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Is Kim Jong-un Hoodwinking us?

Sometimes things happen which seem crazy to us. They just don’t make any sense. If Hitler had suddenly acted like a nice guy after building concentration camps and putting people in them would people have accepted the fact he was sincere? I know this sounds bizarre but take the case of Kim Jong-un. For years we have been hearing about all the horrible things he did such as executing his relatives in the most brutal ways if they didn’t agree with him. It was said his uncle who was a government official was chained to a post and blown up with an antiaircraft gun while his family was forced to watch. People in North Korea have been victims for years of starvation while this guy obviously stuffs himself with food. Now he is becoming the darling of the diplomatic set and his sister a star. Could anyone have changed from ruthless murderer to good guy in the blink of an eye?

I have a lot of thoughts on this subject just dying to get out so here I go. First, I would like to know if anything we were told about Kim Jong-un was just false news. There is so much false news today it is hard to know if our opinions were being shaped in case we had to go to with North Korea. This is what happened in the Spanish American War when the battleship Maine blew up. The news media blamed the Spanish immediately for the sinking when it was well known there was a defect in that class of ship which could allow sparks to somehow blow up the power magazine. Even though this was known the government said nothing at the time because they had their eye on Spanish possessions like the Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico.

There could be a lot of work going on to figure out how to render nukes useless. I have come to this conclusion from the various things I have read. What if this has been communicated to Kim with proof, which would render his nuclear arsenal worthless. If he were to believe this would he change his tactics and try to get together with the rest of the world? There is one thing for sure and that is American is his arch enemy and technically North Korea, South Korea and the U.S. are still at war. If Kim’s warheads have become useless it would mean he has spent just about every cent his country has on a useless weapon. Could he be afraid of being deposed by starving throngs of people if this would get out?

There are even theories which are far more incredible which have been put forward, but from observations show UFOs bringing down missiles and, in some cases, shutting them off. Do we know something about this? Have we been told by aliens they will not allow a nuclear war on this planet and this has been demonstrated by their actions to date? Could this have been told to Kim with supporting evidence or even a visit from an extraterrestrial stating this fact? It just so happens a lot of evidence has been coming out lately proving our government has been investigating UFOs for many years even though they have denied it and supposedly Holloman Air Force Base was the site of an alien landing and meeting with humans. It has been said Eisenhower met with aliens who wanted us to dump our nukes for advanced technology and he refused. This would prove they are against nukes and might show they would do anything to stop them.

Why would a man who supposedly stated his goal was to destroy the United States suddenly change his mind? What has he to gain? North Korea is a very poor country there is no denying that. If Kim could unite with the rest of the world and begin to make and sell products his country could become a lot more powerful and wealthy, but is this the reason for his change of heart? Perhaps he feels his relationship with China is slipping and maybe he has been told by China they will not stand for a nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula and will invade North Korea if he starts a war. Maybe he has even been told something sterner and it has been obvious China has been moving hundreds of thousands of troops near its borders even if North Korea was not told directly they were to threaten him. China might be the only country keeping North Korea alive at this point and Kim can’t afford to lose them.

There could also be a more sinister plot going on here. It has been said Kim wants South Korea and North Korea to unite into one Korea with him as its leader. Once that happens he supposedly would turn the might of South Korea manufacturing into weapons making and have a powerful base to threaten the United States and Japan from. Neville Chamberlain thought Hitler had a change of heart and wasn’t as bad as he seemed and made a pact with Germany which he thought would bring world peace, but we all know how that turned out. Do we have the same situation here?

It would be interesting to hear the opinions of psychiatrists and psychologists about the seemingly change of heart of Kim Jong-un. I would like to know if they feel it is possible for someone with so much hate in his heart for the U.S., who was brought up to hate us and has been sabre rattling for years as has his parents and their parents could change his opinion almost overnight? I find all this hard to believe if what we have been told over the years is true. South Korea seems to have fallen for Kim hook, line and sinker and they are completely wowed by his sister and it will be interesting to see what the next few months are going to bring especially from the meeting between President Trump and Kim if it takes place.

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