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World Mysteries

If we look deep enough we will find we live in a very mysterious world. It is so mysterious that even science cannot explain some of the things that happen here. One strange thing which happens many times a year is the migration of animals. I am talking about when flocks of birds and herds of animals make a yearly trip back to a particular area. It is more than just wanting to know how they do it, there are many theories on that, but the real mysterious thing is why they do it and when did it first start? It is said some birds do it by magnetism. But as to why they do it there have been some fantastic theories put out. Let me tell you about one I heard about. It states that in birds there is some connection to the life in the area which they fly to every year. This might mean they have a telepathic connection not only to other animals, but maybe to even the insects which inhabit that area. This is certainly a strange thought, but I guess it can’t be ruled out.

There were many ancient stories of people seeing lights in the sky just before an earthquake. This was more in the realm of folk lore than anything else. Even up to sixty years ago or so people said it was considered the same as saying someone saw a UFO. Most of the people who heard about these lights poo pooed it. Then it happened, people began to take pictures of these lights, they actually existed. Since they showed up in photos, science now had to recognize the fact they were real so next came the theories. One of the theories states just before an earthquake gas is released from the earth and somehow creates the lights. There is another theory which states somehow electrical charges are released from the ground, surrounding rocks and trees and this causes the lights. The truth is we really don’t know what causes them and if it wasn’t for the fact there are now photos of them the event might still be denied by science.

Sometimes, very rarely, people who live near a meteor strike will get sick. This happened on September 15, 2007 to residents of Caracas, Peru. A heavy meteor hit disturbed the village. When the object hit the ground near the village, water began to boil and steam came off of the object. Then there was the strong smell. I wouldn’t want to have to smell something which came from outer space, would you? Anyway animals in the village died and over two hundred villagers got sick. When inspectors and police were sent to the area they all became sick. A state of emergency had to be declared in the area to protect others. There is plenty of speculation on what happened, but the mystery was never solved. Some think there may have been a reaction between Arsenic, water and sulfur bearing rocks, but no one really knows.

What is in Lake Iliamana? Why do I even ask this question? The reason I do ask it is because there have been so many reports by pilots and passengers of planes flying over Alaska’s Lake Iliamana which state there are huge fish in it. The lake is about 80 miles long and there have been constant reports of silvery looking fish which are up to 30 feet long in the lake. The fish have been described as being the shape of a shark. There are some who believe a fish known as a “Sleeper Shark” made it to the lake during the Ice Age and when the rest of its kin were wiped out, it survived. Could there be living ancient fish in the lake? We really don’t know. Keep in mind all sorts of monsters have been reported living in the lakes of the world and yet not one has been confirmed.

There is an ancient cave painting in Japan which has been dated to 5,000 B.C. I know, there are a lot of ancient cave painting around the world, but nothing looks like this. It is a painting of a perfect rocket with fins on the back and an exhaust coming out of the back. In the center of the rocket is what some could interpret as a being flying it. What is the painting of a rocket doing on the wall of a cave which was created over 7,000 years ago? It begs the question, what was going on, on this planet at the time? Did we have visitors from alien words come here and were they seen by someone who decided to make a record of what he had seen the only way he knew how at the time and that was by drawing it, or were there an advanced race of humans which no longer exists? We just don’t know the answer to that question.

Why is it there are certain vibrations and hums which cannot be figured out? In the town of Taos, New Mexico there is a very annoying hum. It has been said that as annoying as it is, sound detection devices are not able to detect it. One of the strange things is not everyone in the town can even hear it. About two percent of the population of the town can hear it. It certainly would be informative if we could find what is similar about that two percent. Leave it to the skeptics to suggest there is no hum, because that would mean about two percent of the population either only thinks they hear a hum or they have joined together in some sort of devious enterprise for reasons unknown. This might also suggest other areas of the world which also have hums are being hoaxed. This is clearly not the case and these strange hums which are in a few different places in the world really take a toll on those who can hear them. We just don’t know what causes them and why only some people are sensitive to them.

What was the Bronze Age collapse and what caused it? In the area of the Aegean Region, Southwestern Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean during the Bronze Age, many different sea faring races prospered and technology took off, but in the time period of only one generation during the Late Bronze Age all this changed and many of the races disappeared and some cultures fell into a dark age and even lost the ability to write. This has puzzled scientists who have created different theories, but no one knows for sure what happened except for the fact much was lost. Literacy was greatly reduced in many different kingdoms such as the Mycenaean, the Hittite Empire in Anatolia and Syria, the New Kingdom of Egypt in Syria and Canaan. Many cities were destroyed including every city between Pylos and Gaza. This all remains a mystery to this day.


