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Did Stanley Kubrick Confess To Have Staged Apollo 11 Landing?

Over the years there has been a lot of controversy concerning whether we actually landed on the moon or not. Some people have never accepted the fact that we actually did and from time to time things come out that supposedly prove we did not which are then proven to be hoaxes. Then there is a film confession by the famous director Stanley Kubrick claiming that NASA had him fake the moon landings. Stanley Kubrick was probably the best science-fiction director of his time, he was certainly the best director. Kubrick made the acclaimed movie, 2001: A Space Odyssey which had some of the very best effects up to that time. A lot of people are saying this proves the moon landing was a hoax, but there is far more to the story than this. Kubrick seems to be under the influence when he gives the interview which is said won’t be released until 15 years after his death. Why would anyone want Stanley Kubrick to make a statement like this? I don’t think anyone would except for Kubrick if his conscience was bothering him. To see the video copy and paste this address into you browser’s address area, Sorry Truth Facts does not use active links.

One thing I noticed is the way Kubrick’s mouth moves as he talks.  It makes me wonder if the words we are hearing are actually being said by Kubrick. The beard and mustache make it even harder to see the exact formation of words he is saying. Aside from that there are outtakes which have been released which seem to show the video was acted out and Kubrick was told how to saying something and maybe what to say. The question is what are we really looking at here? Is it just smoothing over the final video, because the man conducting the interview is also a film maker and wants to make this confession clear, because Kubrick seems to be very unclear in the way he is talking? Here is the address to put into your browser, to see the outtakes.

So what do we have here, is the video being attacked by the disinformation machine which attacks anything they don’t want the public to know or do we have a hoax? I have to say I believe we went to the moon and realize if we did not, the entire world had to be in on the hoax. The landing was in 1969 and we were in the middle of a Cold War at the time, so why wouldn’t the Soviet Union have told everyone that we really didn’t go, they would have known, we couldn’t even keep the secret of the hydrogen bomb from them? What about some of the other countries who hated our guts, why didn’t they say anything? It seems to me we would have had to bribe almost all the world’s governments to keep something like this secret.

It certainly is unnerving to see a video with Stanley Kubrick confessing to having faked the moon landing for NASA. All sorts of people including his family are coming out against this video and saying it is a hoax. To say this genuine is like saying you viewed a flying saucer, because you are going against the establishment and they want to make you look like a fool so that you will be discredited. I say if the sound track can be reconciled to the formation of the words from the mouth of Mr. Kubrick than we have a real problem and there is a good chance that this film may be authentic. This leads one to wonder about something else. Was it just a coincidence that Stanley Kubrick died only a couple of days after making this confession? Some might say if this was so, why wasn’t this film destroyed? Perhaps there were factors involved which prevented those who would do harm to Mr. Kubrick finding out who did the interview and where the film was stored. I think dismissing this film out of hand is wrong.

As I said I think we went to the moon, but if evidence comes out which shows we did not, I would be willing to accept it. It is unnerving to see a man of Stanley Kubrick’s stature in a video like this. You have to ask yourself if he was talking about anything else and saying he did certain things wouldn’t you believe him? The reason we are having a hard time believing this is only because of the subject material. There is no doubt that if one observes Stanley Kubrick’s actions and his demeanor he certainly seem like a very nervous person getting something off his chest, even though it isn’t going to be public for 15 years after his death.

I know if I find out we really didn’t go to the moon I am going to be sorely disappointed and angry about having been lied to by my government. Lies in government have become far too common lately. There have been satellites sent by other countries which orbited the moon. Does this put in doubt that they actually did this? As far as I am concerned all of the accomplishments of the space race by any country are now put in doubt if we find out that this film is genuine. Some people have analyzed the film and are saying things like what a strange background color there is in some areas and how different the light is and so on and so forth, but this really has nothing to do with the contents of the film. The only important thing to me is if Stanley Kubrick is actually saying the words we are hearing and if he is that only leaves two possibilities, one is that he is telling the truth or two that he is lying. We could all understand why someone with this on their mind for many years would want to tell the truth and he says Neil Armstrong was so bothered by this that it bothered Kubrick tremendously. As far as lying what was to be gained? He was going to be long dead before the film was released so I don’t see any benefit there at all.

No matter what is ever put onto the internet, if it is disliked by the government or powerful people there will be a campaign to discredit it. Is this one of those time? Finally, if you copy and paste this address into your browser, you will learn something very important about the film.


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