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Are Humans Aliens?

When we talk about the historic record we have to wonder how historic it really is when it comes to the basis for human beings being here. The record is a jigsaw puzzle and we may be trying to force a lot of the pieces together which really don’t fit. What I mean by this is we are found of same this particular skeleton shows it was the ancestor to another skeleton which was the ancestor to humans. What if all this was wrong? You know we have been wrong in the past with this stuff and it has been proven. I will mention this again, for years we had the wrong heads on some of the dinosaurs in the Museum of Natural History. You may wonder why I am questioning our place in history on this planet. It is easy for me to tell you why. I am not the only one who thinks we may have just appeared here from somewhere else. This certainly would explain a lot of things about us.

There are some scientists who believe we don’t quite fit on this planet. One scientist believes we arrived on this planet as humans somewhere between 60,000 and 200,000 years ago. One of the things which scientists talk about is the fact many humans have bad backs. We are also growing taller with each generation which doesn’t help our backs. Since we are growing, one of the ideas being put forth is that we originally came from a planet with stronger gravity which kept height to a certain point. This planet would have stronger gravity than the earth. Childbirth for humans also seems to be problematic. When we look at the rest of the animal kingdom they seem to have no problem birthing children and yet human women spent hours in pain to give childbirth. Why is and at the same for humans as it is for animals when it comes to childbirth? One scientist has a theory about this and he believes we receive a lot more nutrition on this planet than where we came from causing fetuses to grow a lot larger than they used to which makes childbirth painful.

When you live on a world, you would think you would be used to the conditions on that world, yet many of us face sunburn. These people are just not suited to sit out in the sun, could it be because we are aliens and the sun is not as strong where we came from originally? If we evolved from creatures who had no problem sitting in the sun why would we have a problem? It definitely is something strange going on and we have to figure this out. Why aren’t we walking around on four legs but most of the animal world why is it most animals have far more hair on their bodies than we do? Most animals are able to stand extreme changes in temperature and yet humans have to dress warmly when the temperature goes down. Why are we so different?

Some archaeologists have a hard time trying to fit humans into the timeline. A few admit it seems like they just appeared out of nowhere, but most will say this even if they believe it was because they are too worried about their positions. One of the worst things scientists can do is denying evolution because everyone feels so strongly about it scientists will never be taken seriously again and might lose out on a lot of projects they could have participated in. If we were brought here one has to wonder what the reason would be for that. If you listen to some of the people believe in ancient aliens they will tell you brought here to be slaves in the gold mines, but we revolted. It is a story which sounds interesting, but could it possibly be true? If we were brought here in the time period specified above, it probably was a good time for it to happen. The dinosaurs were all gone so these giants wouldn’t have threatened us. Another point is we would have been the most advanced beings on the planet therefore we would have had a much better chance of surviving.

One doctor argues that our circadian rhythm system in our bodies is on a twenty-five hour cycle, not a twenty-four hour one which exists the creatures born on the earth. This would mean we came from a place which was slightly different than the earth. If this is the case perhaps the earth was the closest place which could have been reached that was almost the same as where we were taken from. One thing we do as humans is we overpopulated. We act more like a virus than intelligent species. When a new species is put into an area where they never were before a lot of times they take over which seems to be what humans are doing on this planet. We act more like an invasive species.

The question is, if we did come from somewhere else where was it and what planets which are relatively nearby would fit our situation more closely than the earth does? Mars has a day which is 24 hours, 37 minutes and 22 seconds long. While it is not quite 25 hours we could be off a little in our estimation of the 25 hour circadian rhythm system. There are people would suspect we came from Mars but not everything fits. Mars has less gravity not more, so perhaps we would have grown taller on Mars. With the fact there is less gravity have helped our backs? Mars is close on an advanced race probably would be able to reach the earth so maybe we escape Mars and avoided the calamity there. One problem which exists is the fact Mars seems to have been a dead planet far longer than the time period given for humans coming to earth. Perhaps if humans came here they were the last survivors holding out somehow on that planet.

In a lot of ways Mars makes sense. While it is being denied by NASA, a lot of photos from NASA which are enlarged show things like construction materials which are still on the surface such as cornices from buildings, square stones and what looks like parts of statues. It certainly does seem there was an intelligent race on the planet at one time. Who is to say wasn’t us?