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Recent Life After Death Experiments

Life after death, people have been trying to prove this concept since the beginning of mankind and yet there seems to be no examples of anyone walking around today who is a spirit. We see plenty of photos of so called ghosts and we hear many stories of hauntings by friendly and unfriendly spirits alike, but as they say, “where is the beef?” There is no doubt plenty of us believe in the afterlife as evidenced by burial preparations going back thousands of years. We see very ancient graves where the possessions of the deceased were buried with them for their trip to the heavens. It is interesting to me to note heaven is always thought of as a place which is above us. Most of us have the idea if we go to heaven we will rise off this planets and go upwards and if we were bad we will go in the other direction. Not many of us believe we will stay here in spirit form except for a so called few spirits which are said to be afraid to leave.

Scientists have been watching people die for hundreds of years in the hope of finding some proof that the spirit lives on. One of the latest findings has taken place at Southampton University where scientists working there have discovered that clinical death is not the end. They found evidence suggesting awareness can continue for several minutes or more after someone is clinically dead. The Southampton study was the biggest study of this kind ever to take place. It lasted four years and studied over 2,000 people. These people had suffered cardiac arrest at fifteen different hospitals in the US, UK and Australia. After the people were pronounced clinically dead, but were able to somehow survive, about forty percent of them described things which prove they were aware even though dead. The things they describe are bizarre. Quite frankly the study verified some of the things others have told us about their experiences after being brain dead.

One of the experiences mentioned often is the one where a person who dies has an out of body experience and floats out of their body and is watching from above as doctors and nurses try to revive them. It does make one wonder how the person can describe so accurately what was being done. The brain is known to shut down after about 30 seconds at the most, when the heart no longer beats and yet many of these people who have had these experiences have been dead much longer than that. The study stated out of 2060 cardiac arrests 330 survived and 140 were surveyed. Out of the 140 about 39 percent remembered having had some experience with awareness of what was happening as doctors tried to bring them back. As I said not every one of these people had full memories about their after death experiences, but there were common threads being remembered which ran through most of the memories and these were peacefulness and time speeding up or slowing down.

One of the doctors had said maybe everyone in this position would remember what was going on after they were declared dead, but he feels the drugs given to them may hamper these memories. It certainly seems something is going on at the time of death and if we were to listen to the stories from all over the world, from people who died and came back from what is known as “a near death experience”, we might be astounded to find out millions of people have had these same experiences. Stories about these experiences are becoming more common place all the time and except for those died in the wool skeptics, these experiences have convinced a lot of people there is more to death than we suspect and death is not the end of all things and just a transition period which leads to another life.

Some people who have died and returned have reported meeting friends, relatives or even unknown others who were there to lead them to the light. One person “died” while getting a medical test. As he was being tested the machine he was connected to began to sound an alarm. The medical staff sprang into action. The only thing he remembered was a feeling of peacefulness which washed over him and then he was back. One person thought he has passed out, but he had died. He remembered standing in front of a wall of light and then remembered waking up. Another remembers being put into an ambulance and floating over himself and watching as the ambulance drove to the hospital. The sensation of floating seems to be one of the things many have experienced. One person said they remembered floating around their room and yelling to the people they could see, but no one seemed to notice them until finally they felt themselves going back into their body and waking up. They told someone who was there about this, but were told they didn’t say anything and were dead.

Some experiments to prove life after death seem to not only be bizarre but also dangerous. A team of psychologists and medical doctors had developed a medically supervised experiment which they claimed allowed people to be clinically dead for almost 20 minutes before they were brought back to life. The process was controversial, but the team did manage to get 944 volunteers over four years. Drugs were used to accomplish this and one has to wonder how the drugs affected the experiment. A machine called the cardiopulmonary resuscitation machine or CPR also known as the AutoPulse is sometimes used to bring medically dead people back after as long as 1 hour. It was used to bring back the volunteers. These volunteers said they had the same experiences as the previous group I spoke about, but what effect the drugs had on the testing is not known, casting serious questions about this test.

Different types of tests have been used over the years to detect our souls at the time of our death. One that comes to mind is Kirlian photography. This is a type of photography which shows an aura around all living things. An experimenter claims to have taken these types of photos of dying people and states you could see the blue life force gradually leaving the body. Years ago a doctor decided to create a very precise scale and asked for volunteers who were dying to have their beds attached. He got some volunteers and claimed he noticed that when people die they get slightly lighter and he attributed this to the weight of their soul leaving their body.

I am sure until we get some undeniable proof of life after death, the experimentation will continue.

