Truth Facts



Death and Life

Why is it people are so interested in the paranormal? There is no denying the fact for thousands of years people have believed there was some sort of connection between death and life. Notice I said death and life, not life and death. There are plenty of cases of people seeing things they can’t explain and hearing things which led them to believe the spirit of a deceased person was trying to communicate with them. If we have more than a few friends the odds are we know someone who has said they saw something which they cannot explain.

Some people swear they have seen dead relatives and the ones I know are totally sane people and the experience had left them shaken. Sometimes it was even more than one person who saw this, for example I will mention this again. A man and his wife went down to the basement to do the laundry and claim his mother was there in the same room and then disappeared. This was not something which was going to be used in some sort of scam, as a matter of fact very few people knew this happened to them, they only told some family members and their very best friends.

One scary incident occurred after a person’s mother died. They went on to Google Maps to look something up and Google Maps came up with the address of the nursing home the mother had died in and it did it on its own. Another guy got a phone call from his father and they had a nice chat for about a half hour. When he hung up, the phone rang again and this time it was the police. They had called to inform him his father had died a few hours ago in a traffic accident. The man said it couldn’t be because he had just spoken to his father, but the police said that was impossible.

I can’t help but think there are far more people who have seen things relating to the paranormal than we suspect, but they are too afraid of looking like fools if they talk about it. We know there are millions of people who have seen what are known as “shadow people”, and if they admit to seeing this phenomenon imagine how many more have seen this who are not talking about it.

There are a lot of people who claim to have seen or talked to dead relatives. I am not speaking about seances where people are tricked into believing they are communicating with them. I am talking about situations where they have seen deceased relatives and friends in their homes, in other areas, or talked with them somehow. Yes, I know we have to discount those who may have a mental illness, but I am sure this still leaves a lot of people. Unfortunately, this subject is usually taboo.

One indication a lot of people have had something paranormal  happen, is the great interest in paranormal literature by the general public. Skeptics will tell you people who say they saw deceased relatives were having day dreams if it happened during the day and night dreams if it happened at night. There is no flexibility there. They will never accept the fact there was even a chance this could happen unless it happened to them. Skeptics have all sorts of explanations for seeing ghosts, they blame it on psychoactive drugs, meditation, brain damage, comas, a sensed presence, dopamine, the right brain and left brain interacting, sleep anomalies and the ever-present lucid dreams. There are more excuses, but notice there is never any mention the sightings could be real. Some people may read this article and laugh about what I am saying, but others may say I can’t believe other people have seen what I have seen.

Many dying patients have reported seeing family members who came to ease their way. A large percentage of hospital workers are aware of this happening and it happens so much, many workers believe the patients are really seeing people. Some people report being in bed and feeling something touch them. This is not as uncommon as it seems. Some believe death is just us moving from one dimension to another and sometimes it might be possible for a spirit to come back here for a brief time.

Since so many dying people see dead relatives there has been a theory formed which states this will happen to at least most of us. Maybe it doesn’t happen to everyone for several different reasons. Maybe when it doesn’t happen it is because the dying person didn’t have any deceased people who loved them. That is a very sad thought. Maybe they did, but that person’s spirit is not in a position to come back, need I say being punished. I don’t know how many people have heard this, but some people believe the dead go nowhere and are still here, but most try not to interfere with the living. An example of that is said to be the ship the USS Hornet. Many ghosts have been seen on this carrier’s decks and one person stated they were told by a ghost there were over fifty ghosts of sailors on the ship and they came there to be together.

Could it be the spirits of the deceased are here and living on a different plane? I guess the answer to that question has to be who knows? Science states energy cannot be destroyed and goes on forever and if our souls are energy this could explain things.

There are also those who believe our souls are not anywhere permanently, they are just waiting to be reborn again in human form and this accounts for all those children who have memories of another life. It is strange how these children can remember a past life so accurately and begin to forget everything as they grow older. Many times, their facts were checked out by researchers only to be found they were extremely accurate down to details only the family of that person knew about.

Maybe it would be better if we let these things come out into the light rather than hiding them out of fear of being humiliated. This might open the door to more study of the subject and then who knows what might be found? It might turn out some of the ancient believes about death might turn out to be true.

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