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NASA And The Ancient Egyptian Connection

Have you ever noticed how many of NASA’s projects bare the name of ancient Egyptian gods? A lot of people think this is just a coincidence, but those who claim to be in the know say the reason for this is not as coincidental as one might think. They point to organizations such as the Freemasons, who seem to use many different ancient Egyptian symbols and they also point to past US space programs where Egyptian names were prominent. After World War II, Operation Paperclip brought in hundreds of Nazi scientists to boost our space program. This was done against the wishes of the President of the United States and was illegal by United States law, which specifically said no members of the Nazi party were allowed to immigrate to the United States. I guess this just goes to show you how little power the president has in certain circumstances.

There have been many NASA projects bearing Egyptian names and I want to tell you about the latest one. We have decided to send a mission to one asteroid named Bennu. The idea is for the probe to go to Bennu and then return back to earth. If we are successful, this will be the first time we have accomplished a round trip to an asteroid. The ancient Egyptians had an avian god named Bennu. The spacecraft which is going to visit Bennu is named Osiris-Rex. Osiris was one of the most important Egyptian gods and I think we all know what the word Rex means, it means King. So the name of the spaceship is actually Osiris King of the gods. What is up with that? It has been said many of the people involved in NASA are Masons and Masons secretly worship the ancient Egyptian gods and this is the reason why so many projects have Egyptian names.

Many people don’t know it, but one of the key scientists who helped NASA decide where Apollo 11 should land was an American of Egyptian heritage. His name is Farooq El-Baaz. He was involved with NASA from 1967 to 1972. Could it be he was responsible for some of the Egyptian names for the Apollo missions? When people see an Apollo patch they notice a large “A” and they assume this stands for “Apollo”. It does not, what it does stand for is Asar. Guess what Asar stands for, it is the Greek interpretation of the name Osiris. What is this doing on an Apollo patch? The communion rite did not start in the Christian church, it started as a tribute to Osiris in ancient Egypt. The communion rite was performed in the Apollo 11 capsule 5 miles from where the landing was to be held and this put it under  the star Sirius, which is the star of ISIS another Egyptian God. NASA seems to have an obsession with at least several of the ancient Egyptian gods including ISIS, Osiris and Horus along with others.

Sometimes when we read different articles we see people laboring to make connections between different things and some of them get downright silly, but the connection to NASA and ancient Egypt is so obvious one would only have to list the names of projects and bodies in space to show how many times NASA has named things after ancient Egyptian gods. Comet 67P was divided into 19 different parts and those parts were named after Egyptian gods. They could have been named after countries, cities, states, buildings or anything at all, but no it had to be Egyptian gods again. It certainly seems there are a lot of people out there who still believe in the ancient Egyptian religion and they are paying homage to the ancient gods by naming things after them, which in turn keeps their names alive. Let me give you an example of what I am talking about. On comet 67P there is an area where the comet comes to a neck and this area has been named Hapi, after the Nile God. Some of the other regions have been named Imhotep, Anubis, Maftet, Bastet, Serqet, Hathor, Anuket, Khepry, Aker, Atum and Apis.

The next thing I’m going to tell you could just be a coincidence, but I am going to mention it anyway. When the curiosity Rover was designed, the cables in the machine were secured using reef knots. A reef knot is an ancient knot that was first used by the Egyptians. Ordinarily I wouldn’t even mention this fact, but since I am talking about NASA and its ties to ancient Egypt, I think it is appropriate I mention this fact. The Apollo 16 spacecraft was named the Orion and there was also a communication satellite with the same name. We named one of our missiles Hera, but I don’t believe NASA was responsible for that one.

Ancient Egyptians were responsible for naming most of the brightest stars. They even named 38 constellations. Stars were not just lights to the ancient Egyptians, they were proof of life after death. Many Egyptian tombs pictured stars in their ceilings and the stars were called followers of Osiris and represented the souls in the underworld.

Some attribute the fact there are a lot of Egyptian names in our space program to the fact the Nazis who were brought over here on Operation Paperclip believed in the occult. It is certainly possible they brought their beliefs with them from their mother country and somehow these ancient Egyptian names were part of that occult belief. Himmler was known to have cut the heads off some of his SS officers and then prayed to them. It is said President Ronald Reagan had a serious interest in occultism and the person advising him in this just happened to believe in the ancient Egyptian gods. There is probably no way to verify this by now, but it has been talked about for years.

Besides naming different objects after ancient Egyptian gods, NASA performed certain missions which seemed to indicate not only the belief in these gods, but also to honor the Freemasons. Take the shuttle mission STS-96 as an example. It blasted off right under the star Sirius at 33° 33 minutes. This was very important not only because Sirius was overhead, which is the counterpart of the goddess Isis, but also because 33 is the highest degree in the Freemasons. So you can see this mission was very symbolic. The newest spacecraft from NASA is also named Orion. You would think NASA would have used a different name, since there was also an Orion spacecraft connected with the Apollo missions, but they stubbornly stuck to the name of this Egyptian God. Is there really some sort of secret religious agenda at NASA? I guess this is really the question.