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Traveling In Time

Time travel, it seems impossible doesn’t it? Question, if something is impossible why would scientists be trying to accomplish it? The answer could be we have the complete wrong idea of what time really is. A few years ago a physicist believed he could send an atom into the future by one year. I never did find out how the experiment went, but the idea he thought it was possible seems to give some credibility to the idea. Scientists from the University of Queensland in Australia have sent particles of light through time. I won’t go into the dynamics of the experiment since it is probably is too complicated for all of us, but I can tell you this, they proved that one photon (which is a light particle) can go through a wormhole and intact with its older self. Scientists always felt they could go into the future by using incredible amounts of speed, but believed they may not be able to go into the past.

Quantum physics has produced some really strange results in some of their experiments. One result is a beam of light can be in two places at once. Applying this result to human beings would mean time wouldn’t have much meaning for us and we could appear in two or more places at the same time. Whether this would be possible in a practical sense is still not absolutely certain, but it is beginning to look like the shackles of time may not really exist, because there may be ways around them. Scientists claim there is absolutely no way to explain their light experiment in a classical way. I mean after all how can anything meet up with its older self? It just doesn’t make sense to us and yet it has happened. Someday scientists may laugh when they think about how ignorant we were when it came to this topic, but we probably have some time before that happens.

 We hated the Nazis in World War II and with good cause, but there is no denying the fact they were more advanced than we were in science and engineering. If time travel was impossible why were the Nazis working on what we believe was a time travel machine? The machine was located in a mine in Poland and produced a very strange type of radiation which had killed many of their scientists and yet they continued to work on it. Some say the allies were able to retrieve this machine and it was called the Bell. Others say the Nazis flooded the mind so we wouldn’t get it and maybe even removed it from the mine. There has long been a correlation between the Nazi Bell and the UFO incident which occurred in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania in the United States. On December 9th, 1965 an object crashed in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania which witnesses described and drew pictures of for investigators. It had been hauled away by the military. These pictures looked exactly like the pictures we had on file of the Nazi Bell. Some believe the Nazis had succeeded sending the Bell into the future which turned out to be 1965.

There are a lot of time travel stories on the Internet and quite frankly we really shouldn’t pay too much attention to them. Some of them are cited over and over again. There must be a million entries for the story about the Philadelphia Experiment. This experiment has been denied so many times and yet since the government has hidden so many things from us many tend to believe it may be true. When you throw the names around of Tesla and Einstein, people tend to listen. The same may be true for the so-called time travel experiments which were supposedly held at Camp Hero at Montauk Air Force Station on Montauk, Long Island, New York. You can find many references on the Internet about this and what makes it even more mysterious is the fact the whole base seems to have been buried and there are barriers keeping people out of where it used to be.

Supposedly a whistleblower has come forward and he is said to be a physicist who confirms the existence of time travel being developed by the US government. He is said to be the second whistleblower to talk about this. He claimed in an interview in 2009 he researched time travel for the U.S. Air Force. The first whistleblower was said to have worked for DARPA. DARPA stands for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Simply put this is the agency that develops the weapons for the future, along with many other things. It is a sort of brain trust the US military where hard to solve problems are brought to. These two people claim we have made advancements in time travel and since we are talking about eight years ago there is no way to know where we are today in the science.

Some people believe there are uncontrollable forces known as vortexes which can travel through time and indeed there are people who claim to have gone through them unknowingly and mostly landed up in the past. These people claim to have been able to return by going back to the same area and going through the vortex again. They say it was as if there was a door and on one side was the past and on the other the present. Two women had written a book about how they had unknowingly stepped into a vortex and were sent back to the time of Marie Antoinette. Others have said they too have landed up in the past and scrambled back to the present time. Many think a time vortex exists in the Bermuda Triangle and there are stories about people who claim to have entered the near future while flying over the Bermuda triangle.

If time travel does exist and if the US government has people traveling in time we would never notice. As their actions change time we would think nothing has changed, that is just the nature of things. Some believe the past, present and future all exist at the same time and it is just a matter of stepping from one to another. There is no doubt we are finding out that time is not exactly what we thought, but is it really something so radically different it would surprise us?