Truth Facts



Short Synopses On NASA Presentation About UAPs on May 31, 2023

I thought people might be interested in what was said by NASA and who couldn’t watch the conference for some reason. I only watched the morning version and there was more I missed in the afternoon.

The conference started by a NASA scientist claiming most of the sightings are caused by natural things such as reflections, planes, and such. NASA scientists went on to say they don’t usually get info from military planes and other sensors connected to the military because we don’t want to let others know our abilities. The NASA scientist demonstrated two objects they don’t have enough data on them yet to say for sure what they are. One of the objects was the now famous spherical object. It was said military sensors were not sufficient in most cases to give scientists enough data and scientific sensors were better. It was also said NASA is developing sensors which conform to what they want to know.

NASA said there was about 700 unknown objects, but the reason they are unknown is there is not enough data about them. The stigma of reporting UAPs is said to be just as bad as before, contrary to what most of us thought. The NASA scientist referred to the harassment they have been getting because of what they are researching which are UAPs. They claim it is rampant in the upper echelon of agencies. They discussed what anomalous is and said it is something which is unknown to the operator or sensor. They went on to say the video of UAPs going into the water is just a sensor problem. That doesn’t explain the sightings of this by witnesses.

NASA was talking about taking on partners in the UAP search. They said hot spots are hard to check, because there are laws which prevent them from aiming their detection facilities at an area where there are civilians. The scientist went on to say they have to be very sure where they aim their massive detection facilities. The FAA representative spoke and stated the United States has more planes than any other country in the sky. Their mission was said to be safety. I think it was important to have him speaking,  because of all the close calls lately with UAPs. He talked about the FAA sensors. We have to remember that many times UAPs seen by pilots didn’t register with the FAA, and some did. He said drones, balloons and non-manned systems are not to interfere where manned aircraft are operating. A map was shown of FAA detection systems and it was very heavy for short range radar from the Midwest to the East Coast and the rest of the country had more sparce coverage. If the object is too small it won’t be detected by the FAA. It was said there are 880,000 drones in the U.S. They must operate below 400 feet in altitude. 92 weather stations release 2 balloons every day. The FAA gets 3 to 5 UAP reports a month from all controllers. A report is going to be made to congress. They also admitted there will be a secret version of the report to congress that we will not be able to see. This is very disappointing.

It is hard for me to believe NASA is taking the UAP problem seriously after all these years. I am happy to see they want to know what is going on in our skies. While the scientists from NASA seemed very sincere, I have to wonder if the temptation will be too much for the government if proof of extraterrestrials is found. NASA, after all, is a government agency and subject to government oversight and the government might still feel we are not ready to know the truth. On the other hand, if NASA does find proof of UAPs being extraterrestrial and releases the information, it will change the life of every human on this planet and I am sure it will begin contact.

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