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NASA and the Truth

Sometimes things get destroyed and we common folk can’t understand why. I am still puzzled by the fact NASA destroyed hundreds of tape reels along with two Apollo era computers. Making matters even worse was the fact many of these reels are not marked and we have no idea what was on them. NASA said they were of no historical value. How can reels of tape which are connected to early Saturn and Jupiter missions along with pioneer 10 and pioneer 11 be of no historical value? What is going on here? Can you imagine how many museums both airspace and others would have loved to have had these tapes? NASA says most of the tapes were wiped, but not all of them because some of them are related to early space missions. The wiping of the tapes was done in 2015. I have to question the fact of why the tapes would be wiped at all when they related to early space programs. Are we supposed to believe that NASA is so hard up for money they were wiping these early tapes so they could use them again? I find that hard to believe. First of all, who uses tapes like this anymore? Secondly unless somebody at NASA sat down and reviewed every single tape, there is no way to know exactly what they all contained. The tapes themselves had been stored for over fifty years and were found in a basement of an engineer who had worked for NASA in the 1960s and 1970s. He had died and left the tapes with a scrap dealer. The scrap dealer called NASA and wanted to return the tapes saying he wanted to do the right thing. Records show NASA had contacted the family of the deceased engineer who had the tapes originally and told them to dump the computers as they had no use for them. They went on to say there wasn’t any evidence showing these tapes were of any historical value. Had they even looked at the tapes? NASA authorities gave the lame excuse retrieving the information on the tapes would be very expensive and there was no guarantee anything could be recovered from them, because they became moldy. To make things even more interesting one computer was incredibly heavy and a Crane had to be used to lift it out of the basement, but there was no record of it ever belonging to the US government.

NASA has a history of performing what looks like cover ups with historical tapes and photos. For years NASA was replying to people who were asked about some moon landing videos and photos by saying they were lost. Many boxes of them were lost. Now I ask you how does one lose such important historical documents? One NASA engineer has stated he has good news and bad news. The good news is he located where these things went, at least the videos. He said the bad news was they went to Galveston which means magnetically erased and then reused to save money. How does something like this happen? What would have happened if our forefathers reused the paper from the Declaration of Independence, because paper was expensive? Isn’t this as important in a way? NASA is saying basically it doesn’t matter, because the news services all have copies of videos taken during the moon landing. How do we know there weren’t other things on these tapes which no one else had copies of and the reason the tapes are gone, if they are really gone, is to cover up something NASA doesn’t want us to see? UFO investigators claim as technology moves forward we are able to bring out things in old videos and photos which we were never able to see before and perhaps this is why this happened. They claim if they were able to examine the historic videos using today’s technology it might have shown there are alien structures or even aliens on the moon.

NASA has a long history of shutting off the cameras when they detect something they don’t want us to see. There’s been many instances when the cameras on the International Space Station was shut off just as something strange was coming into view. NASA claims it is just camera problems of one kind or another. It is claimed a NASA employee printed out photos of the lunar landscape and had them on his desk while his picture was being taken. In those photos was said to be a picture of a building on the moon. You can see this for yourself if you copy then paste the following address into your browser’s address area.
I’m sorry but Truth Facts doesn’t use active outside links. You can see the NASA employee leaning on the picture while working on his computer. The person who posted this photo claims to know the building is occupied by military personnel.

Sometimes things which are right in front of us go unnoticed, because we believed a trusted authority has vouched for them. Take for example the views we have seen of the earth from the moon supplied to us by NASA. In those photos, the earth is approximately about the size the moon is when we look at it from the earth. There is a problem with this and it has been brought up from time to time by a few people. The problem is the earth has a diameter of about 7,926 miles, while the moon’s diameter is only about 2,159 miles. Which means the earth should be approximately 3.67 times larger when we look at it from the moon than the moon seems to be when we look at it from the earth and yet it isn’t in the NASA photos, why? Something is wrong. While I believe we went to the moon, many of those who don’t believe it use this argument.

Some people are saying when NASA lies to us the lie has many more people behind it than we suspect. They say this, because for a lie to go undetected by most people it would have to be shared by other space agencies which are not necessarily national ones, but which belong to other countries all over the world. Why would a space agency backup something NASA has told us if they know it is a lie? One reason would be to curry favor with the United States, another reason might be we are helping to fund something they are doing. A third reason could be they might all be hiding the fact we are in some sort of contact with aliens. There are probably many other reasons out there, but these three come to mind immediately.

Many of the things we are told by NASA have so many holes in them they seem ridiculous on the surface. I hope someday we will be able to believe what we are told, because whatever space agency we have at that time will have a reputation for honesty and dedication.