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More News 11/02/17

The United States seems to be doing something strange. It could turn out be nothing, but on the other hand who knows. We are collecting bio samples from Caucasian Russians. The samples are composed of RNA and synovial fluid. RNA stands for Ribonucleic Acid. It is one of the nucleic acids naturally occurring in the cells of a living organism. Synovial fluid is also called synovia. It is a viscous, non-Newtonian fluid found in the cavities of synovial joints. It reduces friction between the articular cartilage of synovial joints when there is movement. Why would we be doing this? It could just be for some type of medical test, but Russian President Vladimir Putin felt it important to mention this at the meeting of Russia’s Human Rights Council. Life expectancy in Russia in 2015 was 64.7 years for men and 76.3 years for women. Could this have something to do with sample collection? Figures for life expectancy in the United States for 2015 were 76.9 years for men and 81.6 years for women.

When NASA astronaut Scott Kelly was chosen to be an astronaut, was it because he had an exact twin? I ask this because it gave NASA something to compare against after he came back from a long space mission. Anyway, this is exactly what they did. Kelly had spent 340 days aboard the International Space Station known as the ISS. Astronauts have to constantly work out, because living in an atmosphere without gravity takes its toll on people even with the exercise. NASA knew some of the effects of long jaunts in space could cause, such as shrinking muscles, stretching of the spine, sleep problems and it could cause genes to work differently. When NASA scientists compared Scott Kelly to his brother they found he had thousands of genes which changed the way they turned on and off. Scott’s telomeres had gotten longer which are the ends of chromosomes, but quickly shrunk back to size. This is interesting, because some scientists think people with longer telomeres live longer. Would people living in space live longer? Scott’s gut bacteria changed. Over 200,000 of Scott’s RNA molecules were expressed differently.

A news article appeared which referred to the murder of doctors. The doctors were holistic doctors and some have even gone missing. Why would anyone want to kill holistic doctors? One doctor was found murdered who lived in Bonita Springs, Florida. The sheriff was said to believe the murder was not random. The month before two other doctors in the area both died within a couple of weeks of each other. The first doctor had been shot in the head. The second doctor was found dead in his car. Three holistic doctors in Mexico in Guerrero state had vanished without a trace. Could it be these doctors had hit upon a cure or cheap treatment to restrain cancer and became a target of what is known as Big Pharma? I would hate to think drug companies were knocking off doctors. The article also referred to the fact Dr. Robert Atkins of Atkins Diet fame had claimed years ago he had cured a woman of breast cancer and then had his license taken away. It took pressure from the public for him to get it back, but he had to stipulate not to continue using the methods he claimed were successful in his cancer cure.

Some tech insiders are very worried. They secretly believe we now have the technology to hack people’s minds. Years ago, it was said the CIA was trying to create the perfect assassin. Who would make the perfect assassin? According to what they supposedly said it would be us. The idea would be to hack our minds, get us to do their bidding and then wipe that area of the mind clean so the person who committed the assassination wouldn’t know it. When they did commit the terrible act, they would have no choice since the brain hack would turn their brains over to the agency. What a horrible thought. One has to wonder what it would feel like doing something you didn’t want to do, but had no ability to stop. There is another thing a brain hacked person might be forced to do and that is vote for a certain candidate in an election. This is also a horrible thought. There are so many things we could be forced to do.

In the beginning of October 2017, about 2,300 exoplanets had been confirmed by NASA. Most of these planets had been found by the Kepler space telescope. The Kepler space telescope only examined a small part of the sky, and scientists believe there might be trillions of planets in our galaxy along with maybe one trillion stars. The numbers just boggle the mind. NASA wants to use devices known as diffusers which are inexpensive with specially etched surfaces on glass. This allows light from stars to be spread out in a prescribed way which will allow ground telescopes and satellites to also hunt much more accurately for exoplanets rather than just the space telescopes.

Neanderthals were thought to be dumb creatures who were entirely inferior to modern humans, but this has been proven false. It turns out they were much like us and even superior in some ways. To give you an example, scientists were shocked to find out Neanderthals were practicing dentistry over 130,000 years ago. Neanderthal teeth were found which clearly had been treated by dentistry. Two new studies which are about to come out will show how much Neanderthal DNA has affected us. It will be interesting to find out if any Neanderthal genes are controlling functions in our bodies.

A scale was created which measures our technological abilities against the technological possibilities. It is called the Kardashev Scale. It focuses on the amount of energy a civilization is able to utilize. We are at the lowest end of the Kardashev Scale which states a Type 0 civilization uses raw materials such as coal, wood and oil. Rockets would use chemical propulsion and that civilization would be confined to its home planet. The categories range from Type 0 to Type 5.