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A Recent Near Death Experience Study

Why is it humans believed in a God from the very beginning? They were trying to understand where they came from and where they were going. Since God was a mysterious concept they associated him [or her] with something that existed in the sky, because to the ancients the sky was the most mysterious of places. The sky became the place God existed for most of the races on the earth. There were a few exceptions, but sky gods became very popular. As a matter of fact this is what the ancient alien theory is based on. They base it on the fact there is a belief aliens came down to the planet earth in the past and were mistaken for gods, because of their technology. Given the right amount of technology an advanced race could probably convince one which is not so advanced they were gods. Does this mean there is no God, but there may be advanced aliens fooling people into thinking they are Gods? According to the experiences which have been had by many, this is not the case at all.

A new study was conducted on near-death experiences. There have been quite a few in the past. Many people believe there is no God and they base this on the fact there is so much misery on the earth. What they fail to realize is we were put here as masters of our own fate and things which happen on the earth are a combination of chance or the result of our own actions. Sometimes they just happen because of our genes, such as genetic diseases. There is no doubt there are many near-death experiences which are similar to each other and this is very hard to explain unless we are believers. One doctor from the study said it is simply wrong to discount near-death experiences as dreams, hallucinations or the result of a dying brain, because it is impossible for those who are unconscious, comatose or clinically dead to have highly lucid experiences that are clear and logically organized.

One thing the study found out which I think is quite interesting is it didn’t matter what age you were or what your agenda was, the result of many of the near-death experiences was the same for everyone. It didn’t matter what your ethnicity was or where you came from, chances were you are going to experience the same near-death experience as many others. When a person is having a near death experience and has an out of body experience at the same time it can be proven according to the study. I think what they mean is, it is easy enough to question the person about the things they saw during this experience when their body was unconscious and verify these events. The study went on to say it didn’t matter how you were brought to the near-death experience and cited the fact one person had a heart attack and another almost drowned and yet they both experienced the same near-death experience.

It may be only numbers and statistics, but in the over one thousand case study it was shown more than 40% of the near-death experiences people had showed them the existence of God. The study also said 64% of the people in the study said they knew God existed or probably existed and after their near-death experience 82% of them now believed in God. One of the things people in near death experiences describe the most is the pure love of God. Many of the people in the study claimed the love they experienced from God was unconditional and very personal and it felt as if God knew everything about them. When people talk about God in the near-death experience they claim God is the light, that his light energy radiates pure love. Some people have seen God as a human and this has comforted them. Another component of a near death experience is a life review. People who experience this often say they are not judged by God, they judge themselves as they see the events and they are shown how their decisions have affected others. It is pretty rare according to the study to have a frightening near-death experience. Less than 1% of the near-death experiences which were submitted to the study showed this. No near-death experience in the study showed anyone being cast in to hell. Many of those who did have a hellish experience called out to God for mercy and were immediately saved. Many times when people return from this kind of experience they have a transformation in their life. Besides the transformation many of these people lose their fear of death.

When people have near-death experiences they usually characterize God the same way even if they weren’t believers before their experience. One of the doctors conducting the study stated if these events were just a product of our brains, basically they would be all different. This was not his exact words, but this was the meaning of what he said. He went on to say our belief systems would color and influence how we experience God, but this is not the case when people have near-death experiences. Many of the world’s religions already teach God’s love.

Belief in God will be tested even further in the future when we come upon alien races. There is a story that an abductee was on a UFO was not treated badly and the captain of the UFO let him ask questions and one of the questions he asked was did he believe in God? The captain of the UFO replied yes we do and went on to add God was in charge of the entire universe. I won’t go into a debate whether aliens exist or not or whether they have come down to the earth, but you can take this story for what it’s worth.

Do near-death experiences prove there is a God? There is certainly something there we can’t explain and many people believe they do prove it.