Truth Facts



Paranormal Places and Events

Sometimes strange things are observed. One such event occurred in a household where a couple had a young child. The grandfather had died about a month before. A camera in the child’s room picked up a ghostly image looking over the baby’s bed. The ghost had the outline of a man and it is presumed this was the spirit of the grandfather.

One of the things I have been seeing for years are so-called lists of the scariest places. What I find interesting is the fact there are usually no two lists exactly the same. Some lists do not even contain any of the same places. I guess this just goes to show you everyone has a different idea when it comes to what is scary and what is less scary or maybe not scary at all.

With all this investigation into quantum physics, is there a chance we will find out something about the afterlife, after all it is said energy never dies and presumably our souls are some sort of energy. When Edison was alive, he spent many years trying to build a machine to contact the dead, but failed. If he was alive today and a physicist, would he be trying to develop a quantum platform to do the same thing? One of the ideas brought on by quantum physics is that when we think we die we are merely transported to another existence. There are other variations on this idea.

Some people are interested in going to Denton, Texas. The reason is there is a bridge known as the Goat man’s Bridge, which is said to be haunted and these people think they might be able to have a supernatural experience. The story goes this way, a goat farmer lived in the area. He had a herd of black goats. The locals thought he used the goats in devil worship and attacked him in his house and hung him on the bridge. This was in relatively modern times, in 1938. This sounds more like something which might have happened 200 or more years earlier. Anyway, he is said to have cursed the bridge. Witnesses report seeing the ghost of the goat man and say he roams around the bridge. They also say they can hear the cries of terrified goats.

One thing which makes hauntings even stranger is when a deceased pet is seen. Recently, a study talked about over 500 pet owners seeing their dead pets or rather the ghosts of their dead pets. The obvious meaning of this would seem to be animals have souls. This was a theory I have heard quite a few times in the past by some people who claimed to have been studying the supernatural. Most have said they know every living thing on earth can become a ghost when it dies. I have a hard time believing this. I don’t know of anyone who claims to have seen ghost insects and such or even ghost fish, although there may be a few people around who claim to have seen this. It is rather nice to think a beloved pet had an afterlife.

One person who claimed to be a remote viewer said they checked out the afterlife. I was wondering about this because it seems very tempting to do if you are a remote viewer. They said they no longer worry about death because your consciousness is sent into space and can then choose to go anywhere it wants, even remain here. I take this with a grain of salt, but it is interesting.

It has been said by some we sometimes mistake other creatures for ghosts, and these creatures are djinns. The eastern world has many believers in djinns. To us in the western world they are more popularly known as genies. They are said to be born and die and even have families, but exist in another dimension but can access this one. They have the power of invisibility. They can appear as different creatures and humans. They are said to be able to possess a human and an exorcism is required to get rid of them. The belief in djinns is so strong in the east, many people wear something with the name of God to protect them from the djinn.

Sometimes people claim to get very strong feelings of dread when they are in a certain place or talking about a certain person. This is what happened during a film shoot of an Indian movie. While acting in a movie about a deceased music star, the actor said he had a paranormal experience when the scenes were shot which referred to the death of the music star. It so happens the music star was killed in the same place the movie was being made.

Every once in a while, an article is written telling home buyers to be very careful and investigate the home first to make sure it is not haunted. I guess if one believes in ghosts this is a good idea, but maybe even if they don’t it is still good advice. Houses have been found to have secret rooms with someone living in them. Other than that, there are plenty of stories about people buying a home only to find out it was haunted. Some states even have laws stating a seller must tell the potential buyer if the home is haunted. This is true in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Minnesota.

Kentucky’s most haunted night club is said to be Bobby Mackey’s. It is being demolished. The owner is going to build a new building on the spot. The original building had many scary happenings and one has to wonder of they will be carried over to the new building.

If you still want to go to Kentucky before the new building is built and want to get that ghost experience, you might try the Talbott Tavern, in Bardstown. It is an 18th century inn and is said to be haunted by the lady in white. There have been said to be appearances by the six Talbott children who died in a fire in 1886, so enjoy.

There is an area known as Niles Canyon Road in the San Francisco Bay Area which is said to be haunted. It is said there is a ghost girl haunting the area. It is also said when drivers see her, she disappears. It is funny how many stories there are about different places that have haunted roads and bridges. This is another one of them.

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