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More On Time Travel

I heard a good one the other day. Somebody was talking about weapons and they said the most efficient weapon would be one of mass destruction which could go in and out of time. They then spoke about the fact the United States has been working on time travel for decades and we also have been working on antigravity engines, which many say they have perfected. If you could combine the two it would create an unstoppable weapon. Imagine a weapon which could hit a city without killing anyone, but send its inhabitants back into the distant past. Sounds impossible doesn’t it? For all we know we could have all come from the future without realizing it. The consensus among some people is if someone is sent into the past there is a good chance they might have no memory of where they came from. We really don’t know if this is true, but it might be. If it is true it would certainly make time travel a lot more dangerous, if indeed it exists at all. People would be traveling in time not realizing it would be a one-way trip since they might forget everything not only about where they came from, but how to control whatever apparatus they are using.

There are quite a few people in the UFO community who believe UFOs are from the future. When they are asked who was piloting them they say it is humans. When confronted with pictures of aliens which look entirely different than we do and asked how can you say this, they reply this is what humans will look like in the future. This is the kind of argument there is no way to rebut and about all one can do if they don’t agree with it is say it’s nonsense. The truth is there is absolutely no proof for any of this although there has been smattering’s of evidence for people moving through time faster than they should. I am not talking about time machines, why am talking about is a time storm of some type. I have to go back to the story about the pilot who would make almost daily flights. He would fly from the Bahamas to Florida delivering things and people. One day when he was making his flight which took him over the Bermuda Triangle of all places, his plane got caught in some type of an electrical storm. He had never seen a storm like this. He found himself inside of a cone where lightning strikes were taking place and as he flew toward the end of the cone it kept narrowing and there came a point when he wasn’t sure he would make it out of the storm. He barely managed to get out before the cone closed and when he did he noticed he was almost at his landing area in Florida. He was puzzled because he knew the trip took a certain amount of time with this plane, because he had made the flight so many times, yet there he was. He traveled forty-seven minutes and went 250 miles in a plane which had a top speed of only 230 miles an hour. This was the plane’s top speed, but the plane was said to have a cruising speed which was 190 miles per hour. Somehow he and his plane had made it into the future.

What happened at the Bermuda Triangle has been named electronic fog. For years some people have been saying when people disappear in the Bermuda triangle they are being moved to a different period in time. The Bermuda triangle certainly isn’t the only place on earth where time breaks all the rules. NASA launched an experiment known as Gravity Probe B. The purpose of the probe was to discover if Einstein’s theory of space time is correct. It took two years, but the probe was said to prove space and time are being bent and it said the cause of this was gravity. If time can be bent does this mean it might be possible to develop time travel? There are quite a few who believe the answer to this is yes. If humans did develop time travel would we ever know about it? We might not ever know, because if our time is changed we would have no memory of it, at least that is what most people believe. People could be popped in and out of our reality and when they disappeared we would have no memory they were ever here. As I said before this memory theory would have to be tested.­ scientists from the University of Queensland, in Australia have sent single particles of light which are called photons into the past. There seems to be some possible connection between quantum physics and time travel. Objects at the quantum level do not behave the same way they do in the Newtonian world. It turns out a lot of things happen in quantum physics which seem impossible to us. The experiment in Australia is all theoretical and nothing was actually sent back, but the scientists claim if it wasn’t theoretical it would’ve worked anyway.

I think one of the strongest cases for time travel might be the fact the United States government has been working on a way to do this for years. It has been said the United States has a secret time travel project known as Project Pegasus. It is under the auspices of DARPA, also known as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Many believe we have already achieved time travel, but I am not one of those. Knowing the way the military works, if we would already have time travel we wouldn’t be worrying about the ruler of North Korea, because we would just make him disappear. Anyway the mission of Project Pegasus is the study of time travel and teleportation. It was also said children were used instead of adults, because the strain of time travel was borne better by them. The story goes on to say Tesla the great electrical engineer who died in 1943 left a schematic for a teleportation machine. It was based on something called radiant energy. Supposedly a curtain of radiant energy would appear and when a person went through it they would enter a vortex.

Time travel has been the dream of science fiction writers for a very long time. Along with stories about time travel are many stories about time travel having gone wrong. One story, which I do not remember the name of, illustrated the dangers of time travel. People were taken on time travel trips but they had to remain on a certain path and when one of them got off and immediately jumped back he had crushed a seed. If the seed had grown it would have created a tree. The tree would have been used to create bows and when these bows weren’t created a medieval Army lost a war which in turn changed history. While this was only a story, I’m citing it to show what could happen during time travel.