds. He says the doll makes crying sounds which is very disturbing and that is not the entire problem with the doll. When he enters a room where the doll is, it is not in the same place he put it. Even weirder the shoes on the doll became worn out as if it did a lot of walking.  I don’t think this is a doll anyone would want in their home, do you?

One family is very sorry they bought a particular doll. The doll looks harmless enough and is a bride doll. The family claims the doll has them scared to death. Apparently, the doll attacked the family one night scratching their bodies. Can you imagine being asleep and being woken up by a doll which jumped on you and began trying to scratch you? This is not a pleasant thought. The family was able to grab the doll and lock it in a shed. When the doll was examined it had moved from where it was put and taken off some of its clothes. When the doll was first purchased strange things began to happen like smoke alarms going off. Footsteps could be heard when everyone was in bed.

In the paranormal community there is a theory that people who had favorite objects when alive could still have an attachment to them. Some people of course think this is just hogwash. Hollywood has milked this theme for all it is worth with haunted doll movies. There are actually famous haunted dolls according to some. One is Arson and is said to be one of the most famous haunted dolls in the world. It is claimed it belonged to a little girl who burned to death in a fire. Supposedly if you own the doll and there is a fire the doll will yell fire to save you. Hey I wouldn’t rely on that, get a fire alarm.

There is a story about a doll named Robert the Doll. The story is the doll was given to the family of a writer by their Bahamian maid. The maid was fired, but before she left she cursed the doll. After she departed strange things began to happen in the home. This is the same doll which served as an inspiration for the movie Chucky in Child’s Play. The author was a child at the time and liked the doll. They began to notice the expression on the doll would change. When the family would go out the neighbors would report they could see the doll walking from window to window. The family began to hear strange laughing and suspected it was coming from the doll. The boy began to get very scared and furniture began to move around in his room. The parents would run in after hearing the noise and question the child, but he claimed the doll was doing it and would not change his story. The doll is in a museum today and has become part of some ghost tours. It is said if you take a photo of the doll without permission you will be cursed.

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