Truth Facts



Haunted Objects

There are some people who claim there are haunted objects. They claim the objects can be anything and where ever the objects are brought to, the ghost travels with them. I have been hearing this stuff for many years and I have decided to write this article about these objects. First of all, there are many religious statues who people claim do strange things like crying. I am not sure we can classify them as being haunted. I don’t know how others feel about this, but they seem to be the subject more of a miracle to me.

Let’s start out with a haunted drawing. There is a house in Spain which has become famous, or should I say infamous because of the fact no matter how many times faces appear on the home’s concrete floor and are erased, they reappear. The home has become a tourist attraction. It has been said sometimes some faces do disappear on their own only to be replaced with new faces. The faces have been classified as thoughtography. A clearer term is psychic photography. It is believed the faces appear because someone probably in the household has this ability and may not know it. This phenomenon bends the term haunted since it is so unusual and again haunted might be the wrong description, but the event has been studied for years and there doesn’t seem to be any answers why this is physically happening except the one I have given and maybe haunting.

If you ask someone what is the scariest things they have seen, there is a good chance on the top of the list would be some dolls and mannequins. Can you imagine walking through a dark warehouse full of these objects in the best of times and not be at least a little freaked out? It turns out there is a list of dolls which are said to be haunted. The list contains the title The Ten Most Haunted Dolls In The World. Here is the list:
The Janesville Doll
The Haunted Barbie Doll
The Italian Doll
The Satan Dolls
A doll in an abandoned house

I know not everyone will agree with the list, but it is interesting to know why these dolls were picked. They are in reverse order of danger. First of all, some people believe these dolls can kill a person. Robert is said to be the most dangerous. The doll is on view and has such a bad effect on those who see it, there constantly are letters of apology written to the museum by people for acting rude in front of the doll. Apparently, they have experienced something terrible when they left. I could go through the entire list, but all these dolls are said to be haunted and cause chaos in people’s lives. For one more story, the doll in an abandoned house is said to have yelled to the former owner who found it under a floor board and took it to a new residence in a locked box, to let it out. The doll was making appearances on television and a cameraman said the doll turned his head to look at him, scaring the heck out of him. The doll is considered evil and dangerous.

One object which many believe can also be evil in certain cases, is a mirror. There is this belief that certain mirrors are really portals to other dimensions and worlds. Some even believe they could be a gateway to hell. There is a plantation named the Myrties which is said to have one of these mirrors. It is said the spirits of a family which owned the plantation who were murdered are trapped in the mirror. They were killed by a slave who poisoned them. It is said the house actually is home to twelve spirits. Pictures have been taken which show a face in a window when the house is empty. Could it be one of the people in the mirror or someone else?

Sometimes it is said a famous person who is deceased left a haunted object behind. One very famous object is the former James Dean’s sports car. There are several different stories about how the car has hurt people even when they were not in it. Interestingly, he named the car the Little Bastard. When he was driving it to his first race, he hit a truck and died. Later on, parts of the car were sold and one race car which had a part installed killed its driver. Two of the rims and tires were sold to a race car driver and that car skidded into a crash because they both blew at the same time. The driver barely escaped death. It is said another time the car was on display and fell off injuring someone. I can see why someone might think this car was haunted.

Rudolph Valentino was one of the most famous silent movie stars. He went out to buy a ring and walked into a jewelry store. When he asked about a silver ring with semi-precious stones the store owner told him the ring was haunted, but he bought it anyway. You have to remember he was probably the biggest star in Hollywood at the time. He wore the ring while filming his next movie which turned out to be a terrible flop. He put the ring away, but several years later decided to wear it again. He made another movie and then died. His former lover got the ring and wore it and almost died from a very serious illness which ruined her career. The singer Russ Colombo got the ring and wore it. He was killed in a shooting. A man named James Willis tried to steal the ring but was shot to death by the police.

There is a tree in Staffordshire, England which is said to be haunted and evil. It is an Oak tree which for some reason is covered in rusted chains. The reason the tree is covered in chains has to do with the Earl of Shrewsbury. He was in his carriage when a beggar woman stopped it and asked the Earl for a small amount of money. He yelled at her to get out of the way and she told him she was placing a curse on him and for every limb that fell from the tree a member of his family would die. That night a storm hit and a large branch fell from the tree and a family member died. He ordered the tree chained up.

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