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Hidden Messages in Ancient Paintings

Over the years there have been quite a few people who claim there are hidden messages in some of the artwork from the past. Some of these messages are not quite so hidden. Over the centuries there have been quite a few paintings which depicted what appeared to be UFOs. One has to wonder what they are doing in ancient paintings and artwork of different types. There is an example of a woodcut, a form of artwork from 1479. It comes from Arabia and shows a rocket ship complete with rivets flying across the clouded sky. How did these people get so close to the appearance of a rocket we would use today? A statue from Kiev dates back to four thousand BC and shows what appears to be a person in a spacesuit and a helmet, is this just a coincidence or is it a message showing what these people observed? The famous painting from 1710 known as The Baptism of Christ shows a UFO sending down a beam on John the Baptist and Jesus.

There are quite a few religious themed paintings that have these UFOs in the background, but the question is why? Another 17th century painting which is actually a fresco of the crucifixion is in the Cathedral in Mtskheta, Georgia. It shows Christ hanging on the cross with two UFOs in the background, one on either side of him. In case someone thinks these UFOs were not UFOs, but meant to be something else all they have to do is look at the 1350 painting known as the crucifixion which shows not only Christ on the cross, but two spaceships in the background being piloted by individuals, one is moving forward and the one ahead of it has a pilot which has turned around to see it. One of my all-time favorites is known as the Glorification of the Eucharist. The painting is hanging in the church of San Lorenzo in San Pietro, Montalcino, Italy. The reason this painting has always astounded me is the fact it depicts what looks like a satellite complete with aerials. The problem is it was painted in 1600 A.D. I am sure there wasn’t anybody around from the human race who knew what a future satellite would look like. It bears an uncanny resemblance to Sputnik. We could go back even further to the artwork from 25,000 years ago on cave walls which depict UFOs.

A painting known as the Et In Arcadia Ego is hanging in the Louvre in Paris. It depicts ancient Greek shepherds gathered around a tomb which is inscribed Et In Arcadia Ego. In case you are wondering what that means it is, even in Arcadia I exist. Art experts have been studying this painting for years. Some of them believe there are clues in this painting to an ancient treasure. They believe the treasure is located in the south of France. Whether there are any clues in this painting or not has been debated for quite a while.

One thing many people who are interested in the art of Leonardo da Vinci do is investigate all of his artwork. Some use all the modern techniques available today such as x-rays and other forms of investigative devices and some of the things they claim to have come up with blow the mind. One device has to do with making mirror images from one side of a face or an object and mirroring it to the other side and this has produced some very interesting facts. Let me give you an example of one. If you go to the following address by copying it and pasting it into your browsers address bar, you will see a video about some of Da Vinci’s works. If you go to 0:35 in the video you will see a famous mirrored image many believe is an alien. Sorry truth facts does not use active outside links. Others claim you can do this with a lot of other images and it will produce the same weird effects and some of them will also look like aliens. Another image in the same video looks very much like an alien known as a gray and this image is located at 0:48, was this just an incredible coincidence?

Botticelli painted the Primavera which hangs in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence Italy. The painting has attracted a lot of interest over the years. One of the reasons is it contains over five hundred recognizable plant species as incredible as this sounds, but there is another reason and it has nothing to do with the popular reason that it is a celebration of female beauty and gaiety. That reason has to do with the idea the painting contains clues to a plot against the Medici family and an attempt to reconcile the ideas of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. One has to wonder where this idea came from, because it seems to me any rational person looking at this painting would only see a group of very happy people including what the painting shows is a bevy of beautiful females.

I think everybody knows who Michelangelo was. What they may not know is at a young age he became interested in human anatomy and would dissected bodies he obtained from the church cemetery. We know Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel, but scientists tell us there are several pieces of anatomy hidden in his drawings. Why would they be hidden you might ask? The reason is the church frowned on this type of thing and at the time it didn’t have much of a love for science. Scientists claim hidden in the paintings are anatomical sketches including an image of a human brain.

There are so many paintings which investigators feel have hidden messages it boggles the mind. Did ancient painters come up with these ideas themselves or were they influenced to do this by others and why? Some believe it was done so future generations would have a chance to discover these messages for reasons unknown. Many believe so many artists could never have thought to do this by themselves even if a few did. Ancient art was a way to preserve something. More likely than not people had a respect for art and therefore a painting was liable to be handed down from generation to generation where as any other form used to transmit a message was in more danger. Who knows how many books have been destroyed that contained important messages? The ravages of time were cruel to books, but paintings were taken much better care of, but of course there were exceptions.