Truth Facts



Haunted Homes and Paranormal Experiences

Did you ever wonder how many people and families bought a new home only to find out it was haunted? This is also true for renters who rent homes and apartments. Over the years I have read about quite a few of these cases. Most of the time the buyers and renters are very unhappy and sometimes things get so bad they have to leave, but every once in a while, they claim the ghost turns out to be friendly. Then there are the cases where when a home is purchased or rented or even an apartment, everything is fine for a while but later on, it could be even be years later on, the families or individuals start having problems of a ghostly nature.

Often if there is an adolescent present in the home, and it has been occupied for a time without a problem and then suddenly a poltergeist type haunting starts, it is claimed by the so-called experts the problems are being caused unknowingly by the child going through puberty. Some scientists state children generate poltergeist activity by channeling energy into the quantum mechanical vacuum. In other words, the children can be so overwhelmed by dealing with puberty, this energy can cause chaos by making objects fly through the air and so forth. While this makes me wonder if there is any truth to it, if they are correct, it could explain at least some of the poltergeist activity. The difference between a poltergeist and an ordinary ghost is a poltergeist is known for creating physical disturbances. An ordinary ghost might just appear, try and contact a person, and make its voice heard.

In 1991 a New York court ruled if a person was selling a haunted home and didn’t disclose the fact to the buyer, it was grounds for the buyer to be released from the contract. The case was brought about when a seller had written an article about his home being haunted but failed to mention the fact it was haunted when selling it. There are also three states which have laws that require sellers to notify the potential buyers of untimely or unnatural deaths which occurred in the home in the last three years. Those states are said to be California, Alaska and South Dakota.

One of the most often heard statements about haunted places is they were built over an Indian burial ground. I have been hearing this ever since I was a little kid, and it has been the topic in quite a few horror movies. I still do not understand why an Indian burial ground would be scarier than any other burial ground, but there you go. Indian burial grounds have been thrust into our subconscious and linked with what many of us think is creepy.

Just because someone might see or hear a message from a spirit while at home does not necessarily mean a home is haunted. This could just be a one-time event. Many people have reported being contacted by a recently departed loved one, in different ways once or twice and that was it. This might have happened no matter where they were especially if they were alone, but sometimes even if others are present. I personally know of a married couple who had such an experience together in the basement of their home. There was certainly nothing threatening about the experience and one might say it enforced their belief in the afterlife.

One couple bought a home and were only there a short amount of time before hearing noises. When strange noises are heard, they could be coming from anywhere and many times have been found to be quite normal and caused by a building settling or outside noises. There are exceptions to this however. The sounds these people were hearing had to do with things inside the home being moved around when no one else was there to do this. Sometimes crashing sounds which sound like pots, pans and shelves falling are heard and there is just no accounting for this. The people in this house were getting very worried and scared. It turned out there had been a death in the home. This should not disturb people because natural deaths occur all the times in homes. Some believe it is only violent deaths that cause problems. The people who bought the home decided not to stay there and rented it out. Was the home haunted? Who knows, but it may or may not have been.

One man decided to purchase an old mansion with a reputation for being haunted. This purchase was a business move. The buyer was buying it for its haunted reputation with the idea of turning it into an attraction. He said he didn’t believe in ghosts but when he walked into the home for the first time, he felt uncomfortable. There are those who actually look for haunted places to move into, as strange as this sounds.

One famous actress decided to buy a very expensive apartment which had been occupied by another famous person who had died. The apartment cost millions of dollars, but this has nothing to do with the story. After she moved in, she claimed a ghost confronted her. She thought she would be scared, but said the ghost was very kind and now she has a very friendly relationship with it.

I have found many more people have had experiences with the paranormal, more than anyone suspects. This is because most people won’t talk about these kinds of experiences. After they begin to trust you and realize you are not going to ridicule them, things can change. I have been told about quite a few paranormal events people have had and also read about many of them. After what I have seen and heard, it is hard not to become a believer. I also know there is probably more fraud connected with the paranormal than any other endeavor and keep this in mind at all times. I weigh what I am being told by who is telling about their experiences and how trustworthy they seem to me and what they would gain by lying to me.

Some of my close friends and relatives have told me about experiences they have had, and some are very similar to my own. It makes me wonder if a house is ever haunted or it is the person who is? In times of contact where a recently deceased loved one has contacted someone in an effort to let them know they are okay; it has happened to many more people than one would suspect. This does not make the home haunted.  I think this is one of the most common paranormal experiences people have.

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