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Mysterious Events

Every once in a while one hears about something which seems to have no rational explanation. Recently a rescue was made of a baby which was trapped in its car seat when the car was upside down in freezing cold water. The baby had been in the seat for about 13 hours according to rescuers, but the seat was above the water due to the position of the overturned car. The strange part of the story took place when the rescue team decided there was nothing they could do, because they thought the car’s occupants were dead. I don’t know whether they were talking about this or deciding to leave, but they heard a voice saying help. It was coming from the car. All the rescue workers heard it as did people on a bridge above and they all agreed the voice was coming from the car. The rescuers went into the freezing war and entered the car and found a woman who had been dead for hours and the baby hanging upside down in the car seat, but alive. No one can explain how a plea for help could have come from the car.

Scientists were studying the increased death rate among white women in the United States. In the last 15 years the mortality rates for women rose 42.8 percent in the U.S. and during the same period rose 3.4 percent for men. Why is this happening among white women aged 15 to 54 years old? A study by the Urban Institute claims this is due to accidental poisoning due to overdoses of drugs. The drugs which are being blamed are pain killers. Death rates among black women decreased over the same period of time. A research fellow had this to say, “We know that white women are single parents more often than they ever have been before. They’re more often the breadwinner. They’re juggling a lot of roles.” According to an article in the Washington Post the rate of heroin overdose has also increased and the amounts of death due to this has nearly tripled in the last 3 years.

Remember Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 which disappeared about a year ago? People are still trying to figure out what happened. It turned out that one of the reasons the plane might not have been able to be discovered was the fact the battery in the beacon (the black box) had expired a year before. There was also a report which said if someone could have gotten to a certain spot on the plane they could have turned off the signal which allows the plane to be tracked.Β  There is a lot of talk that flight 370 actually landed and a new investigation is looking into this. Some believe the plane landed in Vietnam, others think in or near the Ukraine. If the plane did land, what happened to the passengers and crew? There are even those who think the plane might have been shot down. What happened to flight 370 remains a mystery and if we don’t find anything to indicate its fate, it will become another aviation mystery to rival that of the disappearance of Amelia Earhart.

Cars with electronic locks are now being opened by car thieves with a mysterious device. They seem to be wearing a backpack which when placed near the door lock tricks the car into thinking it is receiving a signal from the key fob. Police say they are at a loss to know what this device is. Apparently whatever it is, it is not able to start the car YET! If I were to guess I would say it is an electronic device which runs through all the know codes that unlock cars since they are a radio signal essentially. It might even be broader based than that and run through a whole spectrum of signals until it hits the correct one. Knowing how easy it is for thieves to hack our personal data online I have to think it might have been possible for them to get the codes which unlock certain cars either online or by examining the frequencies from key fobs. It seems to me it would be pretty easy to get the frequency from a key fob if you had the correct equipment. You would then have to allow for hundreds of thousands of frequencies below and above that one for each brand with several variations for each vehicle, but this is only a guess.

Two seemingly healthy people, a mother and her 19 year old son died mysteriously within four days of each other. Physicians were at a complete loss to explain why they died, because they couldn’t figure out what caused the deaths. One relative said, “They checked him in, they thought he had pneumonia, and in a very short period of time, we’re talking an hour or two, they came back and told us his health was declining dramatically.” Authorities at the hospital said the son had flu like symptoms. Over a two day period he developed infections and his organs shut down, then he went into cardiac arrest and died. The health department was hoping to find something indicated in the autopsies.

Sometimes mysteries are solved. A mysterious tunnel was discovered near the area where the upcoming Pan American and Parapan American Games will be held. The tunnel is 33 feet long and contains a gas-powered generator, moisture resistant light bulbs and food and beverage supplies. Tools were still inside the tunnel and it was said to be very well built. The police investigation took weeks to solve the mystery. Initially it was believed the tunnel might have something to do with terrorists. One of the strange things about the tunnel was it did not lead anywhere. Police reminded the public it was not against the law to dig a tunnel. Two men came forward and told the police they had dug the tunnel and did it for "personal reasons." At that point the case was closed, because the police had verified there was no criminal intent or security concerns.

I would like to finish this article with a message in a bottle. A bottle was found with a message in it floating in Grapevine Lake, Texas. The anonymous message reads, “We are in this together. The war and the hate is just a waste. We are all in this thing til the end.”

