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Super Human Power

Fear is a strange emotion. The reason I say this is fear cannot only paralyze us, but in some cases can turn us into super-humans. A man was sitting in the passenger seat of a pickup while his wife was driving. He was feeling pretty good after having eaten a nice meal at a restaurant with his wife. Their truck was behind another car waiting for the traffic to clear so they could get out of the lot. Suddenly the driver of the car ahead floored the gas, spun the tires and took off, but the man in the pickup noticed a lot of sparks coming out from under the car. He had hit a cyclist who was under the car as was the bike. The man in the pickup jumped out and ran after the car. The car hadn’t stopped yet, but a few seconds later it did. The bike rider was pinned between the car chassis and the bike chassis. The man from the pickup caught up to the car and lifted the car off of the bike rider without realizing it was an impossible task. He held the car up for about 50 seconds and then slowly put it down after the bike rider was freed. Here is the rest of the story, the man from the pickup now says he could never lift that much weight now and has no idea how he did it.

Do humans have the potential for being a lot stronger than they imagine and could these feats of strength performed under stressful situations be the result of some hormone or chemical being released into our blood stream while we are under stress? Some scientists give credit for this strength to adrenaline which is also called epinephrine. Adrenaline is defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as a substance that is released in the body of a person who is feeling a strong emotion (such as excitement, fear, or anger) and that causes the heart to beat faster and gives the person more energy. Do we have other abilities we are not yet aware of? Maybe it is not adrenaline which is responsible for such strength. Maybe we are tapping into a yet unknown force such as the mysterious zero energy.
Not every scientist believes these stories, because they claim the body’s tissues would rip apart if someone lifted something that heavy and they conclude that even though a lift took place it may not have been as described and some of the vehicle or whatever was lifted was supported to relieve some of the weight. Yet this has been disproved in some cases such as the one where a car sank into the mud after running over a baby which was trapped underneath. A woman lifted the car from the mud, which was probably harder than lifting it off the ground and the baby underneath was rescued. I would like to know how those doubting scientists would describe this feat of strength. Some people call this a miracle and say God gave the strength to perform this act and maybe they are right, we just don’t know enough about this yet.

It is said one of the strongest and fiercest animals on earth is a polar bear. I can attest to this since I knew someone who emptied a clip of bullets into one while in the US Army and was still killed by it. In 2006 a tiny woman who lived in a village named Ivjuivik, a village on the shore of the Hudson Bay in Northern Quebec was walking with her two sons. She came across a group of children who were shouting and scared. An 8 foot polar bear which weighed about 700 pounds was threatening the children. The woman told the children to run and she placed herself between the bear and the children. She began to punch and kick the bear. The bear knocked her down and got on top of her. She knocked the bear off and the battle started all over again. Again the bear knocked her down and headed toward her. A neighbor with a rifle heard the noise came out and killed the bear. The woman who weighed only 90 pounds escaped with only a black eye and a few scratches. Truly she had exhibited super human strength.

A man was trying to fix a flat on his BMW, but something went wrong and the car fell on top of him. His daughter went outside to see if she could borrow the car but couldn’t find her dad. She went inside and couldn’t find him and went outside again and found him pinned under the car. She ran to the car without thinking and lifted it up. She said, “It was like a table with a short leg. I kind of balanced it back out and shifted enough to free my dad," She began chest compressions on her father and he revived immediately.

Super human strength is also known as Hysterical Strength. A helicopter crashed and in doing so pinned a man who had his leg under it. A friend of the man ran to the helicopter and was trying to pull the trapped man out but couldn’t. He then grabbed the helicopter and lifted it off of his friend allowing him to be dragged out from under. Smoke was pouring out of the helicopter and it could have blown any second. The main problem was the helicopter had crashed in the water and his friend along with another were struggling to keep the trapped man’s head above the water.

If the military could figure out how to turn on the hysterical strength in soldiers they would have an army of super humans. We have many black projects which are taking place and I have to wonder if this is being worked on. It is actually less weird than some of the stuff I have heard about. Some think the down side might be a much shorter life as the body burns itself out, but there is no proof either way that I know of, which doesn’t mean much since I am not privy to this kind of thing.

We have a far greater potential than we realize and it may not only be in strength, but in untapped brain power. It will be interesting to see what the future holds for us if we manage to somehow survive and keep our technology advancing.


