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When it come to things that go into our body I try and investigate them before ever trying them, if I do. Maybe this is the reason I feel skeptical about the newest product Elon Musk is creating. I am talking about Focus Effect Brain. In case you haven’t heard he has invested in neuroscience and has come up with a pill. This is not any ordinary pill, it is a pill with an incredible purpose. The pill is said to open up connections in our brains we ordinarily don’t use. Musk says the pills are perfectly safe and have no side effects. It is said the pill will give us advanced problem-solving abilities, increase our attention span, reduce anxiety, enhance our mood and improve our memory, both long term and short. I remember seeing something similar on a science fiction show. Everything looked great for a while until they didn’t, because horrible things began to happen. I have so many questions, but I will limit them. I have to wonder if there are long term effects we don’t know about yet since the pill is not that old. I also wonder if like many other drugs, some of us might become dependent on it. It will be interesting to see if mellowing out our mood and reducing our anxiety, while improving brain function will lead to a more peaceful planet. By the way the enhanced mood effect reminds me of what people say about some other drugs.

We have heard it by now for years. I am talking about dark matter the stuff it is said makes up most of our universe which cannot be seen. Sounds like a magic trick doesn’t it. Scientists while searching for dark matter have made an interesting discovery. They have discovered the Milky Way galaxy contains the remnants of 11 streams of stars which come from other galaxies. This means the Milky Way has either altered or destroyed star clusters or dwarf galaxies. This is not as unusual as it sounds. Some day our galaxy will crash into the Andromeda Galaxy and this will surely change both galaxies. There might even be more undiscovered remnants in our galaxy.

Michio Kaku has become very popular. In the unlikely event you don’t know who he is, he is a famous theoretical physicist who has appeared on many television shows and on the internet in different venues. He is extremely well respected and recently he has come out with some predictions about the future which have interested many people so I thought I would tell you about them. He said Moore’s Law would collapse around 2022. Moore’s Law states the number of transistors in a circuit doubles every two years. In other-words our computer power doubles every two years, but this causes the transistors to be created closer to each other and there is a limit to how close they can get and still operate. He has predicted the internet will be replaced by Brainnet in 10 to 20 years. Human brains will be able to send emotions, memories and things like that, because they will be able to connect their brains to it. Glasses and contact lenses will have a display which will give a biography on people you meet and be able to interpret foreign languages. Everyone will have instant information. Augmented Reality will provide instant information for professionals such as a complete battlefield for the military or complete blueprints for builders. Wallpaper will become intelligent, because computer chips will cost only one cent each. AI (Artificial Intelligence) doctors will give medical advice. Kaku says in the future we will have so much information we will know profit margins on products and know who is cheating us. He says every industry will be digitalized and when you watch things you will be immersed in what you watch. If you look at a football game you will be in the center of the field and the game will be played around you. Lenticular technology will allow 3D without glasses. All clothes purchased will fit, because your measurements will be in the cloud.

While I like some of the predictions made by Doctor Kaku, I can’t help but notice some would require an ideal world, which we may never have. Laws can be changed and we know Congress is not above changing things for us while exempting themselves from some. This business about knowing what things cost to manufacture and being able to compare things to find out who has the best deals and what profit markets are may never come into being, because laws may be passed to cover this up. Remember the law which stated manufacturers didn’t have to tell us when GMO (Genetically Modified) foods were used? Will chip manufacturers allow chips prices to fall to one cent each? This is debatable. Look at diamonds. De Beers has kept the prices artificially high for many years, diamonds should be a lot cheaper.

Scientists are saying something happened to us about 200,000 years ago and it upgraded our brains. The Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany states modern humans have a distinct brain and skull architecture which became fully developed around 40,000 years ago. One has to wonder why this happened. The research was conducted on 20 different Homo sapiens fossils ranging in age from 300,000 years to 40,000 years ago. 3D scanning of features of the skull were compared and the data was used to create a timeline of the changes which seemed to show human brain evolution. The scientists also found our skulls are rounder than our ancestors and our facial bones smaller and more set into the skull.

Scientists have figured out how to create Star Wars like holograms, such as the one of Princess Leia. The image can be seen from any angle and walked around to see the back and sides. It is a true 3D hologram which is known as a Volumetric Image.