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More Strange News 11/17/17

Sometimes I am glad I am not an archaeologist. There were times when archaeologists do what we might consider distasteful things to discover facts. That is precisely what is going on at the location of Paul Revere’s house. Archaeologists are digging in what they considered to be Paul Revere’s toilet. It is located just outside of the house of Nathaniel Hichborn, a cousin and neighbor of Paul Revere. The neighbor’s house is considered to be the oldest brick structure standing in Boston. What I don’t understand is the fact Paul Revere had his outhouse so close to his neighbor’s house? This area has never been studied before. The outhouse is about 4 feet by 6 feet. So why would archaeologists dig in an outhouse? It turns out in colonial America we use to use outhouses to throw our trash in, so the archaeologists are hoping to find out more about the way people live in that period.

Sometimes there is a good reason for people being scared of clowns. Twenty-seven years ago, a clown walked up to a woman’s door. The clown was wearing an orange clown wig, carrying two balloons and a bouquet of flower. The clown then knocked on the door. The woman of the house opened the door and the clown shot her to death. The case was investigated for years and finally became a cold case. The shooting took place in Florida. In September, 2017 a woman was arrested for being that clown. This woman had been a suspect in the case from day one, but the police never had enough evidence to prove she did it. So how do they know all these years later they can prove she was the clown murderer? As time goes by new technology is developed and in this case, they were able to re-test DNA evidence and even then, it took three years to prove everything. One thing is for sure, the police weren’t clowning around and had no intention of ever letting this clown killer get away with the crime.

We all know being a soldier can be a very dangerous profession. Soldiers are subject to all sorts of wounds. I remember being on the rifle range shooting my rifle at a target, while I was just one of about thirty soldiers all lined up doing the same thing. A rifle range can be a dangerous place, but usually it is safe enough if everybody is pointing their rifles downrange and nobody is crossing over the line in front of them. This isn’t always true however as the soldier to my right was firing his rifle I felt a breeze shoot past my head. The firing pin of his rifle had blown out and nearly went into my skull. A soldier in the Colombian army in 2016 was the victim of an accident. This accident caused a rifle grenade to be embedded in his skull. It hadn’t exploded and was just sitting there and he was still alive. Doctors at a Colombian military hospital were able to remove the grenade without killing the patient or exploding the bomb. They did the operation outside of the hospital in a parked car in case it went off. Those were some very brave hospital personnel.

I think many of us have heard about people who are alive, but have been declared dead and their Social Security and other benefits stopped. It is extremely hard to get them started again, because of all the bureaucratic red tape and simply calling the Social Security Bureau and telling them you are alive usually does nothing. A woman in Spain has been fighting to prove she is alive after she has been declared dead. The woman is not been able to renew her driver’s license or go to a doctor since 2010. Apparently, a clerical error was made seven years ago. Another woman died in 2010. This woman had the same birthday and same full name and the government worker who was the clerk credited the wrong woman as dying. She found out she was declared dead after going to the emergency room in the hospital and being told she was declared dead. The doctor treated her out of the goodness of his heart, because he knew her. The poor woman tried to correct this in so many different ways. She went to the treasury, to the courts and everywhere she could think of and even went to the newspapers. Now she wants the government to open the grave to prove it is not her in it. She says she has been declared dead to everybody except the banks which continue to collect a mortgage on a regular basis. She wants a DNA test to be done and who can blame her?

Scientists decided to check the pulse of people watching hockey. First, they checked those people who were watching it on television and next they checked other people who were watching it in person. They claim to have found those who watched hockey on television had an increased heart rate by 75% and those who watched it in person had an even more increased heart rate by 110% . They didn’t seem to differentiate whether the hockey which was being watched was professional, college hockey or minor-league hockey. The median increase of heart rate among all spectators almost doubled, because it was at 92%. Scientists who conducted the test claim these figures can trigger adverse cardiovascular events. This was the first-time hockey fans were tested. I suspect this may be true for a lot more sports.

A mystery has existed in Texas for quite a while. A home in a Texas town has gravestones around it for a sidewalk and authorities were very interested to know if they were stolen from graves. Police opened up an investigation after the home was purchased by a construction worker who discovered the paving stones that made up the front yard sidewalk with grave markers which were face down. The owner thought that maybe he uncovered a cemetery, after all why would anybody use headstones for a walkway? The police researched the names and dates of death on the stones and found graves in Fort Worth, Texas, but the graves were not missing their headstones. It turns out these headstones were rejected by family members for such things as misspellings or other errors. It is still creepy no matter how you figure it, but frugal.