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Our souls and Consciousness

Where is our place in the universe? There are so many theories about our lives and how they came about and where our consciousness comes about. One of the most fascinating theories to come out lately was the one which states our consciousness comes from somewhere else and is sent into our bodies. This would mean our bodies are nothing more than shells which our entire being is sent into. What it also indicates is our consciousness would survive our death. It could also serve as the basis for what many religious authorities teach, which is the soul survives the body, because the soul could also be called the consciousness. It would seem to fit. How could something like this ever be proved? If we are looking for empirical proof we may never find it no matter how advanced we get.

Most people who believe in the soul believe it to be a sort of vaporous object which doesn’t possess any mass. One doctor over a hundred years ago made it his business to conduct experiments to find out what the soul was. He didn’t succeed in this, but something strange was found. He decided the best way to investigate what the soul was, was to take dying people who were in bed and put their beds on a very sensitive scale. When these people died he found there was a slight reduction in weight, about half a pound or less and attributed this to the soul leaving the body. Could he have been right, is there some weight to a soul or did some other phenomenon cause the difference in weight?

There are some people who believe a person can contact their own souls. They believe when a baby is born the soul enters it, but many believe this does not happen before birth. Some also believe you soul is near the body while it is in the womb but hasn’t entered it yet. They believe if meditation is conducted correctly a person can actually contact their soul. This makes me think they feel the soul is a sort of separate entity and most others do not believe this, they believe the soul is really us. Their idea of the soul is it contains everything which makes us what we are. If it was the other way around it might be possible for the soul to declare it had enough and leave the body.

One thing which might be better explained if our consciousness come from somewhere else and was inserted into our bodies and that would be incarnation. So many young children have come forth and continue to state they lived before and have all sorts of facts they shouldn’t know which seem to prove something. Many different studies have taken place and what they have found is there is no explanation for this in many of the cases. The children just know too much about someone who lived before that they shouldn’t have intimate knowledge of. I remember one young boy who used to cry when he slept because he remembered being shot down while piloting a plane in World War II. Finally, his parents pressed him for facts and he remembered where he used to live and described the rooms and his family. His parents finally took him to the place and were shocked because he got every detail right.

It is just too hard to explain things like this. There were no materials around his house the boy could have read about the pilot. There was nothing on television or radio about the pilot and the boys incredible detail of the house and his former relatives was downright scary. If consciousness comes from somewhere else this could explain everything. It could just be taken from us as we died and then some time later be inserted into a different body. It wouldn’t be contrary to many religions and the ones which didn’t believe in reincarnation might have to admit it is possible someday, since now they refuse to acknowledge these children.

Will it ever be possible for people to actually contact the souls of departed loved ones. According to some people they have contacted them already in the form of reincarnated loved ones. This is not what I am talking about however. I am asking the question if it would ever be possible to find where a consciousness goes and waits before entering another body if that is what happens. Would it be possible in some truly advanced future to know the answer to this? I hate to use the word never when referring to science, but if consciousness was designed by God many believe he would never allow this to happen.

Death is one of the greatest mysteries of our lives. What happens to us, where do we go if anywhere and do we get evaluated at the time of our deaths to see if we are worthy to go to heaven. That is the basis of many religions. There are some who believe that only some of this is true and if we don’t pass the test our consciousness is sent back into another body to try and get things right and this process continues until we do. Some believe there are exceptions for really terrible people like Hitler and the like who will never get another chance at life.

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