Truth Facts



Consciousness And The Brain

One of the questions which comes to mind lately as we find out more about our lives and the universe is, could there be another layer of consciousness out there we are yet to discover? It has been said our brains are capable of so much more than we know. Could it be they can tap into other realities, but we just don’t know how to use them this way yet? This just might be true.

One of the things some people who were trained were able to do seems impossible, but there are many witnesses who claim they have done it. I am talking about remote viewing. It is said it has actually happened both in the United States and Russia and maybe other countries. Some think it was an unsuccessful experiment and yet others say it was far more successful than ever expected and was used to locate the U.S. hostages in Iran which were being held years ago. Maybe I should explain what remote viewing is. It is the ability of using your mind to see things anywhere else. When this is done, it is usually by the people in a room drawing what they see after concentrating on what they want to see. It is said this is surprisingly accurate and was able to see right into the room the hostages were being kept in.

That seems freaky enough, but remote viewers have reported making contact with extraterrestrials in their ships. Apparently many or all aliens also seem to have this ability. The government said they disbanded remote viewing years ago, but like all things government, can we believe it or has the project been moved to the area known as black projects where all the great secret stuff is?

Dr. Steven Greer the doctor turned UFO investigator often takes groups out into the fields at night and they focus their thoughts on UFOs, in a sort of remote viewing way. They have reported making contact with various extraterrestrials over the years just by concentrating on seeing them. Are they really succeeding or is this some kind of hoax? I am not one of them so I can’t say, but Doctor Greer gave up a promising career as a doctor and has been called to the White House several times and other government agencies for advice so he certainly has credibility. I tend to believe what he has to say.

When people claim to see or hear the voices of their dead friends or relatives some say these spirits are still around and have figured out how to contact us, but I never have heard what could be the opposite truth and that is, we are doing it, breaking the vail, without realizing it. If our thoughts can penetrate space and produce images and make contact with others, and maybe even with extraterrestrials, could it be possible we can even contact the dead without realizing it?

The next question I have is it possible we can even penetrate time? Did you ever have the feeling something was going to happen and it did? It could be as simple as the phone ringing, or meeting someone you didn’t expect? Many of us have. Could we have looked into the future without realizing it? Sounds outrageous, doesn’t it? Throughout history there have been many people who claimed to be prophets, the bible is full of them. Prophets were people who supposedly had the gift of seeing into the future. I personally do not believe everyone claiming to be a prophet was, but it seems some did exist and could even today. Sometimes the prophecies are not all that earth shattering and have to do with someone being able to predict the financial industry to an incredible degree, other times the prophecies are earthshattering. Then there are those I will call false prophets who constantly make prophecies which are meant to amaze, but seldom come true.

Could it be that we are all prophets, some are just better at it than others? When one goes to a casino and wins, could it be because unconsciously they knew what was going to happen some of the times, which were more times than not and that is the reason they bet like they did? Could it be our minds are far more powerful than we suspect?

Many of the things we want to do are based on technology. We want to explore the planets for example. To do this we need faster ships, which right now would be some sort propulsion craft. We believe increasing the ability of the engine is the answer to getting to planets faster, and while this would do that, could it be we have the power right in our skulls to accomplish this. Could it be we could take remote viewing to the next step? What is that step you might ask? The next step might be, being able to send our consciousness out into space and instantly send it to a distant planet and maybe even to a more distant galaxy.

Could it be what we call consciousness is released when we die and we call it the soul? There are those who believe consciousness will last forever because it is believed to be composed of energy among other unknown things and Einstein said energy lasts forever.

When we want our bodies to grow stronger, we exercise and eat the proper foods. If a young child was trained from birth in a program like remote viewing which had been tweaked for out of body experiences, would it be possible for that child to be able to do things with its mind, none of the rest of us could do, which might even include out of body experiences? Certain Tibetan monks claim to have out of body experiences, but not everyone believes this. What can be proved however is the fact they can take control of some of their bodies functions which we consider automatic. It is said some have been able to raise their body heat by 17 degrees.

One thing is for sure, once we discover what consciousness really is, that could be the breakthrough of all times. It just might open the door to so many other incredible things which will allow us to be like gods. Well, not really like gods, but a heck of a lot more advanced than we are now. The key to the future is the brain and finding out what it is capable of and if consciousness resides there or is it only a receiver, like a radio, for a consciousness located somewhere else?

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