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Important News May 5, 2016

Buddhists have an aversion to killing anything live even an insect and many say it is because the insect has a life, it lives, and it can suffer and why hurt it for no reason. Well it turns out there was an interesting experiment performed by scientists and guess what they found out? It was that insects have a form of consciousness. The scientists performed brain scans on insects which indicated they have the capacity to be conscious and show egocentric behavior. It indicates they have something known as a subjective experience. The study was published in Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences. It was found even the tiny brains of insects serve the same function of the midbrain in humans. They can tie together memory, perception and other key parts of consciousness and make a decision on what to do.

A report on USA 24 is so terrible I almost didn’t write about it, but people should know what is going on. First let me say there are plenty of places which state what I am about to say is false and nothing more than a hoax. Normally I would respect that, but here is why I don’t in this case. Several times CIA planes have gone done and when they were examined they were full of drugs, illegal drugs. You can find these stories all over. The story published on USA 24 is said to be about an ex-CIA agent named John F. Abbotsford who was arrested for child pornography. He claimed it was planted to punish him for talking about the CIA running drug operations all over the world. He said, “The CIA has been dealing drugs since its creation. They’ve been smuggling drugs everywhere in the world for the past 60 years, in Taiwan in 1949 to support General Chiang Kai-shek against the Chinese commies, in Vietnam, in Nicaragua, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg” he launched out during the court trial. “We helped the Mujahedeen develop poppy cultivation to fight the Soviets, but we took back matters in our own hands in 2001 when we invaded Afghanistan under Bush.” 

Fracking is a process which entails drilling and injecting fluid into the ground using high pressures to accomplish this. It is done to fracture shale rocks and get them to release the natural gas trapped inside them. When something is inserted into the ground under high pressure where would one expect it to go? A rational person would realize it could go anywhere even into a water supply and maybe even destabilize the ground. No one can convince me fracking companies didn’t know this. This brings me to the problem in North Dakota. Fracking has caused widespread water and soil contamination and this was found during a study conducted by Duke University. Fracking is no good and the short term financial benefits are hugely offset by the problems it causes. Fracking has caused high levels of ammonium, selenium, lead and other toxic contaminants and made water very rich in salts. A professor at Duke had this to say about the problems fracking has caused in North Dakota, “In North Dakota, however, we find it is widespread and persistent, with clear evidence of direct water contamination from fracking.” It is a clear case of profits over people.

Just when you think global warming couldn’t cause any other problems you find out new ones. It has been found global warming is also causing acidification of the oceans and decreased oxygen levels in the water. Scientists are saying by 2030 this will reach crisis levels. Time to try and fix these problems is running out. Instead of arguing on whether global warming is real or not we should be trying to fix what we can. Business doesn’t want to admit global warming is real because it would hurt the way they do things, but in the long run if they do nothing and deny it they will be even worse off.

What is a futurist? It is defined as a person who studies the future and makes predictions about it based on current trends. Ray Kurzweil is an author and self-described futurist. He has come out with an astounding statement and it is humans will have tremendous life extensions by 2029 and might live indefinitely by that time. This is not the only thing he is predicting. He thinks we will have tiny brain implants connecting all of us to a computer. Let me tell you why I hope this never happens. The military has been experimenting with controlling human brains and during experiments where two people were connected one brain was able to take over the other. Putting access to all our brains is just inviting trouble for all of us.

There are many stories about scientific experiments which unfortunately cannot be verified, but I will tell you about some of them anyway, because we have over 7 billion people on the earth and there are probably a few which can do things we are not aware of. In the 1980s it was said China was conducting experiments on some gifted children and the experiments were being conducted under the supervision of China’s official National Defense Science Commission. It is said the children were able to move small objects through physical barriers without ever touching them. It was also said the results were published in 1981 in the journal Ziran Zazhi or Nature Journal. Further experiments were said to have taken place and objects in sealed containers were able to disappear and reappear somewhere else. It may turn out some of us, as it has been said, are evolving more quickly and perhaps with this evolution come new powers.

The Chernobyl disaster was over 30 years ago and yet we are still seeing radioactive reindeer in Norway. The reindeer graze on lichen and fungus and these are two of the things most affected by the radiation, because of this the animals are not fit for consumption. The Sami are an indigenous people who rely on reindeer for food and other needs. The Becquerel is a measurement of radiation. Before Chernobyl blew up the accepted level for radiation and consumption was 600 Becquerel per kilogram. After the accident the EU raised the cap to 3,000 and stated it was to allow the Sami to maintain their way of life. Were they doing the Sami a favor by allowing them to eat irradiated meat or shoveling the problem under the rug without caring what happened to the Sami?