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Strange Circular Objects

For some strange reason, this seems to be a lot of circular and round objects that we have no explanation for. There are examples of these strange objects and strange shapes all over the world. If we would go to Costa Rica we would discover something extremely strange. Coaster Rica is the home of stone spheres which range in size from a couple of inches to over 6 feet in diameter. No one knows where they came from, all we know is they are scattered all over this country. Many believe they were made by human eons ago, but we are talking about very hard stone which is made of granodiorite. One has to wonder how the ancients could have ever accomplished this feat. Did some ancient long-lost civilization create these stone balls as a tribute to their gods or perhaps to remind us they existed after they are long gone.

A tree removal company ran into one odd problem in August, 2017. A strange object was found in the water off of a Rhode Island beach. The object was circular and it was reported to be about 33 feet off of the shore. The tree company couldn’t pull it out and the cause of this was probably the fact the object was said to have eight legs which looked like stainless steel. No one knew what the object was and it was suggested it could have been put there by the US Army Corps of Engineers to monitor currents, but the residence claim no one had seen them do it and it wasn’t there last year. I guess we’ll have to wait until the object is finally removed before we know exactly what it is, that is if we are ever told the truth.

What I have told you so far will seem like nothing when you hear about this. There is a circular object which has been reported crawling on the ocean bottom. It is said to be about 2.5 miles in diameter and seems to be surrounded by massive tracks. It is in the North Pacific just off the coast of California and has left tracks behind it which can be traced back 41 miles. It is said to look man-made. “Man” in this context doesn’t necessarily mean human. We know less about the ocean than we know about Mars and the moon. There could be anything hiding down there and there have been many sightings reports of UFOs diving into the ocean or coming out of it. Could this be some sort of alien machine? What makes this even more mysterious is that the object travels to a blurred out portion of the ocean and disappears into it. Why is this part of the ocean being hidden from us?

Another mysterious round structure has been found under an ancient lake in Israel. The lake was really the Sea of Galilee, which is a lake sometimes called Lake of Gennesaret or Lake Tiberias. The structure is 11 yards high and has a diameter of about 76 yards in diameter. It is sitting in about 30 feet of water. Archaeologists think it may be a huge Bronze Age statue. If it is, it is twice the size of Stonehenge in England. Archeologists think the large object was created on land and somehow became submerged. It wouldn’t be the first time an area became flooded and landed up underwater, there are many instances of this happening, the only difference is most of the time the ocean took over not a lake. Scientists are telling us this is also a clue the lake had a much lower level at the time of the Bronze Age. Could other object have also become the victim of this flooding?

There is a round island which is located in Argentina in the Parana Delta. The island is perfectly round and the natives have named it “The Eye.” One would think a round island would make it a very strange place and they would normally be correct except this island has another unbelievable feature and it is the island rotates. One of the things which is unbelievable is the fact not only is the island round, but so is the land around it. In other words, the island is sitting in a round body of water surround by a round body of land. It looks like a giant cookie cutter cut the hole out and placed a smaller round object in the hole. The island floats in the water.

Many times, photos are take which show mysterious orbs. I remember one which was taken in an ancient cemetery and it showed orbs all over the place. Some people say these orbs are nothing more than the camera flash reflecting off of floating dust in the air. Other claim to have taken photos under circumstances which would have made it impossible for it to be reflected light and yet the orbs were still there. They seem to be associated with the paranormal somehow according to those paranormal investigators who see them. What are they really and why are they orb shaped?

I would be remiss if I didn’t give a short mention of crop circles. Those who study crop circles know there are two types. The phony ones created by people which exhibit crushed crops, but the ones people feel were created by non-humans show folded crops and also have strange properties. They are large and appear over-night in most cases. Strange lights in the sky have been seen which send down beams used to create these circles.

There are just so many strange circular objects that defy identification it boggles one’s mind. The earth has many questions for us to answer and those answers are well hidden in a lot of cases.