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Appearing and Disappearing Objects

Did you know there a is a phenomenon known as DOP or Disappearing Objects Phenomenon? Why would we ever know this? When objects disappear in our home we just automatically believe someone misplaced them or even took them. You have to admit it, that’s what most people believe. DOP is even being said to apply to certain places under certain conditions. There are certainly plenty of people around who will tell you they left an object in a certain area and when they went to get it, it wasn’t there and this even happens to people who live alone. To make the story even more mysterious some may tell you they discovered the object the next day or the next week or longer in the exact place it disappeared from and had searched before only this time it was there. Spooky! Has this happened to you? I think it has happened to a lot of us, but we just chalked it up to the fact somebody moved the object and put it back, except for those who have solo existences. They might have believed they had a lapse of memory. You have to wonder how many of these people came to the conclusion there was something else going on.

Let’s explore some of the reasons which are traditional for something like this happening. As I said someone in the family could have moved the object for some reason and then put it back sometime later. The person who couldn’t find the object might have had a memory problem. Maybe a cleaning woman or cleaning person was employed and moved the object to clean. The object could have been stolen and the criminal could have had a problem with their conscience and returned the object. A pet might have either taken the object or knocked it over so it wasn’t seen and someone else could have found it and put it back. Now let’s get to some more interesting reasons. Some believe a home could be haunted by a spirit who moves things around. Others believe a vortex could exist in the home that the owners don’t realize is there and it could take objects and return them sometime later as they get sucked up into the vortex. Then there is the alien theory. That theory states an object may be taken by an alien for examination and then returned. There are some who believe some objects can become invisible and then reappear. Have you tested for an invisible object before looking for it?

One person claimed to have searched for an object everywhere in his home and couldn’t find it anywhere. He had spent hours looking for the object and suddenly he heard a noise in another room and went in there and there was the object he had been searching for sitting on a table. The problem was he had searched this room extensively at that time the object disappeared and the object was not there. There was nobody in the room at any time while the object was being searched for. There wasn’t even anyone else in the house so how come he heard this noise and how come the object was suddenly there? This was certainly not a case of absentmindedness or the normal case of somebody moving something, it was something else. The world is a strange place and things sometimes happen which we can’t explain and something like this is one of them. It is like trying to explain spontaneous human combustion. In that case we know what happens, because we have found the results of it quite a few times, but we don’t know why it happens. When objects disappear the way I explained they seem to also fit into the, “we don’t know how this happened” category.

Another person lost a religious object. A large cross was blessed and then hung in the bedroom. This was not one of those little crosses that you can slip in your pocket, but a substantial one. The cross was placed high above the bed. That night the cross had disappeared and when the person had awoke he noticed it wasn’t hanging over the bed anymore. He searched throughout the house for the cross, but to no avail. He claimed there was a lot of spiritual action in the home and things would disappear from time to time, so this wasn’t the first time something went missing. There were only two people living in the house at the time and both of them said they did not take the cross and nobody else had been in the home for days. Finally, a few days later it was laundry day and the laundry was carefully put into the washing machine. The guy said that he noticed something strange after a while. When he washed the clothes it usually took about an hour, but this time the washing machine kept going. He noticed the machine was making a strange banging noise which it had not been making before when he put the clothes in it and then started it. He let it continue to wash the clothes and it finally went off on its own. He went over to the machine and was taking the clothes out and putting them in the dryer when he felt something which was not clothing. He took it out and it was the missing cross.

Nature is known to make some places appear and disappear. A NASA satellite found an island which just appeared off the coast of Pakistan after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake took place. Scientists believe this island will not last very long and it will disappear. This is not the first time islands have appeared, and this is not the only place and islands have been known to disappear just as quickly. Microsoft seems to have had a problem with disappearing icons which then reappeared on some computers. Disappearing and reappearing are referred to in many different ways. There have been a lot of UFO sightings where UFOs have appeared and disappeared and witnesses have seen this happen. Some people have disappeared and then reappeared. Take the case of Travis Walton who was logging in the woods with some friends and disappeared only to reappear about a week later after he had been systematically searched for.

Since objects disappear so many times how would we ever know if the cause is other than natural? We certainly would look pretty foolish if we were telling somebody there was a supernatural cause for the disappearance of an object and one of our kids walked in and said look what I found. Can objects move by themselves? We don’t think so, but perhaps under certain circumstances they might be able to. There are quite a few people over the centuries who claim objects were thrown at them and the villain was a poltergeist. Some people had so much of this activity they moved out of their homes. Others claim there is no such thing as a poltergeist and these people were lying, but there have been cases where the police were called in and saw this activity which consisted of flying plates and pots and even dinnerware. There are things happening we just don’t understand and even though most of it could be chalked up to an ordinary natural experience there may be a fraction of it that is not natural at all.