Truth Facts



Is The Paranormal Real?

I was reading an article about some of the most paranormal places and things. While many people believe in the paranormal, there are those who absolutely do not. For those of us who have had a truly paranormal experience, we can understand why those others who haven’t, have a hard time believing. As for me I realize there is something strange going on and there is a tremendous amount we don’t understand. When I say the word paranormal, I am not talking about UAPs and such. To make this as plain as I can, I am talking about spirits. Many times, these spirits have contacted their loved ones after death. There are probably thousands of stories about this if people really dig around. Sure, we might have to attribute mental illness to some, but there are far too many times to say this is always the cause. It also seems to me those who claim to be able to contact the dead, can’t. There has never been a case which I know about, which could not be debunked in those cases and if there are some, they just haven’t been examined very carefully.

It seems those who have had strong loving ties with the deceased might have a much better chance of being contacted. The contacts always seem to be of a loving nature in those cases, although some people who had problems with things in life and were not very friendly seem to have continued down that road in death according to some witnesses.

There are other things besides direct contact with spirits which have to be considered paranormal. Take the stories of people who had a terrible feeling about going to work on September 11, 2001. These were people who worked in the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. Because of that overwhelming feeling they either stayed home or decided to go in later. One story I read was about a woman who purposely missed a subway ride there and took a later one and missed the attack. A couple of people stayed home who worked in the building because they had terrible feelings of dread. I myself had a very strange experience I spoke about before. When I was driving on the road I had an incredible feeling of having to stop the car. I felt like I had no choice but to pull over for a few minutes so I did. I got back on the road when the feeling left me and when I got to the spot I would have been in if I didn’t stop there was a terrible accident between several vehicles. I truly feel I was saved from this and was very grateful. I was convinced I was being watched over and will never forget the experience.

There are quite a few stories about paranormal experiences which were not good. I remember the home in the Midwest which seemed to be occupied by a poltergeist. The occupants were repeatedly tortured by the ghost who would throw things around and was generally nasty. As things got worse, word started to get around about the place as the occupants sought help. It got to the point where a film crew decided to come to the place and began to film the happenings which were very violent as dishes, pots and pans, and such were thrown apparently at those in the home, then the husband complained of a pain on his back and when it was examined, there were long red scratches on it. The case was never able to be disproved.

The paranormal seems to be like life itself, in that there seems to be good and bad. It seems like there is a lot we can’t explain. While there are violent spirits reported it seems their power is limited to scaring and light contact, but once in a while you hear about a spirit who tried to push someone down the stairs, or something like that. There happens to be so much fraud in the field of the paranormal it is hard to tell what is happening in many cases, but in a few there is no denying it. I would like to talk about the family in England who were experiencing poltergeist activity. It just kept getting worse. Finally, the desperate family was able to convince the police to come over and they reluctantly did and while they were there the activity started. They couldn’t believe their eyes as even furniture was being thrown about by some unseen spirit. I heard the family finally had to leave the place, but I am not sure.

I never believed any of this until I had a personal experience and began to research it. I couldn’t believe what I found and how many average people like myself had an undeniable paranormal experience and how some professions seem to have more experiences than others. One of these professions are nurses, especially those night nurses in the critical wards. Some have said they have seen many apparitions walk down the halls and disappear after someone died. Yet it is very hard to find any undertakers who have had any of these experiences. Could that be because the soul has already left the body?

I think we have accumulated more than enough proof that death is not the end. I myself have lost the fear of death thanks to my experiences. I feel sorry for those who have not had one of these experiences because it would have changed their life also.

When there is so much bunk out there about the paranormal, it makes it even harder for those who have not had a paranormal experience to believe. When Harry Houdini the great magician, devoted much of his time to going to the most famous of psychics and mediums of his time to try and contact his mother, he found out they were all phonies. He finally gave up and concluded there was no way to contact the dead and no way for the dead to contact the living, which I believe is not true according to so many unexplainable experiences of the dead actually contacting the living in many different ways. If you are a Christian, then you believe Jesus came back from the dead to show it was possible. Many other religions believe in spirits and such. Humans have always suspected the dead were able to contact the living. The proof is in some of the ancient writings which these races left behind. Even some of the pictures on ancient cave walls might depict spirits, not aliens as some think.

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