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Electronic Devices and Spirits

There are a lot of electronic devices which are made to be activated by a human body. There are motion sensitive cameras, doors which open for us and elevators which only work when we press a button, just to mention a few and sometimes these devices decide to operate on their own, or do they? There are those who believe sometimes these devices are activated by the paranormal. In other words, we might see an automatic door open because something unseen to the human eye has passed in front of it. They also feel while an electronic device may operate in error on its own, that may not be true every time and there is a reason for at least a couple of these events which has nothing to do with error. Have I begun to make anyone uncomfortable yet? I am not talking about those so-called ghost hunting devices which can be set off by so many other things, I am talking about everyday devices.

Take an ordinary audio recorder for example. They are fairly simple devices designed to pick up a person’s voice and record it if they are set to record. There is a slew of stories about the devices recording voices which were never heard at the time and some of these voices are undeniable creepy. One of the problems is this can easily be faked, but there are some people who swear to the fact their recorder was on and no one else was there when the recording was made and yet there was another voice on the recorder which seemed to be trying to communicate with people. Paranormal television shows love to play recordings they claim have ghost voices on them.  Yeah, like all those are on the level.

A woman reported her elevator experience and it certainly was out of the ordinary. She had stayed in a famous hotel and her and her mother wanted to go to a different floor and the passenger elevator was far away, but there was a freight elevator nearby and no one around so they decided to use it. When they got into it they noticed a rusty chair in the corner. They pressed their floor button and the doors closed and one of them remarked they wondered if someone was in the chair. Just then they began to feel uncomfortable but even thought they reached their floor, the doors wouldn’t open. That same person said she though the elevator was haunted and at that point they heard a laugh which was right next to their ears. They raced to the doors again and this time they did open and they got out as fast as they could. A nurse had a story about hearing someone banging on the hospital elevator door and screaming for help from inside the elevator. She notified security who checked every elevator and none were stuck but the banging and screaming continued for a few seconds more then stopped. She then said that elevator would sometimes stop on its own at the 5th floor which was empty but used to be where there was a hospice.

Some people thought an escalator was haunted. The reason they thought this was the fact they believed it tried to eat someone. A guy in Turkey stepped onto the escalator in a busy metro station. As he did a huge hole opened up and he fell into it, inside the machine’s workings. Rescue crews were called and they managed to get him out with just a fractured arm. Things could have been a lot worse. There is a game which is played in Korea where it is believed you can open the elevator doors and they will lead to another dimension. There is a sequence of button pressing which takes place forcing the elevator to take you to several different floors and the final floor selection is said to take you to the last selected floor where a strange woman may ask you where you are going. You are not supposed to answer her as you get out. Many people claim when they reach this floor you can not see anything outside as you look through the windows and this floor is in an alternate dimension.

Motion detection cameras have taken photos of all sorts of strange things. They are made to either snap a photo every few seconds or as things pass by. Ghost hunters like to use these types of cameras and we see piles of crap on them which are said to be ghosts, but there are other ones where business have set up cameras and some of the things seen on these can’t be explained. There is a video compilation which is said to contain the five creepiest videos from security cameras. The following is the address of the video. You can copy and paste it into your browser’s address area.
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Since the advent of surveillance cameras, a lot of strange and unusual things have been recorded. Unfortunately, we are living in a society where it is relatively easy to alter these recordings so it is very important to verify what happened and who was the custodian of the video before it was shown and if anyone else had access to it. There are certainly plenty of paranormal stories out there which claim to be true and most of them unworthy of a mention or just caused by mistaken events. There are a few however which send chills up the spines of some people who truly believe what they tell us they saw.

I have heard one or two which are hard to refute. Does this mean they involved spirits? There is no way any of us can say yes absolutely, but we might say it could be possible under certain circumstances.

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